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    How was your vacation on Kiwifarms Ashley?
As far as I know only @VAIDS Victim and I have far right sympathies. Can't speak for VAIDS but I think Kengle really needs to retire to Nigeria and let literally anyone else run this site.
Yeah, I'm a third positionist and I believe in a socialist economy and racially homogenous society. I'm against miscegenation but I don't mind gays.
That's fucking psycho, so too much time on her hands and too much mental illness?
I think it's untreated BPD, personally.
Yeah, I'm a third positionist and I believe in a socialist economy and racially homogenous society. I'm against miscegenation but I don't mind gays.
Oh that's really quirked up and marginal, did that get you lots of that sweet attention on 4chan?

I think it's untreated BPD, personally.
I don't think insane shutin nazi women who have social politics of an Alabama sheriff in the 1930s should be wandering around diagnosing everyone who despises them borderline, personally. Your casualness with sharing this means not enough people have grabbed you by your crusty ratty hair and flung you really hard into a brick wall, actually. Here's to hoping that changes, and hopefully at the hands of some fat white racist dork you meet online.
Probably we've raised entire generations at this point with really poor socialization maladaptive parenting toxic environments poor nutrition and lack of purpose.
Damn you actually deserve to be killed lol. That rules that this is a response to some bitch who just said she doesn't support "miscegenation". Do you have a single friend?
It is bad words, who gives a shit?

And yet here you are rejoining this website (that has your facedox and IRL name) that expresses such views willing and without much coercion.
This guy thinks "social justice bullshit" is saying that grown adults in their 30s shouldn't share that transgender children should die. Lmao. You do not have a single soul in your life that loves you and you will never be a functional adult.
Onionfarms.com has no position on interracial marriages. That is an individual choice, not a forum one.
That's so cool man. You're a true centrist until someone insults you or your piece of shit forum filled with insane racists, then you get your own thread. I Screenshotted this by the way.
Ken the fat gross almost dead cunt doesn't have any opinions on being a white nationalist or a child beater like his last mod but if you insult the racist filth on his shithole website he'll post all your personal information.
We gossip about celebrities and lolcows. I don't interfere in someone's personal politics, religion, or relationships unless it directly impacts the forum or I and the other staff decides it is in the best interests of the forum to do so.
then you get your own thread
Revisionism, what you'd expect from a wetbrain, who never progressed past 8th grade, emotionally/intellectually/politically... Remember when you were one of the throng, mocking the cows...? Remember that? What changed...? Oh yeah. You dox'd yerself. Like the milky moo you are.
I Screenshotted this by the way.
Get a job, you clearly have too much time on your porcine hands.
Oh that's really quirked up and marginal, did that get you lots of that sweet attention on 4chan?
I don't use 4chin, I don't like the format. If I do read it (very rarely) I just read without posting. Pol and int are sometimes a bit funny. But I can't tell who's replying to who so I get frustrated.
I don't think insane shutin nazi women who have social politics of an Alabama sheriff in the 1930s should be wandering around diagnosing everyone who despises them borderline, personally.
I have diagnosed BPD with depressive symptoms. I know when I see a fellow BPD sufferer. Especially the untreated just scream it to those of us who have been treated and are in remission.
Your casualness with sharing this means not enough people have grabbed you by your crusty ratty hair and flung you really hard into a brick wall, actually. Here's to hoping that changes, and hopefully at the hands of some fat white racist dork you meet online.
Damn you actually deserve to be killed lol.
Nice antifag LARPing. I wouldn't let my hair grow crusty lol. I only dated online commies not right wingers.
Ken isn't running a white supremacist forum, he just has a few awesome silly onion posters who don't believe in interracial marriage.
For the record, I support interracial marriage if it doesn't involve breeding. It's the producing mixed race children that is wrong, not the marriage itself. I don't have any problem with interracial marriages without children.
I rated both of you stupid but that's just because there isn't a "fucking kill yourself" button.
I see you're slipping into the "devaluation" phase of your BPD again...
Idealization can quickly turn into devaluation because there is often no middle ground for a person with BPD. Feeling challenged, threatened, or disappointed can quickly cause them to devalue the people they formerly idealized. Rather than cope with the stress of ambivalence, devaluing functions to minimize the anxiety caused by ambiguity.
We gossip about celebrities and lolcows. I don't interfere in someone's personal politics, religion, or relationships unless it directly impacts the forum or I and the other staff decides it is in the best interests of the forum to do so.

"We". You heard it here Kenny loves lumping himself in with people who think miscegenation should be illegal as long as they bring that good bantz to his dead forum.

You are so unbelievably pathetic and stupid I almost can't believe you're real. I hope your wife took all your shit because you're unambiguously a psychopath and dealing with you must have been a nightmare.
I don't use 4chin, I don't like the format. If I do read it (very rarely) I just read without posting. Pol and int are sometimes a bit funny. But I can't tell who's replying to who so I get frustrated.

I have diagnosed BPD with depressive symptoms. I know when I see a fellow BPD sufferer. Especially the untreated just scream it to those of us who have been treated and are in remission.

Nice antifag LARPing. I wouldn't let my hair grow crusty lol. I only dated online commies not right wingers.

For the record, I support interracial marriage if it doesn't involve breeding. It's the producing mixed race children that is wrong, not the marriage itself. I don't have any problem with interracial marriages without children.

I see you're slipping into the "devaluation" phase of your BPD again...

I do not remember interacting with you and I have definitely never praised you about anything. Tbh I don't pay attention to individual posters because a lot of you including you are extremely boring.

By the way I fully support you and a bunch of other bigot losers getting abandoned on an island and building a white utopia together, preferably filmed. Everyone knows racist men would value your personhood and equality as a pure aryan queen, right?
"For the record, I support interracial marriage if it doesn't involve breeding. It's the producing mixed race children that is wrong, not the marriage itself. I don't have any problem with interracial marriages without children."

How do you go through life without getting taught to be afraid to share shit like this?
The term "Third Position" was coined in Europe and the main precursors of Third Position politics were Italian fascism, Prussian socialism, National Bolshevism (a synthesis of far-right ultranationalism and far-left Bolshevism) and Strasserism (a radical, mass-action, worker-based form of Nazism, advocated by the "left-wing" of the Nazi Party by brothers Otto and Gregor Strasser, until it was crushed in the Night of the Long Knives in 1934). Neo-fascist, neo-Nazi author Francis Parker Yockey had proposed an alliance between communists and fascists called the red-brown alliance (Red being the color of communism and Brown being the color of Nazism). Yockey lent support to Third World liberation movements as well.