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Breaking Content 🧅

Burning Man Mud Bath

"There's a strange dystopian feeling"
Burning Man lolcow John Halcyon aka Hug Nation shows off his Burning Man constumes:

The men of Burning Man and their "daddy issues":

Exploring the Queerburners Event Directory, which is bound to be full of Burner troons. Obtained at:

Hmmm, I think I spotted the troon camp, LMAO:

Camp Beaverton
Lesbian / Female Identified
F & 7:15
Camp Beaverton is an intentional, experimental, and experiential community and theme camp. Established in 2007, our goal is to provide a safe(r) space for womxn and gender-diverse souls at Burning Man and beyond. Join Us!


Polyfuckers at Burning Man aren't getting much play:


/r/Reno should watch this video, LMAO:

5 Things You Need to Know About Living in Reno for Burning Man 2024

Shops that rely on Burning Man say not only BM but other festivals are getting postponed or cancelled because people ain't got none due to inflation:

This video here is honestly impressive. Apparently there's this warehouse in Reno called The Generator where a lot of the installations and the mutant vehicles are built:

Finishing touches before heading off to Black Rock City for Burning Man 2024 this weekend. Approximately 21 art installations were created at this space called The Generator in Reno, Nevada.
It's called a recession. It's when the government does stupid things that have adverse effects on the economy, or when corporations get extra Jewish, fly too close to the sun, and have to be bailed out by the government. It's usually a mix of both.

The result is people who usually have tons of money laying around to blow on shit they don't need don't have as much. Many of the same people end up underwater on the loans they took out to buy their toys, further limiting their ability to blow money on shit they don't need.

The little guys who depend on this money blowage hurt big time, and some might not survive the recession. The corporations, if they're managed properly, have slightly less profits but are otherwise unaffected and will live to Jew another trillion.
Palestine Derangement Syndrome epidemic has reached the playa:

Someone planted a fucking Palestinian flag at Burning Man, even and despite the event explicitly stating in their rules that they want the event to be apolitical.

A portion the foreign Burners are actually Israeli, they travel all the way from Israel to the US just to attend Burning Man.

They already had an argument on their subreddit a while back, because some Palestinian Burner felt the need to argue about politics with the Dzooz at his camp. The American Burners, many of whom are Gen X veterans with deployments in the Middle East and want nothing to do with all that religious bullshit in the region, immediately told him to can it:




A Burner was literally asking if the increased security this year is due to Hamas and their fellow Muslim Brotherhood terrorists around the world wanting to blow up Dzooz attending Burning Man:

sorry to bring up a bummer topic but are there increased security measures this year to prevent against an october 7 type event?

Another PDS loon brimming with paranoia posts the following attempt at sarcasm:

Are there any measures in place to ensure it doesn’t turn into an open air prison that gets carpet bombed for the next year?

*sigh* "Buring Man is one more place that Israel has decided it wants to colonize"... can these PDS people EVER stop thinking about Israel?

The event is well underway by now, and people are posting more and more videos of what's actually happening on the playa in terms of art installations, mutant vehicles and performances. @Firegirl26 you seem to like the more artsy videos from BM, so check these out:

Throat singing concert at Burning Man, in what is probably the prettiest tent interior on the whole playa:

I can joke all day about Burning Man and the Burners, but I will readily admit that a lot of the art there is really really cool:

LMAO, I didn't know there was a rumour being spread that Taylor Swift was going to perform at Burning Man to get the zoomers to come. She should put her private planes to good use and actually go there now!

Explaining the Burning Man map that 2-10 clock:

"Temple of Togetherness" looks quite impressive at night, so I hope all those people from /r/Reno who hate BM have a chance to practice togetherness with Burners at this temple, LMAO:

LMAO, the most retro boomer episode ever about Burning Man!

I was 14 in 1998.
Sergeant Jack Vermicelli, born ~1984 📝
It is autistically creepy that you remember so much about the mostly fake back stories I make up about myself.
While my big brain nigga energy might spook you, I'd say you wanting to share underaged sex stories with the rest of the class is what's ackshually creepy
Sergeant Jack Vermicelli, born ~1984 📝

I love the Italian name that you gave me. That makes me happy. And I was born in 1983. I have a birthday coming up.

While my big brain nigga energy might spook you

Truly it does. You really do your homework and I like it.

I'd say you wanting to share underaged sex stories with the rest of the class is what's ackshually creepy

Hey if I'm the minor in the story then no harm no foul. Blame the adults that were (technically) raping me.
Truly it does. You really do your homework and I like it.
Meh, I just remember things people tell me. Homework is when I unironically read through thousands of posts, taking notes of every fuckywucky they TMI'd on the timeline 🧩
Blame the adults that were (technically) raping me.
So you were the one hollering suey in this classic "Hippie and the Pig" scenario? 😁
Meh, I just remember things people tell me. Homework is when I unironically read through thousands of posts, taking notes of every fuckywucky they TMI'd on the timeline 🧩

Well I must confess that's one of the reasons I like you the most over everyone on here. You keep track of all the stuff I conjure up about myself.

So you were the one hollering suey in this classic "Hippie and the Pig" scenario? 😁

Well of course. Come on man you were a teenager once. I was the perfect example of "asking for it"

Fuck that, I was literally BEGGING for it.
/r/BurningMan just discovered that /r/Reno hates them, LMAO:


This is the thread from /r/Reno, the locals are calling Burners out for LARPing as environmentalists while generating so much trash that they dump all around the playa and in Reno because BM can't be bothered to get their own dumpsters: "But their spirit guides said they have divine protection against responsibilities like cleaning up after themselves properly :("


Saving these raging threats against Burners in /r/Reno before the Reddits mods get to them, because Reddit is so much better when it's unmoderated, LMAO:


Setting up the "Temple of Togetherness", they really should've invite some of the people from /r/Reno to chill there together with the Burners, LMAO!
