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    How was your vacation on Kiwifarms Ashley?
I guess stop hanging around fucked up misogynistic nerds gassing them up and people will stop assuming you fantasize about degradation and rape?
how is that at all relevant to what I said. we're not talking about your delusions about me, we're talking about the deranged shit you spew with your whole chest
lol that you have not even the vaguest ability to justify any aspect of your fucked up stupid life that you put on display here daily
damn, if only you had any actual evidence of what a fucked up life I allegedly live. maybe something like me saying "get raped k ike" or "I hope you get raped" or "I hope this woman's cat gets raped to death" or "hurry up and become that guy's human lamp already" or repeatedly using the N-word or calling women 'slores' (made me laugh tbh) or,
damn, if only you had any actual evidence of what a fucked up life I allegedly live. maybe something like me saying "get raped k ike" or "I hope you get raped" or "I hope this woman's cat gets raped to death" or "hurry up and become that guy's human lamp already" or repeatedly using the N-word or calling women 'slores' (made me laugh tbh) or,
Reminder, Asshole Jankowski lies.
damn, if only you had any actual evidence of what a fucked up life I allegedly live. maybe something like me saying "get raped k ike" or "I hope you get raped" or "I hope this woman's cat gets raped to death" or "hurry up and become that guy's human lamp already" or repeatedly using the N-word or calling women 'slores' (made me laugh tbh) or,
There is dumbass you log in here every day to play backup for a white supremacist. Your life could not suck more. You could not suck more.
I mean if Fnaarf truly had a good life she'd make a sock account at 12am-4am to own the Nazis. Oh wait that's Asshole Jankowski.
There is dumbass you log in here every day to play backup for a white supremacist. Your life could not suck more. You could not suck more.
my life could and has sucked a whole lot more than this. I come back a couple times a day to a raging, insane, clinically mentally impaired obese woman from the worst state in the country raging at me for free every single day. for free! streaming TV costs like $20 per channel and I have my own customized entertainment right here. I'm blessed tbqh
The deficit of people you know irl to tell you that you fucking suck because that is not healthy behavior is proof you don't have any healthy human relationships
does Tommy think the multiple rape wishes, graphic child molestation fantasies and other gross shit you say is normal? if I showed him that cap of you saying insane shit about a woman's innocent cat would he giggle?
does Tommy think the multiple rape wishes, graphic child molestation fantasies and other gross shit you say is normal? if I showed him that cap of you saying insane shit about a woman's innocent cat would he giggle?
Nope, because Asshole Jankowski chokes him unconscious before she goes on her rage filled rants against Karl
my life could and has sucked a whole lot more than this. I come back a couple times a day to a raging, insane, clinically mentally impaired obese woman from the worst state in the country raging at me for free every single day. for free! streaming TV costs like $20 per channel and I have my own customized entertainment right here. I'm blessed tbqh

does Tommy think the multiple rape wishes, graphic child molestation fantasies and other gross shit you say is normal? if I showed him that cap of you saying insane shit about a woman's innocent cat would he giggle?
You could always just go away it's not like I'm ever going to start respecting you or changing my opinion about who you are lol
This has always seemed like you're voicing your rage in a "controlled" environment where I represent all the people who rejected you for being a creepy idiot and doing things like saying if you judge outspoken racists you're a hypocrite or body shaming your innocent coworkers because they don't pass. Trying to fit in with racists and terfs. I mean if it didn't fly out there it doesn't on the hugbox of the internet either.
You could always just go away it's not like I'm ever going to start respecting you or changing my opinion about who you are lol
Why would she go away? Its not like you typed out anything that was true, Asshole Jankowski. It's not like you're making her miserable or stress her out, unlike us.
Trying to fit in with racists and terfs.
No thats you Asshole Jankowski. That's why you came back to Kiwifarms when Onionfarms went down so you could make fun of Kengle. That's why you join the site that's "worse than Stormfront" in your own words.
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