• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.


What would you like to see done with the political content and countries subforum?

  • Total voters
Ken's announcements can be found here concerning the onionverse
New Onionfarms Logo.png
Perhaps you could post all the logos together in one post side by side?
I am only familiar with your current logo, that's the one I would recognize.
I personally still like the logo with the smiley face better because it looks friendlier and geekier, but this one with the drew drop/tear drop(?) looks more business-like somehow.
I like the smily onion... people like cute characters.
I have renamed one of the styles Smiley Onion and have put the smiley onion logo back up on this style. I have also enabled all of the styles so you have a bunch to choose from. I was more concerned on what shows up on the favicon in the browser bar than anything else.
There are 16 styles to pick from but only 7 of them show the logo when you choose them. And this is only when I am viewing the website in my Android. This has long been an issue that I am trying to correct. What settings in Xenforo do I select so that the logo will show up in all styles(themes)?
I selected the "smiley onion" style from the list of options under preferences, because I really hate glaring light themes and backgrounds that make me feel like I'm staring at a light bulb. I want my internet dark.
BTW, in this post:

The hyperlinks are no longer in a different colour or underlined to clearly indicate that these are hyperlinks.

For example, in the paragraph below I have to mouse over the hyperlink to "Tunis Bay" in order for it to be highlighted and become visible as a hyperlink. Could this perhaps be corrected? Just pick any colour that makes the hyperlinks stand out & makes sure they're underlined so they're instantly visible.


Hey welcome back , new management btw I won't ban you , and we're working on getting her thread out again. Enjoy the site in the meantime.
Let's take the word of a third party nobody involved liked who also caught Void trying this same thing with another mentally ill young woman, Isabella Janke

There ya go Lurkers, it's all laid out with receipts, Elaine already blew his other name but from this it should be fairly obvious that CEO will not operate in the same way as the prior two admins.
The April Fools joke here is how long this took but;

This is how a Queen communicates.

Alert the Concubine of Spade.

No. My reasons for retiring essentially revolve around the chudbud leaks. I've been inactive for the last few weeks reflecting on everything and I don't like where I see lolcow culture heading. The chudbud leaks remind me of the Kraut and Tea / RageAfterStorm drama, and I've been reflecting on my last few years on the internet, from the ILJ saga to now and everything in between and I'm just not interested anymore. Chris Chan isn't coming back and the golden days have been over for years. This reminds me, kind of, of when imageboard culture started dying in the late 2000s, and it reminds me of when GirlVinyl took a sledgehammer to ED, I'm 31 and I just don't want to participate anymore.
Stop lying Mike you literally left because you simped for the piss minge and got fucking bullied by rockzo in vc while you sat there quiet neck yourself you stolen valor piece of shit faggot
Is the search function broken or something? I keep getting this when looking for topics that I know have a thread:
