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    How was your vacation on Kiwifarms Ashley?
Tbh I don't pay attention to individual posters because a lot of you including you are extremely boring.
No. The drinking has got so bad, you can't tell individual posters apart.
How do you go through life without getting taught to be afraid to share shit like this?
I guess... ,not being a stupid cunt who dox'd themselves. Who cares about posting GLOBALLY acceptable views? You have never met any of the darkies you kvetch about. They are more bigoted than any Groypenvolk, you might want to abuse online.
STFU about politics. You know nothing. You literally C&P'd a page from wiki WHICH IS NOT A CITABLE SOURCE. You still think the Frankfurt School is an fucking antisemetic conspiracy theory?

What you drinking tonight? Buckfast? You strike me as a Bucky sort.
"We". You heard it here Kenny loves lumping himself in with people who think miscegenation should be illegal as long as they bring that good bantz to his dead forum.

You are so unbelievably pathetic and stupid I almost can't believe you're real. I hope your wife took all your shit because you're unambiguously a psychopath and dealing with you must have been a nightmare.
Nope: As usual you are reading only what you want to read. I have never said mixed marriages should be illegal.
Reminder to everybody: Ashley Hutsell Jankowski has her house blurred because she's scared of Neo-nazis.

Why would anyone be scared of neo-nazis? We already kicked their asses and world war two, in 1940s Germans were hardcore. I might be 40 but I'm pretty sure that I can beat up both the average Antifa and Proud Boy member, respectfully.
Why would anyone be scared of neo-nazis? We already kicked their asses and world war two, in 1940s Germans were hardcore. I might be 40 but I'm pretty sure that I can beat up both the average Antifa and Proud Boy member, respectfully.
I don't know but they're scary enough that Ashley has to blur her house on google maps.
I don't know but they're scary enough that Ashley has to blur her house on google maps.

Maybe it's the AMOUNT of neonazis that's scaring her.

What if they promise to come over one at a time?

What if they wipe their feet before they come in for tea?

I'm sure they can come to an agreement work something out here. We just have to be willing to compromise, guys.
Maybe it's the AMOUNT of neonazis that's scaring her.
She's fat so she can take them on.
What if they promise to come over one at a time?
Then she'd shoot them, dontcha know?
What if they wipe their feet before they come in for tea?
She's American and an Alcoholic, she'll be drinking beer.
I'm sure they can come to an agreement work something out here. We just have to be willing to compromise, guys.
I agree.
She's fat so she can take them on.

So you're thinking weight advantage like in boxing? Good thinking.

Then she'd shoot them, dontcha know?

Why spend money on bullets when she can just light a match and breathe on them?

She's American and an Alcoholic, she'll be drinking beer.

I feel personally attacked by that statement 😂

That's why we make a good team. We all agree she sucks.
1) Delete the threads you made about me where you allowed these losers to pretend they don't look like unfuckable stalker psychopaths for 500+ pages and bring up shit like how they want me to be raped or things about my family.
Didn't you say this is funny? This is why you interacted with Karl, Me, Nektar Geist, and Fnaarf?
2) Erase anything about my identity from this site. Stop allowing the "Notrealash" retard to bumble into every thread and derail it with insane sperging about how he's mad I'm not his fwend
Why would I wanna be friends with you asshole? You're a dumbfuck who has her address posted across the internet.
Change his avatar and change his profile to something that isn't my address.
408 Blanche Hixson Street. I thought this didn't bother Ashley? I had this for three years and you didn't do nothing about it.
You are lying when you claim he adds anything to the "community". Things like him are what scare normies away from engaging with you. It gives this place an incel sheen.
Except every other user who doesn't give a shit I'm running around with your face.
3) Don't turn this site into a mini-stormfront.
And why do you care?
You want to claim to be inclusive while you keep a tiny group of freaks around who are legitimately racist.
Why do you care?