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    How was your vacation on Kiwifarms Ashley?
Not a nazi, just talking about how Jews are destroying society

Now quote something I said myself, not some random poster on kiwi farms that you've decided I totally secretly am.

Even regular people unfamiliar with the concept would want you there.

There's not enough doubt on earth for that assertation, fatass.

Well I have to give it to Pat for a few things regardless what an annoying lib he is, for one every freak at January 6th should have been executed and for another thing it's cool and extremely good to assault anyone wearing a MAGA hat regardless if they're male or female. Throw trash at them, beat them until they're scared to come outside etc.

Ashley, like Pat, is very brave on the internet, not so much in real life. Real life is not like the video games you obsessively play, dummy.
I'm momentarily tired of making fun of the porn addicted nazi and his jewess doormat, this is now a thread for how China is kicking our ass in every way imaginable and the USD will not be the dominant currency for much longer

I thought you were terrified of climate change, but here you are simping for the biggest polluters on the planet.
Ashley, like Pat, is very brave on the internet, not so much in real life. Real life is not like the video games you obsessively play, dummy.
Pat seems like a garden variety pathetic divorced guy but this is rich considering you and the rest of his tormentors are hiding behind anonymity while blowing up his texts and using cops as a proxy to attack him and try to get him killed. So how exactly is he the flaccid tough guy here when you've spent years taking swipes at him and libeling his personal life on protected anonymous forums like you're an angry rejected homosexual who can't get over him? Have you ever told him you wanted to beat him up irl and given him an address because his twitter opinions annoy you and you believe he's physically inferior? If not you're the weird pussy who isn't acting like a man and squaring up, not him.

You also can't answer why Pat having an altercation with his wife once during a messy divorce is somehow more offensive and more pathetic and creepy and unmasculine than you attacking multiple women online, digging into their personal lives to humiliate them, and screaming body shaming creep shit at them. If you were doing that alone instead of on Pedo Josh's forum you would be considered a serial male stalker. I don't see Patrick doing that to total strangers who are female, so that's another thing that makes him more of a man than you.
Also why are you obsessed with this idea I'm attempting to "be tough"? Like Pat and his wife I didn't even know who the fuck you were until you as an adult man took a worrying amount of interest in me because I exposed a nazi you like to his family. I thought the whole thing with you and other trad losers was gender essentialism and women being weaker? There's an entire hundreds of pages thread on MPC about our physical and intellectual inferiority you and the other nerds love adding examples to. If that's true I'm just protecting myself from a bigger, more dangerous person who overwhelmingly statistically is more likely to kill me than vice versa.
You also can't answer why Pat having an altercation with his wife once during a messy divorce is somehow more offensive and more pathetic and creepy and unmasculine than you attacking multiple women online
Did answer, Wetbrain. Threatening to kill someone is an actual crime. Making fun of fuckwits on the internet isn't. Yet. But you're working on it, right?
China's high speed rail tech is going to make planes obsolete lol
Trains float on water do they? Moron.
From what I've read, vast swathes of China's rail systems operate with few passengers, certainly not enough usage to make them profitable or even economic. Ghost trains between ghost cities, what a great idea. Nothing to say about their pollution record? I'll note that you had no answer about the Soviet Union's long and appalling history of ecological and environmental disasters, either.
From what I've read, vast swathes of China's rail systems operate with few passengers, certainly not enough usage to make them profitable or even economic. Ghost trains between ghost cities, what a great idea. Nothing to say about their pollution record? I'll note that you had no answer about the Soviet Union's long and appalling history of ecological and environmental disasters, either.
Yeah they're going to fail any second now and the superior system is the one that rewards destructive upper bourgeois retards and rapists like Trump or Kavanaugh

I'm not interested in debating about the predictable future with a delusional fascist, why do you think you're less pathetic and insane than Tomlinson exactly? Especially when it comes to conduct with women? With me?
Get furious again and start the apologetics for North Korea's gulag system again, that's always a treat.
But we were talking about Communist societies, don't change the subject just because you have no good answers or points to make.