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Burning Man Mud Bath

"There's a strange dystopian feeling"
"Why all the Burning Man hate?" asks John, my favourite Burner lolcow:

Why so much “POST BURNING MAN” Negativity??? (And What Should We Do?)

I know exactly whom he's referring to. This fucking snowflake /u/sovamind who rage-quit BM a couple of days ago, and felt the need to make it know in every single fucking thread on /r/BurningMan. He spammed at least 4 different threads with this same copy-pasted message:


[–]sovamind 2 points 41 minutes ago
25 years doing cacophony/burner stuff, 15 Burns, and this one was my last.

The event and the BOrg no longer represent my values and they have proven time and time again that they will chose the event and the leadership over the community or public safety. Burning Man is a scam (at this point) in that it claims it is doing all these things "good things" when really it is an excuse for an unsustainable party where "radical inclusion" is allowed to justify behaviors that should not be tolerated.

I've seen the BOrg do all the following and don't see it changing:

1) refuse feedback and chase off or harass any that disagree with leadership
2) abuse employees and (illegally) classify employees as "volunteers"
3) publish anti-discrimination and anti-harassment policies that are never enforced and those that try and use them are pushed out without a real investigation of anything
4) continuously use "beliefs" and "tradition" over data collection and science in making decisions
5) cover up sexual assaults (multiple times)
6) chose to lay off nearly all the staff to be able to keep executive salaries and their ridiculously fancy offices
7) only give lip service to sustainability, dismiss the massive ecological damage the event causes, and do no real work making the event more sustainable
8) get increasingly more political, but only in ways that benefit them, not the communities or environment
9) refuse to accept that the population cap needed to stay around 45,000 people
10) accept fascist drug enforcement policies and actions that leave people traumatized
11) completely abandoned volunteers and employees injured while working at the event, some of which are now permanently disabled and will never live the same lives prior to working for BOrg.
12) promote a cultish culture and encourage others to not question the hypocrisy
focus on continuation of the BOrg over everything else...

I've decided that my time and energy needs to be spent on making something better and affecting the change I want to see in the world. I've started a non-profit that is focused on creating an equitable and sustainable future and while some of how it will work is based on my experiences from Burning Man, I would say that it really has more to do with creating software tools to better organize people, but specifically non-profit organizations. With any luck in 5 years we will be having similar large gatherings but without some of the cultural and societal problems present in Burning Man.

He says the population cap should be at 45k, so I suppose it's a good thing he's fucking off to bring BM closer to that arbitrary cap.

He was raging in another thread about the fact that the BM org is, in the name of burning less shit on playa for the sake of improving their environmental record, encouraging artists to sell their art instead of burning it, getting a 25% cut if they do. Interesting that this person was complaining about the environment, but then artists selling their art instead of burning it is STILL not good enough for him:


Here he accuses them of being cluster Bs, LMAO:


On a more serious note, apparently some "serial rapist all week" was arrested at Burning Man, while some "naked bagpipe guy" was taking crotch shot of women:


The rest of this thread is full of women and gays saying they got groped, roofied, etc:

Is it live sacrifices throwing them into the fire like the wicker man? I feel like that's where you're going with this.
John Halcyon has been crying a lot since he got back from Burning Man. Can you guess why?

John Halcyon claims that someone did something to his asshole at BM, and then he woke up with hemorrhoids:

Burning Man is basically John's estrogen, it makes him cry half a dozen times a day like a troon:


"German at Burning Man"
explains his INSANE Burning Man Experience:

What REALLY Happens at Burning Man! Orgy Dome, LSD Trip

John Halcyon took his Burning Man hemorrhoid to the doctor for a rectal examination, but he made sure to properly groom his asshole first, which was much appreciated by his doctor:

If you think it's all just buttfucking degeneracy at Burning Man, think again: this woman literally found Jesus at Burning Man

I found Jesus because of Burning Man.

No joke, there were actual Evangelists at Burning Man, repping Jesus Christ on the playa:

This evangelist went as far as to dye his beard green just to bring Jesus to Burning Man, LMAOOO (he claims it worked!):

He calls this "the most Satanic place" but then he says "people are so open". Maybe he needs to wonder why that is so. Why are people more open to Jesus at BM than elsewhere? :thinking:
"Burgin" (aka, a Burning Man newbie or "virgin") Sophia on her first burn: she took her clothes off and even touched the highly alcaline playa dust (on the last night, so she could wash it off the next day before it started to crack open her skin)

These videos of Burning Man dust storms with the art barely showing through are the most surreal otherworldly sci-fi videos:

I also love all the young zoomers at Burning Man constantly comparing it to Dune, LMAO! It's so funny to me because the zoomers actually have that cinematic reference material readily available as a visual image in their minds, whereas older Burners had to use their imagination to create a connection between the event, the playa and that sci-fi book.

@Firegirl26 Fireworks from an airplane at Burning Man:

I'd rather declare TTD and move on, than whatever it is you're trying to do here.
He doesn't even have a clue what he's doing anymore. Gays' approach is to use this as his personal blog site instead of caring if anyone gives a shit, so I guess mission accomplished
Two zoomers who had two very different experiences at Burning Man:

"Discovering BM, the art of saying YES!"

@Firegirl26 These bears made from pennies are so damn awesome:

I can LMAO at Burning Man and Burners all day, but I will readily admit that the art installations they have on the playa are really awesome.
Is this the future of Burning Man? Burners do away with the drugs and try to burn while sober:


In the mean time, Burning Man has a huge 100+ comment flame war about "consent badges", with even the disabled Burners saying they don't want them because they don't want to advertise their disabilities:

They're also having a massive flame war about a rejected installation that was a watermelon emoji that included the Hamas charter phrase: "From the river to the sea"


Apparently some PDSers wanted to create a giant watermelon installation for the playa, but the BM organization turned them down?

Several people that this alleged watermelon emoji installation was just a hoax/trolling attempt without a real art camp behind it actually planning to build this supposed art project on playa:

The watermelon piece never existed. The Artery, to save labor, opened up the public-facing database for people to document the the work they planned to bring to the playa. When the contact information was proved to be bogus, the listing was removed. Essentially it was database graffiti.

That's correct - it was clear from their submission there was no real build team or actual plan to bring the art piece to the playa. The contacts provided in the art submission were dead links. It was removed from the directory because it was not a real art project for the playa.

More PDS at Burning Man, with people once again warning them this is supposed to be an a-political event:


Here's another thread where someone was complaining about the PDS loonies forcing their politics upon everyone:


For Burners, The Temple is like a holy spiritual place where they commemorate their dead. It's supposed to be the most quiet, reflective, emotional structure on the playa, where people visiting The Temple are expected to show respect for the mourners there. Well, guess what: there was PDS here inside The Temple at Burning Man:

Political anti Jewish pro Hamas Palestine garbage at the temple

I think Burners should uphold their stated rules more: people who violate the "no politics" rule should be banned from the playa the same way moopers are.
"Burgins" posting videos about their first Burning Man are always fun:


This video here is expertly produced and is one of the best "introduction to Burning Man videos" I have seen thus far on Youtube, and I have watched dozens of videos by now due to this thread @Firegirl26 if you're still thinking about going to BM definitely check this out:

I survived my first Burning Man

This was my favourite shot from the above video, the "tip jar" that was a bucket full of random crap that people gifted them, including a rubber duckie.


This thread from /r/BurningMan where "Burgins" reflected on their experience was also fun to read:

The absolute worst thing you can do at Burning is... literally dying at Burning Man:

Dying on the very first day of BM? My impression of Burners with a death wise is that they usually get to indulge a little before ODing or running into the fire or getting hit by an electric cable.

BM doctor provides some wellness tips:

There's a "Camp Normal" at Burning Man?! 🤨

Some of the art works shown in this video I hadn't seen before, like that yellow horse with the googly eyes, or the stained glass house:
