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    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.


What would you like to see done with the political content and countries subforum?

  • Total voters
Ken's announcements can be found here concerning the onionverse
and our hot takes are way better than the npcs on the kiwi thread.
TBF most people who want to keep their accounts won't post on that thread, the more activity it gets, the more grief joshy gets.

Further the Blaine vs Blaine farce...
It was the old admins deal he worked out with Elaine but he got attached and thought he could save her she was told to fuck off from the sektur. She's still around maybe not here , but on yt chats , discord , and kiwi ,so can we just get it back ? A lot of us would use it , drives up traffic , and our hot takes are way better than the npcs on the kiwi thread. Otherwise we'll just talk about her wherever without rhyme or reason.
I don't want that maniac back here. She tried to have me killed.
Now granted the Warwick Police were very professional about this and I got dressed and calmly came out and it was over in 10 or 15 minutes but still it's the principal of the thing.
Wow. I guess it's kind of a bad idea to publish other peoples' names and personal information and let anonymous strangers libel them with impunity. Btw has anyone ever suggested you live in a group home?
I don't know much about Elaine but I think she also stated Kiwi shit was posting her underaged nudes, which sounds right. Either way she's severely mentally ill and watching a group of incels bark at her about wanting to fuck was creepy, good for her.
No. My reasons for retiring essentially revolve around the chudbud leaks. I've been inactive for the last few weeks reflecting on everything and I don't like where I see lolcow culture heading. The chudbud leaks remind me of the Kraut and Tea / RageAfterStorm drama, and I've been reflecting on my last few years on the internet, from the ILJ saga to now and everything in between and I'm just not interested anymore. Chris Chan isn't coming back and the golden days have been over for years. This reminds me, kind of, of when imageboard culture started dying in the late 2000s, and it reminds me of when GirlVinyl took a sledgehammer to ED, I'm 31 and I just don't want to participate anymore.
I'm gonna second @ipreferpickles and say that I too would like to know whether you plan to stay here as a regular poster or if you will quit OF altogether.

If I may ask, is it the chudbuds leak itself that you were taken aback by (the fact that someone would target and expose an emerging online community), or rather the fact that this leak has now revealed that someone with nefarious motives and ulterior connections (PVS) was using chudbuds while planning to target several other people and communities? Do you think it's inherently wrong for someone to leak private DMs in order to expose or embarrass certain people/communities?

IMO, "lolcow culture" always had a moralistic undertone - because lolcows, who are people living lives that are out of the ordinary, tend to range from the mere eccentric to the outright criminal element - so of course it was going to be politicized to the point of it being used for psyops. When you have an online community that points the finger at certain people and says: "Their lifestyle is ridiculous/wrong/dangerous/criminal", no matter how justified that judgement might seem, that's a moral judgement that can easily be turned into a political statement. The moment something becomes political, it becomes a fertile ground for psyops.

I'm not familiar with some of the other incidents you're referring to. I was social with a couple of former ED people and it's beyond cringe to see them turn into religious SJWs in midlife, like they were feeling guilty for whatever they were doing on ED and were trying to make up for it by becoming woke. Are you perhaps too having a bit of a "troll's remorse" because you're getting older?
I'm gonna second @ipreferpickles and say that I too would like to know whether you plan to stay here as a regular poster or if you will quit OF altogether.

If I may ask, is it the chudbuds leak itself that you were taken aback by (the fact that someone would target and expose an emerging online community), or rather the fact that this leak has now revealed that someone with nefarious motives and ulterior connections (PVS) was using chudbuds while planning to target several other people and communities? Do you think it's inherently wrong for someone to leak private DMs in order to expose or embarrass certain people/communities?

IMO, "lolcow culture" always had a moralistic undertone - because lolcows, who are people living lives that are out of the ordinary, tend to range from the mere eccentric to the outright criminal element - so of course it was going to be politicized to the point of it being used for psyops. When you have an online community that points the finger at certain people and says: "Their lifestyle is ridiculous/wrong/dangerous/criminal", no matter how justified that judgement might seem, that's a moral judgement that can easily be turned into a political statement. The moment something becomes political, it becomes a fertile ground for psyops.

I'm not familiar with some of the other incidents you're referring to. I was social with a couple of former ED people and it's beyond cringe to see them turn into religious SJWs in midlife, like they were feeling guilty for whatever they were doing on ED and were trying to make up for it by becoming woke. Are you perhaps too having a bit of a "troll's remorse" because you're getting older?
Do you really need this many words and esoteric references to say VOID is a fat incel who loves violating peoples' privacy and publishing their nudes without consent?
Sorry I forgot she was swatting/accosting you , she said the same thing to me before I went on vacation and moved to a new rental. I asked my old roommates, if the cops ever came by while i was gone, but nothing 🙃
Maybe the thing on attempted murder was a little over the top. I don't know what you would call it. This happened just before Thanksgiving. Anyway after it was over, I got dressed got my coffee and donut and went to work as usual.
I have never needed a group home. I have a full time job that I work hard at. I pay taxes, utilities and so forth just like anyone else.
Hey do you remember when you were dreaming about getting negative attention from the Keffals crowd and I told you this exact thing was going to happen, zero net gain to your life and actually it would probably end up getting ruined? You should seriously abandon the site, the mods you picked are weird 4chan guys who lead empty troubled lives who delight in posting revenge porn of people. I honestly think they're using you, a 60 year old autistic man and will allow you to take the fall for their behavior. This will just keep happening over and over if you allow guys like VOID to keep active on here.
I was swatted.
There were several police officers at my place.
They've got to make sure it's not an ambush. What were they like when you told them who you suspected it was? I assume you told them you thought it was Elaine.
but still it's the principal of the thing.
Of course, you're lucky you didn't get the Bastard Squad kicking in your door and flooring you, just so they can jerk off to the body cam later
I guess it's kind of a bad idea to publish other peoples' names and personal information and let anonymous strangers libel them with impunity.
You've done that, haven't you Ash. And your dox is online. Wetbrain pervert.
Have you guys ever just sat in your truck and thought for a few minutes about what you're missing that other people your age have?
We all drive trucks, but are also shut ins who don't go outside. I don't own a truck. And why should I worry about other people have or have not. WHat part of your brain are you missing that you shit this site up.
I pay taxes, utilities and so forth just like anyone else.
Semper Fi, buddy.
I was swatted. There was a robo call to the police that I shot my girlfriend had two firearms and was going on a shooting rampage. There were several police officers at my place.
Now granted the Warwick Police were very professional about this and I got dressed and calmly came out and it was over in 10 or 15 minutes but still it's the principal of the thing.
Mr. Englehardt, I respect you greatly. You should not submit to terrorists, even if she is sexy and British. Be sure to speak with the police and they will simply call you next time.