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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights What are some truly bad things Kiwi Farms has done?

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
Imagine wearing Kiwi Farms merch in public.

"Kiwi Farms? What is that?"
"Oh, it's a site where we laugh at silly people doing silly things."
(Goes to Kiwi Farms, and reads all the posts full of slurs, BBC cuck fantasies, le wrong generation cringe, and general internet shittery, ruining whatever "good" Josh thinks it does as a site)
"So, uh, dude, I looked up Kiwi Farms, and I don't think we should hang out anymore."
"I mean, I don't really like the way it operates."
(Other person leaves.)
"Fuckin' trannies cost me my relationship! Reeeeee!"

So, I guess, in a way, that is something good KF has done. Exposed the retards so people can stock up and keep an eye on them. :story:
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Admittedly one of the difficulties under this question is actual linking them.
Similarly to how their praises are anecdotal; how do you truly link any event? How do you prove they were the ones partially responsible?

You could argue...
Kiwifarms has helped in poisoning children's mind with extremist thoughts, and degrading their ability to critically think, with deliberate manipulation in mind.
But they will say that's not their fault, and possibly shift the blame to say it's social media's fault or any particular individual.
More likely though they will argue that: They don't manipulate; they just show the truth.

But exactly like any other e-celeb that uses the word allegation, but acts as if they know everything. Implying, but all saying.
They are biased.
Using someone that defended Kiwifarms' own words, admittedly when he was far younger, he outlines how an "expose" video is supposed to come off as neutral but clearly have a direct bias that is meant to make the viewer think they came to that conclusion.
Skip to 8:30 - 9:00, thirty seconds.

That said a personal anecdote to mine is that I knew someone in real life that was a farmer and they're miserable. They refused to listen to anyone in their life, even their own parents, and kept using the kiwifarms as a guide to life.
Reason: typos
Admittedly one of the difficulties under this question is actual linking them.
Similarly to how their praises are anecdotal; how do you truly link any event? How do you prove they were the ones partially responsible?

You could argue...
Same way Kiwis prove anything happens link and archive. This isn't a court this is the panopticon of public opinion. Not every 't' needs to be crossed you just need to give a sense of some of the problems going on and then have a few links the the results.

That's kinda why I tried to focus on events Null started or was involved in. It's not that I want to make this another Null thread but if we focus on stuff Null either called for or replied to he can't use the excuse of "I can't control my users, I dont know what is going on" Which is rich btw cause he sure can control what people have to say when it's criticizing him. He sure seems to have a bunch of people willing to snitch when it's about people bringing up blockland.

Also when it's concerning Null we can use the archives of old MATI shows to prove that Null is aware of the content being posted on his site and in fact has a few threads spefically intented to aggregate the material for his shows. The aggreagate threads(Community happenings and the MATI thread) can also be used to prove this as people will be tagging Null with various kinds of news proving that it would be hard for this info to escape his notice.

A revenge porn tape being leaked in particular is a pretty large event and it seems unlikely that it would escape Null or the staffs notice.
They're right about IDubbz, but let's be real, dude was never funny. Boring as fuck, completely overrated. I've tried to listen to his Kickstarter Crap videos and it's just so bad. It's like Reddit humor took human form. IDubbz was right about Keemstar, though.
Didn't Pro Jared also have revenge porn released there? I can't remember if there were nudes or just him in the embarrassing Sailor Moon outfit.

ALso here's a thread with a pic of ADF's bottom surgery which he seems to maintain was released as revenge porn:

Oh yeah also Elaine says some of her nudes were revenge porn too right?
Elaine's nudes were also posted here, Ken was fine with hosting revenge porn until she swatted him.

As for the women Josh is illegally hosting revenge porn of, there's also Becky Gerber aka ArchivistBecks. One of the Kiwi freaks found her nudes posted on some literotica website that were not attached to her real name and reposted them on KF. She's claimed for several years that she's underaged in the photos. Her thread is actually one of the more harrowingly sexist ones on KF and completely exposes the userbase and Null as angry incels who just want to control and abuse people with no underlying ideological reason for doing so. I've read through her thread and all I can figure out is that she was a vaguely anti-Gamergate figure years ago working in the games industry, which totes justifies 1,000 pages of shutins telling her they hope she miscarries her baby and posting her naked probably underaged body.

Julie Terryberry & Byuu
The point of this thread isn't to retread what's honestly likely total bullshit.
The zoosadist fap folder on Kiwi Farms is something no normal person could ever cosign and it's never brought up. Try to focus on things like that.
There's zero reason to think Byuu is dead and the average Kwiffar already has the PR lines memorized to explain away the other two suicides linked to KF. If you want to use suicide as an attack vector, Josh's partnership with Lamarcus Small of Sanctioned Suicide is actually worth talking about. But muh Byuu is laughable, even as an a-log
They're right about IDubbz, but let's be real, dude was never funny. Boring as fuck, completely overrated. I've tried to listen to his Kickstarter Crap videos and it's just so bad. It's like Reddit humor took human form. IDubbz was right about Keemstar, though.
Holy fuck thank you. I hate all these losers that kiwi types baw over it's always some giant loser with the world's lowest effort content. I guess it makes sense that Turkey Tom is the new KF darling.
Holy fuck thank you. I hate all these losers that kiwi types baw over it's always some giant loser with the world's lowest effort content. I guess it makes sense that Turkey Tom is the new KF darling.

I also don't care for Knudsen. I lost all respect/interest when he made a big deal in his Empress Theresa video about a fucking typo. Norman typed "editting" instead of "editing" and Knudsen sperged the fuck out over it. I was like dude, who the fuck cares? Why does it matter? You're literally getting uppity over a bloody typo? Of course, Kwiffar think he's this based dude who puts out bangers too when he's literally just another e-sped. IDubbz, though? Holy fuckin' shit, the guy is a humor vacuum. I don't understand how he ever got famous to begin with. Was it because he punked a fellow attention whore in Tana Mongeau? As for Anisa, meh. And don't get me started on Critikal. Dude literally made his career ripping off the AVGN but with a monotone voice like that Luhrman dude from Daria and everyone jerks him off like he's this great titan of comedy. It's all so tiresome. What happened to actually putting time and effort into anything? Why does it always default to "just milk the whales, bro" and leaving us normal people out in the cold?
The point of this thread isn't to retread what's honestly likely total bullshit
They can handwave as hard as they like but Julie Terryberry was definitely the worse off for having kiwi farms insert itself into her life. You for sure can't draw a straight line from the farms to her eventual suicide, but they were unarguably a negative influence on her life. Most people think that kind of thing is weird and abnormal.
Elaine's nudes were also posted here, Ken was fine with hosting revenge porn until she swatted him.

As for the women Josh is illegally hosting revenge porn of, there's also Becky Gerber aka ArchivistBecks. One of the Kiwi freaks found her nudes posted on some literotica website that were not attached to her real name and reposted them on KF. She's claimed for several years that she's underaged in the photos. Her thread is actually one of the more harrowingly sexist ones on KF and completely exposes the userbase and Null as angry incels who just want to control and abuse people with no underlying ideological reason for doing so. I've read through her thread and all I can figure out is that she was a vaguely anti-Gamergate figure years ago working in the games industry, which totes justifies 1,000 pages of shutins telling her they hope she miscarries her baby and posting her naked probably underaged body.
Yonah Bex Gerber, which is what they go by, is non-binary, I should note.

There is no point arguing with people like you. All I can tell you is that if you buy a full background check on his name you will find a deceased status and a date that confirms it. He did it and the final thing that led to it was Josh's behavior.
When an American dies overseas, their name is added to a list. Why has the United States not confirmed his name on that list? If this is such common knowledge, post the full background check that surely someone else has bought. I'll buy they same report from the same company and post it alongside a report from a company of my choosing.
It'd be great to deboonk their deboonking, should be an easy task that doesn't put the onus on me to go do the leg work to prove your claim