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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
When Frank Hassle showed up at Boogie's door, null was mad people thought it was funny and thought boogie should have shot him dead. I guess he's mad at himself he pussied out at that tranny Greta at his door.
He also seemed to not care when SSSniperWolf did it too. Probably because he wishes she would show up to his house and sit on his face or something.
Guys I think he might be depressed... :cry:
Also I never took @Ashley Hutsell Jankowski to be a Trump supporter. Not winning any woke points with that one.

I think my remark about her being a terminally online millennial struck a real nerve, honestly. Like I said, when you cut through the bullshit and just say look, you're not woke, you're not based, you just spend too much time online, they don't know how to handle it. It's why so many of them point the finger at zoomers over TikTok. They hate them because they can see themselves in them. Look at r/nosurf for another great example of how self-absorbed they are: "If I can't control how I use the internet/social media, nobody should be allowed to use it, period, because I'll relapse."

It's baby's first emotional blackmail. Countless people use the internet and social media just fine. A lot of the hysteria over both is completely overblown fearmongering. Just because you can't handle your shit doesn't mean the rest of us can't. And don't tell me about how creators of Facebook, etc have come out to worry about this shit because what message are they sending? Yeah, I waited until I made all the money I could off of it to start caring about its effects?

Hell, if anything, I barely use the internet myself anymore because so much of it has been pozzed with "TFW NO GF" level whining. But you know what I don't do? I don't moral police anyone else's use of it. I simply press that X on the upper right corner of the screen and go on with my day.

With my life, which I suspect so many don't have much of.
View attachment 42404
Null feels sad over the state of 4chan and 8chan.

4chan and 8chan went to shit because nobody wants to hear about how bored faggots pretending to be skitzo for attention can't get laid. I used to lurk on both sites, even posted a few times on each, and I saw it as clear as crystal:


Take a board like /lit/ for example. Nobody actually discusses literature there. It's all just whining about women and other irrelevant bullshit. What book will help me get women, bros? I don't give a fuck if you can't get your dick wet, motherfucker, talk some goddamn literature. You see this rinsed and repeated on every fucking board, and it just kills the appeal. No wonder other skitzos had to come up with "muh dead internet theory" because they can't cope with the fact that they fucked it all up.

"The dead Internet theory is an online conspiracy theory that asserts that the Internet now consists almost entirely of bot activity and automatically generated content that is manipulated by algorithmic curation, marginalizing organic human activity."

This reminds me of this:


"Everyone online is a bot!" is the new "everyone is a sheep but me," and it's sad. Funny how we never seemed to have this problem back in the good old days. I mean, sure, you always had dipshits online, but the "old internet" was still pretty lively and exciting. You had tons of people who knew to stick to the original topic, to not shoehorn in irrelevant political bullshit, to actually have fun and shoot the shit. But then suddenly something changed, and that spirit was killed by the very same people lamenting its death today, and rather than fess up and admit they killed it, they blame everyone else. Hell, the old internet was "woke" and "degenerate" by their own logic to begin with, so what's the problem here? Shouldn't you be glad that it's now all political and that people are caring about more "important" things than sportsball and top 40 music? Because nowadays you can't discuss either without someone shoehorning in a reference to politics. Oh, the GM is as stubborn as Trump! Oh, only in Biden's America! If we turned back the clock, the average KF user would still hole up in their hugbox because nobody wants to hear their autistic fixation on axe wounds and nigger dick for the thousandth time. They'd be sitting at the same table as the Redditors because nobody wants their "le six year old troll's hole toll" humor anymore either.
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Countless people use the internet and social media just fine. A lot of the hysteria over both is completely overblown fearmongering. Just because you can't handle your shit doesn't mean the rest of us can't.
I've said this before (about Ash, but the Kwiffar in general), this is the problem with them, because they can't use the web responsibly, no one else can use it, or they have to "internet the correct way". It's like "Born Again" types. They aren't trying to save anyone from the "Demon Intraweb", they just want to buzz kill anyone having fun.

Reminder: Ash is just another spurned Kwiffar, who wants us to believe is nothing like those 'Orrible lot on themthar Commie Farms... despite the fact there is nothing to separate them.

My question is: Why do they always have to come here and shit the place up?
4chan and 8chan went to shit because nobody wants to hear about how bored faggots pretending to be skitzo for attention can't get laid.

tfw an entire generation of manginas ruined the internet lmao

Ralph is currently interviewing the Sam Hyde accuser and she is sober and fairly lucid this must be burning Josh's ass lol.

Ralph is a loser but he's not a bad interviewer honestly. I bet he mandated that she be sober to appear on his show after Null shit the bed.
thats perfect. looks exactly like him.
Null just simps for any woman in hopes of getting laid before he is 40 but it's failing.
i keep saying he should have chose Elaine or May.
but he's not a bad interviewer honestly.
yes he is, unless he explicitly has first hand knowledge about the interviewer or the subject he flails hard. Most of his interviews with alt-right figures shows this hard. His co-hosts have had to do the heavy lifting for most of it, or the interview subject basically interviews themselves.
>I think my remark about her being a terminally online millennial struck a real nerve, honestly. Like I said, when you cut through the bullshit and just say look, you're not woke, you're not based, you just spend too much time online, they don't know how to handle it. It's why so many of them point the finger at zoomers over TikTok. They hate them because they can see themselves in them. Look at r/nosurf for another great example of how self-absorbed they are: "If I can't control how I use the internet/social media, nobody should be allowed to use it, period, because I'll relapse."

>It's baby's first emotional blackmail. Countless people use the internet and social media just fine. A lot of the hysteria over both is completely overblown fearmongering. Just because you can't handle your shit doesn't mean the rest of us can't. And don't tell me about how creators of Facebook, etc have come out to worry about this shit because what message are they sending? Yeah, I waited until I made all the money I could off of it to start caring about its effects?

>Hell, if anything, I barely use the internet myself anymore because so much of it has been pozzed with "TFW NO GF" level whining. But you know what I don't do? I don't moral police anyone else's use of it. I simply press that X on the upper right corner of the screen and go on with my day.

>With my life, which I suspect so many don't have much of.

>4chan and 8chan went to shit because nobody wants to hear about how bored faggots pretending to be skitzo for attention can't get laid. I used to lurk on both sites, even posted a few times on each, and I saw it as clear as crystal:

>Take a board like /lit/ for example. Nobody actually discusses literature there. It's all just whining about women and other irrelevant bullshit. What book will help me get women, bros? I don't give a fuck if you can't get your dick wet, motherfucker, talk some goddamn literature. You see this rinsed and repeated on every fucking board, and it just kills the appeal. No wonder other skitzos had to come up with "muh dead internet theory" because they can't cope with the fact that they fucked it all up.

>"The dead Internet theory is an online conspiracy theory that asserts that the Internet now consists almost entirely of bot activity and automatically generated content that is manipulated by algorithmic curation, marginalizing organic human activity."

>This reminds me of this:

>"Everyone online is a bot!" is the new "everyone is a sheep but me," and it's sad. Funny how we never seemed to have this problem back in the good old days. I mean, sure, you always had dipshits online, but the "old internet" was still pretty lively and exciting. You had tons of people who knew to stick to the original topic, to not shoehorn in irrelevant political bullshit, to actually have fun and shoot the shit. But then suddenly something changed, and that spirit was killed by the very same people lamenting its death today, and rather than fess up and admit they killed it, they blame everyone else. Hell, the old internet was "woke" and "degenerate" by their own logic to begin with, so what's the problem here? Shouldn't you be glad that it's now all political and that people are caring about more "important" things than sportsball and top 40 music? Because nowadays you can't discuss either without someone shoehorning in a reference to politics. Oh, the GM is as stubborn as Trump! Oh, only in Biden's America! If we turned back the clock, the average KF user would still hole up in their hugbox because nobody wants to hear their autistic fixation on axe wounds and nigger dick for the thousandth time. They'd be sitting at the same table as the Redditors because nobody wants their "le six year old troll's hole toll" humor anymore either.

>I think my remark about her being a terminally online millennial struck a real nerve, honestly. Like I said, when you cut through the bullshit and just say look, you're not woke, you're not based, you just spend too much time online, they don't know how to handle it. It's why so many of them point the finger at zoomers over TikTok. They hate them because they can see themselves in them. Look at r/nosurf for another great example of how self-absorbed they are: "If I can't control how I use the internet/social media, nobody should be allowed to use it, period, because I'll relapse."

>It's baby's first emotional blackmail. Countless people use the internet and social media just fine. A lot of the hysteria over both is completely overblown fearmongering. Just because you can't handle your shit doesn't mean the rest of us can't. And don't tell me about how creators of Facebook, etc have come out to worry about this shit because what message are they sending? Yeah, I waited until I made all the money I could off of it to start caring about its effects?

>Hell, if anything, I barely use the internet myself anymore because so much of it has been pozzed with "TFW NO GF" level whining. But you know what I don't do? I don't moral police anyone else's use of it. I simply press that X on the upper right corner of the screen and go on with my day.

>With my life, which I suspect so many don't have much of.

>4chan and 8chan went to shit because nobody wants to hear about how bored faggots pretending to be skitzo for attention can't get laid. I used to lurk on both sites, even posted a few times on each, and I saw it as clear as crystal:

>Take a board like /lit/ for example. Nobody actually discusses literature there. It's all just whining about women and other irrelevant bullshit. What book will help me get women, bros? I don't give a fuck if you can't get your dick wet, motherfucker, talk some goddamn literature. You see this rinsed and repeated on every fucking board, and it just kills the appeal. No wonder other skitzos had to come up with "muh dead internet theory" because they can't cope with the fact that they fucked it all up.

>"The dead Internet theory is an online conspiracy theory that asserts that the Internet now consists almost entirely of bot activity and automatically generated content that is manipulated by algorithmic curation, marginalizing organic human activity."

>This reminds me of this:

>"Everyone online is a bot!" is the new "everyone is a sheep but me," and it's sad. Funny how we never seemed to have this problem back in the good old days. I mean, sure, you always had dipshits online, but the "old internet" was still pretty lively and exciting. You had tons of people who knew to stick to the original topic, to not shoehorn in irrelevant political bullshit, to actually have fun and shoot the shit. But then suddenly something changed, and that spirit was killed by the very same people lamenting its death today, and rather than fess up and admit they killed it, they blame everyone else. Hell, the old internet was "woke" and "degenerate" by their own logic to begin with, so what's the problem here? Shouldn't you be glad that it's now all political and that people are caring about more "important" things than sportsball and top 40 music? Because nowadays you can't discuss either without someone shoehorning in a reference to politics. Oh, the GM is as stubborn as Trump! Oh, only in Biden's America! If we turned back the clock, the average KF user would still hole up in their hugbox because nobody wants to hear their autistic fixation on axe wounds and nigger dick for the thousandth time. They'd be sitting at the same table as the Redditors because nobody wants their "le six year old troll's hole toll" humor anymore either.

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Seems I've touched one of your nerves, eh? lol, it's okay. You're free to disagree with me.
View attachment 42444
View attachment 42445
KF user writes massive simp post about how hard Null works to keep the last bastion of free speech alive and unrestricted while his ungrateful userbase lashes his back.

wow that's a lot of words

what stands out to me is that this user specified that Null is not a crack addict of all things. Did anyone try to claim Null was a crack addict?
I don't see how they could, aren't crack addicts usually skinny?

E: maybe he meant cock addict?
Only Neko Shota Cock.

Null's passionate "hate" for trannies, pedos, and anime seems like overcompensating, some "doth protest too much", considering he used to jerk to all of those combined when his dick still worked. He has said he's tried to get prostitutes and it hasn't worked because of all the fucked up porn he "was" into, but was he ever into women?
Got to love Josh implying he isn't some feckless degenerate weirdo. Obviously this comes on the heels of some news of him being unable to bend people to his whim.
View attachment 42449
How would he know what the tech industry is filled with? He hasn't worked a proper job for years and years, his only brush with the tech industry at large is being told to fuck off because they don't want his business.

If we're talking about the glowing silicon valley "tech" companies (social media websites) then sure they probably are full of programming socks, but the actual tech industry where computers are touched for real is filled with pajeets and chinks managed by an ever-shrinking later of white engineers.