• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.


What would you like to see done with the political content and countries subforum?

  • Total voters
Ken's announcements can be found here concerning the onionverse
I am setting up our own "Cwcki". It will be directly embedded on my website Kennetherwinengelhardt.com I want this to be more "sophisticated" than CWC. I am looking at possibly Kim Jong or Putin but I am not quite sure at this point. There is a Wikipedia editor helping me. I am also going to have the comic directly on the website as well.
I am setting up our own "Cwcki". It will be directly embedded on my website Kennetherwinengelhardt.com I want this to be more "sophisticated" than CWC. I am looking at possibly Kim Jong or Putin but I am not quite sure at this point. There is a Wikipedia editor helping me. I am also going to have the comic directly on the website as well.
Interesting I would love to see that
Very nice. I got some garlic hummus and flat bread to go with it from a local business a few days ago. It wasn't the first time i had it but hummus is how i found out i like the seasoning cumin.
I am at the Punjab Restaurant in Cranston. I am going to try Goat Vindaloo.
You had quite a hot curry dish... and you haven't updated in nearly 24hrs. Bombay trots, is it? Maybe you should have had the Bhuna, mate. Did you have lassi wiv it? Always best to have some lassi wiv an hot dish like vindaloo (nah nah)(Fat Les ref).
This is some idea of a "road map" that I have for this forum in linking it to other sites. I am not yet decided about the comic. The shit posting and slap-fights you like to do will not be impacted by this.

Writing Styles

Public Intelligence:

What it is: The way to define this is to look at trends currently going on in the country and try to analyze the direction these trends are heading in. You have to “read between the lines” and assess the situation. In order to do this, you have to survey several of the country’s newspapers.

Websites: KennethErwinEngelhardt.com

Journalistic Articles

What it is: News articles on current events and people of interest reporting

Websites: KennethErwinEngelhardt.com with limited posting on Onionfarms.com

People of Interests - Posts

What it is: Gossip and drama posts on people of interest

Websites: Onionfarms.com

Public Intelligence, Journalistic Articles link to Onionfarms and social media

Selected Gossip and Drama posts link to social media
Literally no one is gonna remember this.

Learn how to do branding, with a name that hard, shorten in. Call it KEEnews.com or something.

Why do you think H&M is always called that way? No one calls it Hennes & Mauritz, because that name doesn't stick. It's boring and long. Wouldn't have half the success if they kept branding themself as Hennes & Mauritz.

Also as @delphi says, who is even the target audience for this?
You do shit you like, then try and fail to find an audience afterwards. The opposite of how this works.
Reason: niggers
Literally no one is gonna remember this.

Learn how to do branding, with a name that hard, shorten in. Call it KEEnews.com or something.

Why do you think H&M is always called that way? No one calls it Hennes & Mauritz, because that name doesn't stick. It's boring and long. Wouldn't have half the success if they kept branding themself as Hennes & Mauritz.

Also as @delphi says, who is even the target audience for this?
You do shit you like, then try and fail to find an audience afterwards. The opposite of how this works.
@Syntaxius and @delphi both of you make valid points and have given me an indirect tip on how to proceed with this.
@Empresa @Leafbug @Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt Guys, please check if the site is getting DDoSed. I am getting the disappearing text box again. The only way around this is for me to delete and re-install Tor... and I had to do that twice within 4 days, which is unprecedented. It's never been this bad before. Usually a new Tor download will last me at least month before needing to be reinstalled due to the disappearing text box problem.
@Empresa @Leafbug @Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt Guys, please check if the site is getting DDoSed. I am getting the disappearing text box again. The only way around this is for me to delete and re-install Tor... and I had to do that twice within 4 days, which is unprecedented. It's never been this bad before. Usually a new Tor download will last me at least month before needing to be reinstalled due to the disappearing text box problem.
Ok. I will get someone on this.
I don't see anything to indicate a DDoS attack, one consistent problem with Tor exit nodes isn't at the site level, it's actually with the host security protocols.
We need a system for the featured updates that we have listed above. I need your help on helping me with a steady stream of material we should be listing.
@Leafbug @Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt guys, please check to see if there's a DDoS attack going on. I just got the log-in page instead of the log-in pop up again. This means the disappearing text box issue is happening again, and I had to delete and re-install Tor from scratch again.

This is the pop-up log-in box I usually get. When this disappears and I get the page, that means all text boxes are disabled again.
The only way around this issue to is re-install Tor from scratch.
