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    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Vanessa K/@VANKRAUT- Fallout arthoe extraordinaire and BPD nightmare


Local Moderator
The internet is truly a place where all can shine. Whether they are insane Latinos who want to reinstate American slavery in the name of Greco-Roman values, camwhores who get into turf wars with local hornets or tranny e celebs giving a good old fashioned beat down in a mall,

the internet is a wonderful place where we get to see the genuine lives and perspectives of the extremes in society. One such interesting person who has some minor infamy is an artist who goes by the handle Vanessa K (@Vankraut). Miss K is an interesting person who primarily focuses on art centered around Fallout 1 and specifically the Unity, which is a supermutant cult that wants to take over California and acts as the main antagonistic force of the game. Here is her personal introduction to the world:

As you can see here she has a very morbid sensibility to her. As you can guess she's also a young woman on the internet so she can't resist putting her face everywhere.

Admittedly, she's moderately attractive. Which as it so happens should make you realize something else: this bitch is insane.
The grand crossover: Vanessa K v. Schizo Elijah
A few months ago another prominent Fallout content creator by the name of Schizo Elijah did a naughty thing. He used Vanessa Ks artwork as the thumbnail of the video without asking permission or crediting her, which is the new high crime of the artfag space on the internet. Schizo Elijah a 2016 era /v/irgin wasn't aware of this new trend. So, of course they both got into contact with each other and Schizo put the artist credit in the description right? Wrong! Vanessa K immediately put together a personal army and accused him of plagiarism. Most if not all records have been deleted that I know of thanks to Vanessa deleting her posts involved in the dispute and Schizo deleting his entire channel but we know for a fact that she's intensely aggressive with her artwork. So far, she's contented right now but I'll give updates on new drama and revamp this OP if I find video of the original showdown.
Every time I click a Twitter link it takes me to the home page so fuck that site.
Reason: I'm not downloading an app for a site I don't even have an account for.
Did you try a different browser?
Yes, it seems to be a common issue people are having to force the app. I tried all three of my browsers. I searched the issue and I'm not the only one it's happening to.
I think it's either a bad link, or a deleted squit...
Archive everything, or the ghost of Void will climb down your chimney and domestically abuse you.
It's every link, even Google search results and profiles. I would have to manually find it using built in Twitter search function and I simply can't be bothered to look up every tweet I get links for when they should just work. I refuse to download the app. https://connect.mozilla.org/t5/disc...rk-and-also-keeps-logging-me-out-of/m-p/59043
Our weird tard girl is instigating drama again. Some guy hornyposted over Joan of Arc and now he's being swarmed by a shit ton of tradcaths. Observe as she once again sics her simps at a man and jumps into a fight she probably shouldn't alongside tradcaths embarrassing themselves like tumblrites.