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    How was your vacation on Kiwifarms Ashley?
Imagine gettng bent out of shape because of bad words?
Oh I had no idea that the middle aged failures here musing about how every transgender person including kids committing suicide would be a societal positive is just "bad words". Most people would equate that sentiment with violent rightwing extremism and criminal psychopathy but since you and Ken have about a 70 IQ and belong in a group home your comprehension and ability to judge social context is serially lacking isn't it.
emails my boss calls my office manager so she can tell them that she is being stalked by a white supremacist forum.
It's so weird how people keep accurately accusing you of things you're intentionally and knowingly doing. Maybe if you just whine some more people will stop noticing all the open nazi rhetoric on your inclusive site for silly fun.
Ken knows this site is filled with nazi scrubs and he enjoys how annoying and sinister and inappropriate it is to post my personal information over and over again. He loves being surrounded by racist trash and woman abusers that were too freakish even for kiwi farms, he just tries to project an image of a pleasant old man with a rough around the edges discussion forum to have plausible deniability and protect his job. He's a bigger asshole than Null and his lonely personal life outside of this where he's been ostracized by everyone including his wife is testament to it.
Pretty based

Especially when they're not even directed at you. There's something inherently bourgeois about having so much spare time and energy that you take on literally everyone else's social battles. I know she thinks she's somehow being a good person but the obnoxious shame scolding does nothing but solidify someone's political positions. Can't wait to hear her caterwauling about that evil "Nazi" (((Donald Trump))) for another four years 🙄
How about you stop talking to or about me Dan? Can we do that?
That's fucking psycho, so too much time on her hands and too much mental illness?
It was a bit based but also hypocritical she did that to somebody who wasn't even in a part of the website. If you see a poster who comes in around 2-5am, and they haven't been here at least 2 months, its Ashley.
If you see a poster who comes in around 2-5am, and they haven't been here at least 2 months, its Ashley.
All Ashley...

Lol dude, she's has criticized him for this but doesn't do anything with this information.
That's what I'm saying, what a stupid missed opportunity. She's so stuck up her own ass with this liberal politically correct bullshit she missed the most obvious and valid attack vector.
I guess like most libtards, "Nazis" are the greater evil vs pedoniggers
This guy has been so fucking mad since I linked to that AMA article validating trans kids it's unreal. Extremely normal stuff.
Trans kids are unfortunate victims of medical malfeasance and parental abuse. Anybody who advocates for transitioning children should be looked upon as predators.

It was a bit based but also hypocritical she did that to somebody who wasn't even in a part of the website. If you see a poster who comes in around 2-5am, and they haven't been here at least 2 months, its Ashley.
I mean if they deserved it sure, but going after people who don't isn't
I just realized while Kiwifails and I were conversing, Ashley was mad posting in the thread. Holy hell.
I'm just here to have a conversation. That's the part of the internet I miss the most. Talking to people. I don't know who's this lady is or what she did and frankly I don't have time to read 3,000 pages of epic lore. I kinda don't even understand the owner other than he seems like a goofy old man who's done some really goofy shit.
I'm just here to have a conversation. That's the part of the internet I miss the most. Talking to people. I don't know who's this lady is or what she did and frankly I don't have time to read 3,000 pages of epic lore. I kinda don't even understand the owner other than he seems like a goofy old man who's done some really goofy shit.
Everybody does goofy shit. It's a part of being human.
Oh I had no idea that the middle aged failures here musing about how every transgender person including kids committing suicide would be a societal positive is just "bad words".
It is bad words, who gives a shit?
Most people would equate that sentiment with violent rightwing extremism and criminal psychopathy but since you and Ken have about a 70 IQ and belong in a group home your comprehension and ability to judge social context is serially lacking isn't it.
And yet here you are rejoining this website (that has your facedox and IRL name) that expresses such views willing and without much coercion.