Slow drip of content useful for starting threads or adding to existing threads
June 1, 2024: Donald Trump refers to himself as a political prisoner and blames Biden:
June 1, 2024: Elon Musk plans to hold a livestream event with Donald Trump on
June 1, 2024: Kiwifarms: Uploads are broken:

Movie Night

In the process of being set up

Announcement Discord Drama (Flinging the Poo in Discord)

Wakaba Isshiki

The sphinx
Remarkable Onion
You can't eat shut and
Maybe the thing on attempted murder was a little over the top. I don't know what you would call it. This happened just before Thanksgiving. Anyway after it was over, I got dressed got my coffee and donut and went to work as usual.

Someone asked the relevant question. She banned this user immediately.

Nektar Geist

An Onion Among Onions
She banned this user immediately.
She said in the stream that she was too thick to know how to ban people (and Sarg asked her again, it's archived Lainey). But she didn't address that point, just deleted the video and the comment about her not addressing her SWATing of Kengle.

And she lied, she's as bald as a coot.

Wakaba Isshiki

The sphinx
Remarkable Onion
She said in the stream that she was too thick to know how to ban people (and Sarg asked her again, it's archived Lainey). But she didn't address that point, just deleted the video and the comment about her not addressing her SWATing of Kengle.

And she lied, she's as bald as a coot.
Her hair was falling out every time she fussed with it. I'll also reserve judgment on the eyeliner as a non-expert, but it looks very strange.

Blaine Gaven Ross

annoying skitzo pedo groomer troon
SpergCage Resident
Previous Admin of Onionfarms AC_Mike begging for Elaine to be around him.png


There is no Elaine thread to post this in sadge, oh well I hope this helps clear things up as the Boolean account was tied to Void a few times.
Hopefully the current staff will be less bias because clearly Void never operated for the truth or actual facts, nor even funny really. He just did it to try and manipulate young, mentally ill women into hanging around him.
Let's take the word of a third party nobody involved liked who also caught Void trying this same thing with another mentally ill young woman, Isabella Janke.
caught many times.jpg
How about another that questioned the validity of my calling things out surrounding Elaine?
but but but.jpg

And here is the proof of that1670657603248.jpeg
And whom exactly is Elaine buddy buddy with? Naught and Void, odd how anyone who questions her got run out of town and lied about but the cycle of that stops here.

Nine months of lying and hanging out with Void at least.

There ya go Lurkers, it's all laid out with receipts, Elaine already blew his other name but from this it should be fairly obvious that CEO will not operate in the same way as the prior two admins.
The April Fools joke here is how long this took but;
A character attempting a Zero Approval Gambit will knowingly risk — or deliberately seek — a 0% Approval Rating and paint themself in a bad light in order to achieve some greater good. This might involve falsely confessing to a crime they didn't commit, or it might involve them being an enormous Jerkass contrary to their true nature of Jerk with a Heart of Gold or Hidden Heart of Gold. The net result is that they will be hated, hunted and/or disgraced for all time.


Hey welcome back , new management btw I won't ban you , and we're working on getting her thread out again. Enjoy the site in the meantime.