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    How was your vacation on Kiwifarms Ashley?
Lmfao how is this any different from what kiwi farms does to women? They've been calling Jackie Singh a street shitting dyke for years at this point. The difference is Pat probably made amends about it,
Asshole Jankowski believes threatening to kill your own baby is not as bad as calling her a fat bitch. What a bitch.
Who am I kidding, Asshole Jankowski doesn't know how family is supposed to treat each other.
You could always just go away it's not like I'm ever going to start respecting you or changing my opinion about who you are lol
I don't want to go away though. idc if you respect me or change your opinion about me, genuinely if you liked me that would be a massive red flag
This has always seemed like you're voicing your rage in a "controlled" environment where I represent all the people who rejected you for being a creepy idiot and doing things like saying if you judge outspoken racists you're a hypocrite or body shaming your innocent coworkers because they don't pass.
yeah those were forum posts not real life lmao. there's no graceful way to say "most of the people I know IRL have liked me or at least been neutral" (see: me making fun of you for austically insisting this is true in your case) but it's still true.

idk why it's so hard for you to understand that "fat woman screeching in niche forum" is a genuine form of entertainment for some people. haven't you seen all the Karen videos people love commenting on? this is basically the same thing lol
I don't want to go away though. idc if you respect me or change your opinion about me, genuinely if you liked me that would be a massive red flag

yeah those were forum posts not real life lmao. there's no graceful way to say "most of the people I know IRL have liked me or at least been neutral" (see: me making fun of you for austically insisting this is true in your case) but it's still true.

idk why it's so hard for you to understand that "fat woman screeching in niche forum" is a genuine form of entertainment for some people. haven't you seen all the Karen videos people love commenting on? this is basically the same thing lol
Because she's Asshole Jankowski. Only her life isn't fucked up, that's why she wakes up at 12am to screech and cream her about being stalked by Karl.
People like Elaine and Ashley really don't understand the concept of not giving other people more fuel to add to the fire. They don't understand the concept of disengaging. They complain on and on about what's being posted when they're the ones handing the content to the people they say they despise day in and day out.

The truth is they're addicted to the attention and need that negative validation so they keep repeating the same behaviors. Something something definition of insanity, amirite?

The top contributors to these cows' threads will always be themselves, not anyone else. The only reason people respond is because they keep coming up with stupid reasons to keep going and don't realize it isn't an internet argument, people are here watching them like zoo animals and can leave at any time. None of these people think about the lolcows they discuss online when they sign off. A majority of people posting on topics like these have reasonably good lives outside the internet and come poke the sleeping bear to have a little fun in their free time.

But the lolcows never stop thinking about the people who post about them, their whole lives revolve around things that may or may not be said on the internet. A truly sad existence.
People like Elaine and Ashley really don't understand the concept of not giving other people more fuel to add to the fire. They don't understand the concept of disengaging. They complain on and on about what's being posted when they're the ones handing the content to the people they say they despise day in and day out.

The truth is they're addicted to the attention and need that negative validation so they keep repeating the same behaviors. Something something definition of insanity, amirite?

The top contributors to these cows' threads will always be themselves, not anyone else. The only reason people respond is because they keep coming up with stupid reasons to keep going and don't realize it isn't an internet argument, people are here watching them like zoo animals and can leave at any time. None of these people think about the lolcows they discuss online when they sign off. A majority of people posting on topics like these have reasonably good lives outside the internet and come poke the sleeping bear to have a little fun in their free time.

But the lolcows never stop thinking about the people who post about them, their whole lives revolve around things that may or may not be said on the internet. A truly sad existence.
That's why she keeps saying how miserable this thread makes her, how the 3 demonic loosers dictate her life (Me, Fnaarf, Karl), how this site is run by a man who beat his wife and was assisted by another wife beater, how she hates being associated with this site, yet she still keeps coming back.

That's why she made a thread about An0nimus here, why she egged on the lolcow.org thread, why you can find her in the Null Thread during her "I will write to Kengle's job" phase.
That's why she keeps saying how miserable this thread makes her, how the 3 demonic loosers dictate her life (Me, Fnaarf, Karl), how this site is run by a man who beat his wife and was assisted by another wife beater, how she hates being associated with this site, yet she still keeps coming back.

That's why she made a thread about An0nimus here, why she egged on the lolcow.org thread, why you can find her in the Null Thread during her "I will write to Kengle's job" phase.
Who were you in Kiwifarm?
AnOminous is over 50 years old

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He is a furry who jacks off to demons from the youtube cartoon Helluva Boss, all of which are extremely gay/queer and the cartoon itself is made for teenage girls.

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That doesn't stop him from obsessing about how gross and evil and crazy transpeople all day every day, because he has hundreds of gigs of trans porn on his computer. Obviously like any other creepy aging loser like this, he has never mentioned having a wife or a girlfriend.

He is not an actual lawyer, he only did clerical work, so he wouldn't be making enough to retire this early in life. His belligerence and obvious emotional problems would quickly sour any relationships in an office setting. https://kiwifarms.net/threads/i-am-not-a-licensed-lawyer.85111/

Long history of uncontrolled fits of rage, probably personality disorder. He displays very limited empathy for anyone else, and even in rare times when he seems to, it's only because that person ingratiated themselves to him. Also how creepily this is worded what the fuck

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Got kicked off 4chan. In middle age. Still angry about it in detail. Still somehow remembers this ten years on.

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Extremely inflexible thinking, and is fucking stupid. You're born male or female, there's no medically established nuance to consider, ever. Unless you're a hot anthropomorphic cartoon whose girldick he wants to suck.
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Psychotic and childish expressions of racism for no reason

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When he isn't screaming about troons he's talking about food. He has enough copious free time to bother with planning and cooking complicated meals. He has literally never mentioned having an SO or a partner but he seems to mention other people living with him. Group home or furry polycule situation?

He is closing in on 150,000 posts on Kiwi Farms and posts for hours and hours every single day. He's posting at all hours of the night. How does he find time to do this? Where is his income coming from?

- Terminal drug addict
Why would she go out of her way to put so much effort into this post if she did not want the validation of pointing at Mr. Mean Ole An0minous?
Four pages since noon? You're doing just great, Ashley.

I wonder what will happen if Fnaarf and Karl stop responding to ashely? Will she keep going on?

I stopped for months and it didn't even make a dent in Ashley's posting or slow her down even slightly. She's manic with persecutory delusions. And boy does it ever show! There's no inner leash with people like that, they'll keep going forever, or until she shoots one of her neighbors in a psychotic episode for being a 'nazi'.
Four pages since noon? You're doing just great, Ashley.

I stopped for months and it didn't even make a dent in Ashley's posting or slow her down even slightly. She's manic with persecutory delusions. And boy does it ever show! There's no inner leash with people like that, they'll keep going forever, or until she shoots one of her neighbors in a psychotic episode for being a 'nazi'.
Josh the stinky boylover who runs your favorite forum for illegal activities against very litigious middle aged men who are richer than you now has a post begging for paper checks, are you gonna send him a big one sugar daddy?

14 Minute. It took Asshole Jankowski 14 minutes after Karl typing to get her back in. What a bitch.

This is why everyone should ignore Assley when she points at people being here 24 hours a day.
I mean, do you really think Ashley just happens to keep getting targeted by 'nazis'? Very few or none are anything of the sort, of course. Ashley's increasingly flimsy hold on consensus reality allows for an expansive and very stupid definition of nazi. Maybe it warms her fat-clogged little heart in the wee hours of the morning to think the world's full of nazis who are targeting her because she's so smart and such a committed leftist, but it has never been true.
Ashley can't point to a single 'nazi' or even fascist idea I've expoused, unlike her habit of darkly muttering about putting wide swathes of people in 'reeducation' (death) camps or asides about how class enemies will be eliminated in her communist utopia.
Have you guys ever thought about how people resent being associated with you and are embarrassed and annoyed by it not because you're cool gifted bullies but because you are bottom of the barrel freaks who have been abandoned by everyone irl
Have you ever thought about the fact that you are stuck like krazy glue to this forum. He who imitates a people is one of them