I find this post extremely agreeable.amazing work ken
That's a creature that lives in a section of Gaus known as the "Southern Bootheel". My inspiration for this came from the bayous of Louisiana. There is way to much stuff that goes off on a tangent so I will find a way to trim it down and make it better connected.@Sailfish
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Who are these guys? They're my favorite. I've seen red and green ones too.
cwcki.club is about as active as we are, usually less active. I think their peak is 5-6 users on at any given time, we generally peak at 12-14 users (more like 20-22 when KF is down)And how many of those are active?
I was going to have one of our logo in Santa's sleigh being pulled by the KF logo but I decided against it. Basically I got some clip art and worked on this in photoshop.I was going to put together a Christmas theme using the modern UI.X2 theme settings. I made one a few months ago but deleted it when some of the CSS didn't work together.
Weird, there's just an iframe embedded webm in the notifications, it must be caused by your phone.I don’t know what’s going on, but I’m getting this error message well more like please download this message . I’m not sure what this is and I don’t know if this was planned. Is anybody else getting this? Every time I go to my alert button this pops up.