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What would you like to see done with the political content and countries subforum?

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Ken's announcements can be found here concerning the onionverse
YOU CAN'T TRUST INDIANS OR PAKISTANIS! They have no reason to do good work. Example: shit goes bad, so you want to bring legal action against them. What are you going to do, sue someone in shitskin court?

So much anti-Indian xenophobia in what's supposed to be a bug reporting thread, JFC...
Dude seriously, do you boycott a certain piece of software just because it was written by Indians?
You're gonna have to delete A LOT of apps on your smartphone if that's what you're doing.
Also, who said anything here about suing anyone? WTF?
If a certain programmer fucks up, just kick them out and get another programmer in to fix that fuck-up.
Much cheaper than a lolsuit.
So much anti-Indian xenophobia in what's supposed to be a bug reporting thread, JFC...
Dude seriously, do you boycott a certain piece of software just because it was written by Indians?
You're gonna have to delete A LOT of apps on your smartphone if that's what you're doing.
Also, who said anything here about suing anyone? WTF?
If a certain programmer fucks up, just kick them out and get another programmer in to fix that fuck-up.
Much cheaper than a lolsuit.
You may have noticed something called "Forum Support" that I am adding on. I have a bunch of Twitter timlines on my website KennethErwinEngelhardt.com that I am trying to organize for the benefit of this forum. I am going to try and use the Kiwifarms format with the same kind of layout. However instead of posts, I am going to use pages for each section with links to my website that will link up to the appropriate Twitter timeline. So for example with the category Lolcow Cults and the forum "Lolcows" I will have a page that will list all of the individual people of interest in this forum with links to my website so we will have up to date Twitter timelines on each of the people there are threads on. This should help give us a continuous supply of fresh content to develop the threads on this forum.
People who follow particular cows already follow their social media. You keep trying to implement this retarded idea and no one's ever used it, and they never will.
General reference as a convenience.
No, you're just an egomaniac who thinks you can cut into twitter's userbase with your humhub "platform" that no one uses and you think having RSS feeds on the site will keep people from using twitter to get their cow content.
It's never going to happen, Ken. I know you're immune to shame, which can be a good thing, but shit like this is why your site has the reputation it has, and why people who get banned from KF just make socks rather than signing up here.
Like it's mind boggling how out of touch with reality you are; you complain that the site's population isn't growing, but then you make threads about how you don't have people willing to post retarded celebrity gossip and african news on kennetherwinenglehardt.com and you create useless shit on this site that keeps people from wanting to come here.

I don't know why you can't get it through your head like everyone in this sektor is fucking autistic, but you're the only person who can't grasp the fact that NO ONE cares as much about your autistic special interests as you do.
So much anti-Indian xenophobia in what's supposed to be a bug reporting thread, JFC...
Dude seriously, do you boycott a certain piece of software just because it was written by Indians?
You're gonna have to delete A LOT of apps on your smartphone if that's what you're doing.
Also, who said anything here about suing anyone? WTF?
If a certain programmer fucks up, just kick them out and get another programmer in to fix that fuck-up.
Much cheaper than a lolsuit.
Everything you typed up is wrong.
I have a deep respect for Indians. Many of them are good programmers.
That being said someone from the US or at least a naturalized person from the States needs to verify that they are decent.
This is my most out-of-left-field opinion: Indians, the men, are very disagreeable (big 5 test level). Whenever you give them an order that's dumb, they just don't do it. No argument whatsoever. It's honestly why I like Indian dudes. I do the same.
less is more ken. focus on the core experience, then add on the extras. our biggest section is aylogging kiwi and we dont need any widgets or tabs to find them.
By all means you should have fun a-logging: But Kiwifarms has gradually changed into an e-celeb gossip site and has to some extent toned down some of its more strident rhetoric. Kiwifarms regularly uses celebrity gossip news and diversified a long time ago. All I am suggesting is that we don't throw all our eggs in one basket.
By all means you should have fun a-logging: But Kiwifarms has gradually changed into an e-celeb gossip site and has to some extent toned down some of its more strident rhetoric. Kiwifarms regularly uses celebrity gossip news and diversified a long time ago. All I am suggesting is that we don't throw all our eggs in one basket.
Grow your first audience then go do everything else you want to do.