Lolcow John is on right now, he's talking about 9/11 and how he experienced it as a pioneer Livestreamer in 2001, which was the start of his "Hug Nation" Livestreams of people hugging themselves:
"Come experience the playa during a burning man like no other, welcome to the WAP (Wet *ss Playa)"
Some dude stopped by and held up a wrinkled brown fruit and asked us if we knew what it was. It was a passionfruit of course, but apparently 90% of people don’t know what they look like until you cut them open? Anyway, it was delicious and held off scurvy for another day.
Why the Rich Love Burning Man - Jacobin
It became a festival that rich libertarians love because it never had a radical critique at its core; and, without any semblance of democracy, it could easily be controlled by those with influence, power, and wealth.
Why the Rich Love Burning Man
Burning Man became a festival that rich libertarians love because it never had a radical critique at its
In my opinion Halcyon is a hack.
Shall we play a game? Let’s count the Burning Man photos and references that commodify the burn on these commodified websites. In your opinion, is this personal and commodified brand building using Burning Man photos? In your opinion, was consent given/granted by everyone in these photos? (listing his private paid coaching gig opportunity) Next, let’s count the number of times in your opinion this has been reported to the Org but no action was taken. In your opinion, may this be rules for thee but not for me. It is in my opinion. Please feel free to contact to add your voice if you think this is the burner way and consistent with the 10 Principles.
C’mon—look at him at the end of the video asking to like and subscribe just like any other YouTube yahoo influencer. It’s embarrassing for the Org to allow this to happen and to promote his commodification.
I messaged you privately and asked if you really wanted to know and understand me.
Shall I assume by the public response that the answer is, "No?"
I totally admit that at times, I have ridden a blurry line. A line that has never been concrete, but has evolved as Burning Man shifted from being an isolated week into a year-long culture. A line shifting as more and more people have tried to find ways for our beloved Makers to not be forced to live as "starving artists." I might even do things now that I would not have done 15 years ago. For example, using a photo of myself at my own camp at an unidentifiable desert festival on a personal site that - while not the purpose of the site - it does mention that one of the things I do is coaching FOR MONEY. (The LinkedIn photo showing identifiable art in the background was totally wrong. I have no memory of posting that. I have probably visited LinkedIn 3 times in 15 years. I appreciate you saying something. I took it down.)
I would love you to point out where I "complained" about the location change from Esplanade to 8 & E. I may have made a click-bait-y headline. But I don't think that anyone who listened to what i said would have concluded that I was complaining.
It was a wonderful experience gifting water from the suburbs. I prefer Esplanade. Our location this year didn't let my camp of 90 dedicated people contribute to the city at the scale and with the intensity that we are capable of. Plus a number of our offerings are intended to be open-Playa-facing (like the bright pink heart beacon to steer people home.). There were some initial feelings of hurt and frustration, but they passed. (I shared those feelings - and moving through them - because that is my art: sharing my truth.)
All that being said... if you are interested in dialogue, and not just debate, can I ask you a serious question?
Imagine if I went to Burning Man and was inspired to create sculpture. And I started spending my time creating sculpture. And it lit me up. I started bringing big pieces to the Playa. After a few years, I started teaching others to sculpt, too, in free classes. Eventually, people started offering me money to create things. Sometimes people would ask me to teach them to sculpt 1-on-1.
For YEARS I was a self promotor with no way of paying me. (Self love dressed as self promotion is one of the themes of my art.) I lived modestly, but felt rich because I was doing what I loved.
Now, as I promote my passion for sculpting and my work year-round, I occasionally mention that I offer 1-on-1 lessons in addition to the many free courses I teach. When I do gallery shows, they mention my Burning Man work and my coaching work. But I NEVER mention that commercial aspect of my life at Burning Man or in relation to Burning Man.
The 1-on-1 teaching is not how I pay my rent, but I found that if you want to work with people who will really be dedicated and value the time together as much as I do, they usually have to have some skin in the game.
I'll admit, I kinda treaded the line one year when I offered a paid "Post-Burn Sculpting Intensive" (NEVER MENTIONED ON PLAYA) to work with people powerfully inspired by their Burn experiences.
*NOTE: Since that year, I have decided to offer the same Intensive for free. Even though, when I talked to the Org about it, and they were fine with my Intensive as long as I didn't use the word, "Decompression." It just felt a little too close to the line.
I sleep well at night knowing that I am well-read in the Principles and feel in alignment with the Burning Man Projects' vision.
According to you, at what point in me living my life, following my bliss, do I cross the line?
Are there deeper things you are judging me for? Or angry at me for other reasons?
Midburn leader kidnapped by Hamas.
A personal note here... Midburn's DPW was 4km away from the massacre, mass rape, and torture scene of the trance party.
They were there setting up because Midburn was supposed to be in a few weeks.
This could have been any of us and many burners were killed or are still being held hostage.
You know us, Israel is a huge part of burning man culture. Hamas attacked people who wanted peace, the music community and kibbutzim! We want our friends to come home.
--Help us find Hagit Hagit, mother of 3 Mahod Hasharon, Doctor of Science and Technology Education at the Technion, department leader at Midburn is the only one who did not return home from the production meeting of the Midburn team on 07/10 at Tal Or Farm. We need your help to find her. At 07:15 Hagit left the farm, but at 07:53 she abandoned her vehicle and fled on foot. Later, at 08:20, she sent a distress message "terrorists are shooting at me", when according to the mobile icon she is near Kibbutz Bari. During the next 45 minutes, Hagit traveled 2 km, apparently in a vehicle that was not hers. Her last known location was Pardes near Kfar Maimon. The circle on the map, around point D, is where her cellphone's antennas last connected at 10:35 am. This is our main search area at the moment. We urgently need any information, especially from those who were in the area at the time of the events, to complete the full picture of what happened that day. Hagit is a strong person, a survivor from birth, a graduate of patrol classes and has a lot of experience in the field - nothing will overwhelm her. We believe she is alive and possibly injured. Her children, friends and family are eagerly waiting for her at home. Please, if you know any little detail that can help, don't hesitate to call. Please share this post and help us bring Hagit home safely.
Israeli woman , a leader of burning-man local event- the Midburn, found dead after brutally killed by Hamas terrorists two weeks ago.
Hagit Mishkin Refaeli , 48 years old leader of the Middle East burning-man event- the Midburn , who was missing since the Hamas attack on the southern of Israel two weeks ago, announced being found dead , after she brutally killed by Hamas militants . Her family looked for her more than 10 days, waiting for any sign of her , after believing she was kidnapped into Gaza Strip. but yesterday after almost two weeks she was missing , the sad news shocked her family , her husband and her 3 children.
It's time to have an open and honest discussion about the org's responsibility to BRC citizens in 2024, given the realities of the Nova attack
Really, really hoping that this does not dissolve into a discussion about peoples varying perceptions as to the root causes/reasons/justifications of the attack or what came after. I have mine, you have yours, let just look forward to BRC 2024.
After the Boston Marathon bombing more attention has been given to security at sporting events. But organizations that wish to use sporting events where innocent civilians could be easily targeted is not new. Munich Olympics, Atlanta Olympics, Paris soccer match in 2015, the IRA in 1997, and others. As a result, we see much more security at sporting events. Metal detectors, no bag policies, clear backpacks, wand searches with pat downs, have all become customary. In short, organizations have had to adjust.
The Nova festival was targeted, as an easy target with no resistance. That's a fact, and a strategic choice by the attackers. With sporting events being less "soft" but acknowledging that there are groups who wish to use attacking civilians (not primed to fight back) are festivals the new target? The people who come to BRC and follow the rules, including no guns, would be woefully ill-equipped to fight back (to be clear, I'm not advocating for guns at BRC). LEO's would be in a reactive mode, with 70-80k civilians present, and mired in a temporary city which would allow people wishing to do harm to blend in, in exceedingly easy fashion. Entry into BRC, only requires buying a ticket. And while vehicles are searched, and I'm not meaning to disparage Gate here- I don't think anyone would claim that they are 100% confident that no guns/weapons could possibly enter BRC if someone were so inclined.
So here's the big question: What does the org owe the citizens of BRC in terms of security? What enhancements should be considered in the wake of Nova? Do we all just "hope" that everything works out? And, yes I'm going. We can do better than the argument "if you don't feel safe, don't go".
Hoping for some real dialog.
<edit> I think having this discussion falls under Civic Responsibility.
The nova festival is not a tipping point in global event security. It was a confined event in an area where hostilities are extremely high.
You have no idea what policies and procedures BMORG has in place with local and federal authorities in an event of this nature, which I guarantee you exist.
anyone looking to commit an act of terrorism is, like any predator, looking to do so in a location that is naturally weak on all fronts. Geographically weak locations with the potential for a high body count due to a condensed population. Areas of political bias. Burning man fits none of those descriptions (if you question this due to the 80k number I invite you to look at the population density of major cities. That have high rises.), not even in areas of large dance parties, because there are so many events happening simultaneously.
all you are doing by requesting elevated security is inviting the American police state into one of the few events left in the country where cops do not run the show, and cops/FBI/CIA would have an absolute field day with elevated power at an event like this.
We have a really great thing (with other issues well worth criticism) going here. Don’t ruin it.
ETA: I have worked in live events for 12 years. I’ve been in places with way too lax security and places with the secret service. There is no reality where there is no risk, but we are doing just fine.
They should let us all bring our own guns again.