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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
The 2000s were not particularly civilized by my recollection. Before TDS there was BDS, Bush Derangement Syndrome. That was the advent of lefties doing things like "shit ins" where they pooped on the steps of the Capitol Building, painting themselves with pig's blood and marching around screaming "BUSH KILLED ME IN IRAQ", even Game of Thrones chimped out and made a dummy head of Dubya that they covered in fake blood and put on a pike. A former Republican Speaker of the House was arrested for raping kids in the 2000s. There was a lot of screaming and crying from retarded people, there was chimping out about "war crime charges" that never materialized, etc. It wasn't civilized, it was the same people sitting on their obese asses and squealing while they got taken advantage of by right wing kiddy diddlers.
but it wasn't like today where society is much more polarized. you can make fun of both sides of the political spectrum, make offensive jokes, and make political jokes that's actually funny for both sides.

nowadays, it's all "hurr left bad" "hurr right bad" and so on

Dick Cheney and George Bush knowingly lied to invade a country for oil money and killed hundreds of thousands of civilians in the process.
everyone already know this? what's your point
Dick Cheney and George Bush knowingly lied to invade a country for oil money and killed hundreds of thousands of civilians in the process.
But no mean Tweets! Very important.

you can make fun of both sides of the political spectrum, make offensive jokes, and make political jokes that's actually funny for both sides.
That's all because of the left, they even eat their own for going a tiny bit off script. Look at Dave Chapelle, he's no conservative, but they wanted him cancelled because he wasn't a perfrct propaganda machine for them.

But you can't see that clear fact, or pretend not to so you can still feel like an enlightened centrist :story: Imagine seeing the problem and still saying "nowadays, it's all "hurr left bad" "hurr right bad" and so on". Lol no, it's virtually entirely the left's fault.

This exact mindset has lead to the wall not getting built and niggers like you have destroyed the very possibility of it.
I'd love to hear your logic in this.

We found Josh's alt account.
So I'm wrong and career politicians are what we need, these "professionals", ok.

>corncob shrinking
Can't help being right. Trust me, I didn't want to be.

You live in California and don't own guns you are sadly in much more danger than anyone else.
It shouldn't be that way though. I shouldn't even have to own a gun or fet about moving. The white and more conservative and Christian the country was, the safer. Now we're enjoying what the opposite looks like.
Compelling rebuttal, very well articulated and persuasive reasoning. I concede.
i just can't help but to laugh man. you are like those stereotypical political extremists that can be found on both sides of the political spectrum. stormfront loonies? antifa retards? don't matter 'cause they are all the same all thanks to this neat little political theory:

That's all because of the left, they even eat their own for going a tiny bit off script. Look at Dave Chapelle, he's no conservative, but they wanted him cancelled because he wasn't a perfrct propaganda machine for them.

But you can't see that clear fact, or pretend not to so you can still feel like an enlightened centrist :story: Imagine seeing the problem and still saying "nowadays, it's all "hurr left bad" "hurr right bad" and so on". Lol no, it's virtually entirely the left's fault.
y'know this kind of tribalistic thinking is what sets us back. i agree that radical shit can be useful but it will only work in desperation a.k.a if you have nothing else to do because you have exhausted all possible actions. in the mean time: :takeyourmeds:
Can the two of you just stop having a personal argument that is completely off-topic in this thread?
Go argue with one another in DMs or on your walls, not here.
This is a thread about Caroline Farrow. If you have nothing to say about this specific topic, don't post here at all.
You're not a mod, faggot. Either use the report function or shut the fuck up.
Can the two of you just stop having a personal argument that is completely off-topic in this thread?
Go argue with one another in DMs or on your walls, not here.
This is a thread about Caroline Farrow. If you have nothing to say about this specific topic, don't post here at all.

has caroline farrow done anything interesting lately to warrant talking about?
I decided to start a thread about Matthew Hardin:
His website:

He is authorized to practice in these states and federal court as well: District of Columbia, Maryland, Minnesota, New York, North Dakota, Vermont, Virginia, Washington

Now there is another Matthew Hardin who is a personal injury lawyer in Tennessee but this is a different person:

Matthew Hardin was the chief prosecutor in Greene County Virginia
He was a lawyer in Stanardsville, VA

Elected by the Republican Party of Greene County, VA

This is interesting: He asked state officials to cut his pay in half. They said no.

Greene County voters elect him:

Campaigning for prosecutor

Some more interesting information about him
  • Free Consultation10 minutes
  • Hourly Rates $275-450 per hour
The Schilling Show:
Matthew Hardin, former Greene Co. Commonwealth’s Attorney, government transparency expert and litigator, discusses how the Virginia Supreme Court invalidates electronic meetings.

Investigations into a rape at a Greene County High School:

The Rape charge against the teen was dropped but Hardin was accused of acting inappropriately before a grand jury (a charge he denies):

Defeated in the 2019 Election for Attorney General:

Hardin Objects to Del. Bell’s Bill Rolling Back FOIA :

Virginia prosecutors are seeking to throw out theft cases against a county supervisor and another man accused of illegally harvesting hay on vacant county property.


Wimer v. Greene County General Circuit Court et al​

The one thing I am curious about is despite his extensive experience, he has no Google reviews despite him practicing law for 9 years.
Wonder why Josh chose to reveal his lawyer knowing he'll be harassed by troons and Vordrak.
One of the things Josh was boasting about is that his lawyer doesn't have any social media so he's hard to harass, apparently.

This is what happens to your brain when you only have contact with humanity via a screen and keyboard
One of the things Josh was boasting about is that his lawyer doesn't have any social media so he's hard to harass, apparently.

This is what happens to your brain when you only have contact with humanity via a screen and keyboard
Null forgets that traditional letters and mail still exist. What a fucking moron!