@Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt
You guys should really consider beefing up security by instituting an actual registration captcha instead of a random selection of 3 questions.
Hello I am getting a couple of spammers every day (starting to be a bit of a pain) I wonder if my captcha is working I do not even know if I have one. (I cant test my registartion process as I do not have a spare email address) I have looked at the User Registation options It mentions Captcha V2...
Also, it would be smart to make new users first few posts go through the moderator approval thing like on KF
How exactly do I enable where only new members have to have their first post approved...after that, they don't need approval to post. Thanks!
I'm got a feeling some bad shit is going to happen while you're worried about copyrights for mugs and mousepads