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Communities Burning Man Mud Bath (Community)

Communities of interest on the internet
Someone asked in /r/BurningMan if they can just walk into the event with all their gear?! Is this person planning to 数独 themselves?

Hello burners
i was wondering if they would allow me to walk my camping stuff in from the gate into playa. i know its kinda stupid but i don't have a reliable car to get me from SD to Reno NV and i can't get anyone to go with me for this years burn. everyone i know is a homebody or can't go without a shower for more than 24hr. My buddy is willing to go but he doesn't want to go this years bc he wants to make sure we either have a 5th wheel or an RV. why bc he doesn't like the fact that if we go to burning man in a tent he will have to use the porta potty. which kinda makes me hesitant to go with him bc hes really big on making sure he takes a shower before he takes a step into his bed. which you all know it's tough to keep clean when your out in the middle of basically nowhere with a lot of dust. so I'm up to suggestion if walking in with me stuff isn't an option.

edit: i most likely will be able to get a ride to Nevada and to the main gate but just nobody to stay with me there for a week.

Yes my dude, they're totally gonna let you walk here:

I've never been to that place but even I can tell just from all the Youtube videos of the Exodus that the playa is not hospitable to walking humans.

Here's another one, a Brit, asking if he can just ride his bike to Burning Man:

This is my first burn, I'm travelling solo from uk. I'm intending to bikepack my way to the location.

I understand it's about self-reliant, so supplies will be bare minimum but has anyone done this or know of someone who went minimalistic?

Or any advice?

So this Brit thinks he can ride his bike... here:


2024 Burning Man virgins posting on /r/BurningMan: "Why are so many people on this sub sarcastic assholes? (self.BurningMan)"



I didn't know Burning Man had it's own version of the parable of the grasshopper:


"It got dumber as it got easier"


"The snark will continue until morale is improved"


Burners are just mentally ill drug addicts:


LMAO at this post blaming Gen Xers for the sarcasm. Also, "Gen Z tend to be a lot more sincere in their communication style", WTF?! This person has clearly never encountered utterly incomprehensible undecipherable zoomerish meta-irony before. It's like some kind of post-English that barely registers as English. "Sincere communication" my ass. It's the zoomer version of saying something back-handed but saying it in such a way that you can sneak it past the woke cult moral police.

Reason: Either gays sees this and gets butthurt or doesn't see this and it stays without him realizing, it's funny either way.
Burning Man starts on August the 27th, and people all over the world are already prepping to go to Black Rock City. Let's have a look at this year's prepping videos.

What people take to Burning Man 2024...

If you're gonna hit the bong with random strangers at Burning Man, it might be a good idea to know where the medical station is:

This guy, himself a member of the Paiute tribe of Nevada, he claims that his local tribe is illegally searching Burners on their way to Black Rock City?! Is this for real?!

Burning Man women be like...

Menopausal Burning Man women be like...

This video of a volunteer at the Burning Man airport yesterday shows just how dusty the place is, especially at the airport with the planes kicking up all the dust. Look at the way the dusty part of her face constasts with the part of her face that was covered by the mask she was wearing:

And here she's going to dump her piss jar at the portapotties:

This guy was told to either eat his friend or sell him by the side of the road:

Peak offensive shitlordism at Burning Man: taking jello shots from a... mock abortion?! LMAO, where's Adam Abortski? He should go to Burning Man, he'll love this shit:


Someone should pass along this /r/BurningMan post to all the Christian fundamentalists on social media who obsess over Burning Man every year, they'll definitely go nuts with it.

In the mean time over at /r/Reno upon hearing about the rain forecast for Burning Man:

Is there a rain outcome that makes it so burners get stuck on the playa permanently instead of escaping and dragging half the mud on earth with them back to Reno?

Deep playa vibes, retro edition:

The Burning Man experience: "Experiencing a different quality of experience"

His tire blew out on the way to Burning Man:

He's at Burning Man:

Burning Man: What To Do In Case of an Overdose

He's at Burning Man too:

People on their way to Burning Man:

Going to BM as a 50 year old black woman:

Billionaires discussing escape strategies at Burning Man:

Weather is a mess at Burning Man right now.


The gates to the playa are closed and people on their way to BM are told to stay in Reno. People coming over Donner Summit into Reno are told to watch out for impending snow: "Roads are wet and slick over Donner Summit, so take it slow!"

The Burners are telling each other to stay put and not try and get their cars stuck in the mud like some did last year:

What can YOU do for now? Listen to black rock and stop driving there. Don’t “get as close as possible.” All that does is clog up the entire road and make gate a nightmare when it opens. You could also very well be in the way if an emergency vehicle needs to get by for those already on playa. Park, eat breakfast, ingest content, accept that today is a wash. Bus riders, I guarantee you they have planned for this, do whatever the organizers at your stop tell you to.

Radical inclusion, today, means radically not assuming you know better than the event organizers or that you need/ deserve to be on playa fastest and fuck what it does to anyone else.

Has anyone actually read all the posts in this thread?
I have so far, and I have skimmed most of the videos but haven't watched them in their entirety.

I actually got to go to burning man when I was 16 back in the summer of 2000. The theme was the body of the man (there was like a different theme they did every year), and the entire festival was shaped like the body they burned in the middle. It was like we were all inside of the man and the burning man was in the center of that giant man. It was pretty cool.

That was before it went completely corporate. You used to be able to sneak in there and not have to pay anything because people would just back you up that you paid your attendance fee. Back then it was only like a hundred bucks iirc. Now it's all corporate and shitty I've heard. I haven't went since I was a kid but people who have been in the last 5 or 6 years trying to capture that nostalgia again have told me it's basically where all the 60 and 70 years old dead heads go and basically just act like the annoying part of hippies (the shitting on the ground, never shutting up about their veganism, TDS, etc)

It used to basically be like the hippie festivals and raves that I went to for years: it was an excuse for people to do drugs, walk around in the nude, fuck strangers and turn off the noise of the outside world for a while.

You couldn't pay me to go there now after the stories I've heard about it in the last like 25 years since I went. It sounds like it fucking SUUUUUCKS now.
More rainy videos from Burning Man 2024:

While the Burners were stuck in Reno because of the rain and the closing of the gates, /r/Reno decided to raid /r/BurningMan with love, LMAO:



Here are some hotel workers in /r/Reno complaining about Burners leaving a trail of dust and trash behind them as they leave:

Post burn as a server is hell. They’ve been living off granola & ecstasy for 10 days, dirty, cranky, impatient, smelly, still high. They take baths in the restrooms, leave a huge trail of dust (or mud last year) and expect some kind of special treatment because they feel more important than anyone else. I used to like burning man but that feeling has gone.

Post. I remember my time in housekeeping at GSR [= Grand Sierra Resort & Casino] it was horrible, bath tubs were covered in mud, sheets and towels were filthy. They deployed workers at the entrance with leaf blowers to blow off the burners before entering.

Fernley is overrun with burner RVs, raleys has 3/4 of its small parking lot taken up. Main street is full, and walmart is a disaster. I wonder if they will get their deposits back when locals start tossing buckets of black paint on their windshields.
