• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.


What would you like to see done with the political content and countries subforum?

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Ken's announcements can be found here concerning the onionverse
Hey do you remember when you were dreaming about getting negative attention from the Keffals crowd and I told you this exact thing was going to happen, zero net gain to your life and actually it would probably end up getting ruined? You should seriously abandon the site, the mods you picked are weird 4chan guys who lead empty troubled lives who delight in posting revenge porn of people. I honestly think they're using you, a 60 year old autistic man and will allow you to take the fall for their behavior. This will just keep happening over and over if you allow guys like VOID to keep active on here.
The Kiwifarms of today isn't the Kiwifarms 10 years ago. It's turned into more of e-celeb gossip site with some politics. If you take someone's tweets their public social media, news articles, gossip columns such as Hollywood Radar and put your own personal brand on it you have basically gotten 95% of what they do. I started Onionfarms because I figured why should Josh have all the fun.
The Kiwifarms of today isn't the Kiwifarms 10 years ago. It's turned into more of e-celeb gossip site with some politics. If you take someone's tweets their public social media, news articles, gossip columns such as Hollywood Radar and put your own personal brand on it you have basically gotten 95% of what they do. I started Onionfarms because I figured why should Josh have all the fun.
VOID literally put leaked non-consenting nudes of some random person involved with "chudbuds" (whatever the fuck that is) on your site like yesterday. How are you so crazy that you don't understand this is not only sociopathic behavior but also it's going to eventually get you sued or killed in a swatting? Autism isn't an excuse.
ASHLEY USE YOUR ORIGINAL ACCOUNT . like holy fuck i dont ban you because Idc but if you shit up the threads I use I will.
already did lol I was work i havent been paying attention lately . void/ac whatever he wants to call himself now dealt with it most of the time.
Do it now. Please do. Just so she can come back with another account and scream about her dox.
Yes. Yes. If it's too much for you, give some other mofo some duties to help out.
'that would be up to the other master jannies such as kengle and CSGO .
Also, she was said to have had scrambled her password.
mmmm. idk I dont want to be admin just to deal with ashley tbh , ill just keep banning her after a post or 2 just tag me way easier than dealing with the reports.
Clean it up Jan Jan
ree im trying im all by myself now lol