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Cowsphere Brother Alameen

Public figures in internet culture that are predominately seen as part of the cowsphere community

Time 4 Guillotines

An Onion Among Onions
Some of you may have noticed an interesting new user we have @BrotherAlameen
Kiwi Farms has a PG thread on him and from what I can glean, there's someone larping as him because he's larping as the other guy or some convoluted shit like that.
One or both of them are members of 764, so I'd hope everyone is buckled up for the inevitable wave of CSAM spam that's going to hit here.
Will try to parse through the thread later but here's the link




Screenshot from 2023-12-10 02-13-55.png





@Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt
You guys should really consider beefing up security by instituting an actual registration captcha instead of a random selection of 3 questions.

Also, it would be smart to make new users first few posts go through the moderator approval thing like on KF

I'm got a feeling some bad shit is going to happen while you're worried about copyrights for mugs and mousepads
Forces of Darkness defeated and/or retreated! Sha-sha-sha

Really though. I hope the admins make severely overdue updates to this site's security. There's no reason someone should have had 3 dozen bots ready to start filling every thread with CSAM at a moments notice.
Use the shekels from the merch sales to buy a second Xenforo license for a hidden forum and just import updates and premium add-ons from it like Josh does
Forces of Darkness defeated and/or retreated! Sha-sha-sha
View attachment 53729
Really though. I hope the admins make severely overdue updates to this site's security. There's no reason someone should have had 3 dozen bots ready to start filling every thread with CSAM at a moments notice.
Use the shekels from the merch sales to buy a second Xenforo license for a hidden forum and just import updates and premium add-ons from it like Josh does
Brother Alameen has been permanently banned from Onionfarms.