• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
i have always wondered what Josh's dad looks like
Probably the same as Venti's:

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It's almost uncanny how similar they are, whether it's the unfortunate sperg look or the grifting.
They truly are meant for eachother. Venti could be Jewsh’s le based Tradwife and give him 6 gorillion mutt kids if he could get his dick to work.
They truly are meant for eachother. Venti could be Jewsh’s le based Tradwife and give him 6 gorillion mutt kids if he could get his dick to work.

Josh's timeline:

No dad or friends in real life or a job -> Become terminally online -> join communities for attention and validation -> shit up the Blockland forum - > join CWCiki -> turn it into Kiwi Farms, shit up imageboards -> MUST PRESERVE tranny fart porn -> Suicide

Him hooking up with Venti could be a good addition to an already entertaining saga, it keeps growing like his waistline.
This is what trad means.

Being trad also means when little white girls get raped by black men, they can't abort the babies because @SSj_Ness would be very mad with you if you did that. And it also means never adopting or footing the bill for said babies because that'd make you a cuck. Make sure to let everyone know you think women are demeaned by porn and that they deserve equal pay, though. Just so people don't think you're a complete retard.
I'm trad.
Trad is to the right wing what "right side of history" is to the left. No need for actually getting involved in anything, just be a typical online slacktivist, wait till shit happens, then roll on up like EDP at a Girl Scout cookie booth and say how heckin' based you are for being on the winning team. Make sure when you sport a ShockedPikachu.jpg-esque face after they tell you to fuck off to make the mouth extra wide for better effect.

"Act like they're above it."

As expected, it boils down to "no u is the poopyhead" level logic. And really, who wouldn't gossip about Josh and the hypocrites who defend him at every opportunity despite most cows being better than him at life?

Josh really is Lucas Werner with a shinier soapbox.


Lidl's insistence that Josh is just misunderstood flies in the face of her (or his, if you trust Gays from LA) contempt for males, especially because didn't he lash out at Stocking?

Hold on. Wait a minute.

"4:51 AM - Joshua: God DAMNIT
4:51 AM - Joshua: I don't understand why NOBODY
4:51 AM - Joshua: can loving love me for who I am
4:51 AM - Joshua: Nobody
4:51 AM - Joshua: My parents
4:51 AM - Joshua: Grandparents
4:51 AM - Joshua: Everyone I've ever loving met
4:52 AM - Joshua: I swear to god I want to kill and rape as many people as I can
4:52 AM - Joshua: before getting gunned down by SWAT
4:52 AM - Joshua: That needs to be my life aspiration
4:52 AM - Joshua: You stupid loving cunts need to suffer
4:52 AM - Joshua: All living things with a vagina"

"I remember after he found out my last name, he said that he'd show up to my house while I was at school, shoot my dad, and wait for me to get home. Then he'd subdue me, cut off each individual digit with a knife heated in hot grease so that it'd cauterize as it cut and I wouldn't bleed out. Then he'd cut off my clitoris and my labia, and then rape my ass until I shat myself. Then he'd just leave me to starve to death or something once all my appendages and my genitals were sliced off and he'd beaten me sufficiently." (Josh's response? He was really mad that day.)

Yet here Lidl is trying to act like Josh isn't like those other guys! By their own logic, Josh is just another degenerate moid waste of egg and sperm, but apparently the based man disrespecters on the man hate thread, like every other KF user, make countless excuses for Josh.

"I was really mad that day."

Any other guy who sent that shit to Stocking and said this as a reason why would be skewered by the Man Hate Thread posters. Any other guy. But Josh? He dindu nuffin, he's a good boy, he was a teenager when he made those remarks about underage neko boys, nevermind that the Man Hate thread is full of posters giving teenage boys shit - she literally replied to someone telling a story about when they and their friends were 14 as follows:

>Long ago when we were... I'm going to guess 14 years old, some friends and I (all of us boys) were passing the time with dumb teen male conversations. Somehow the question came up, "What would you do if you knew the world was going to end at midnight?" My answer came easily: "Do as many drugs and drink as much alcohol as I can get my hands on." My friend, who was fairly popular in school and is now a successful and respected Ivy League grad with his own family, answered just as easily: "Start raping." My other friend, who I like to think was just trying to be "macho" somehow, agreed with the rape.

Lidl replies with:

"This is why I don't understand men who don't get why women might hate them. You know firsthand how awful other men are!"

Josh says:

(8:11 AM) Joshua: Alright, time to jerk off to some neko shota.
(8:11 AM) Joshua: Yeah, I'm forgeted up. I know :(
(8:11 AM) Joshua: brb.
(8:13 AM) Colten v3.5: 0-0
(8:13 AM) Colten v3.5: Wait
(8:13 AM) Colten v3.5: I thought you hated furries
(8:13 AM) Joshua: Neko =/= Furry.
(8:13 AM) Colten v3.5: I just googled it
(8:13 AM) Colten v3.5: It was a half cat half boy
(8:14 AM) Joshua: A single cat abindage is not equivilant to a dog with some human features.
(8:14 AM) Joshua: And that's not why I hate furries.
(8:14 AM) Colten v3.5: http://www.nekoshota.com/indexshota.jpg
(8:14 AM) Colten v3.5: Also
(8:14 AM) Colten v3.5: They are all little boys 0-0
(8:14 AM) Joshua: Hence the word Shota.

Lidl says: "Phew. For a site that calls Null a pedophile over some comments he made about fictional catboys as a teenager."

So, Josh is a teenager jacking it to drawn CP, and it's fine, he's just a teenager, no big deal, but when fourteen year old boys talk about raping if SHTF, suddenly it's "this is why women hate men" material?

And why is someone whose whole schtick is how fucked up and degenerate men are using the common excuse said men give of "they're fictional, bro!," especially when on the Man Hate thread, they've posted with disgust about men with loli avatars?


Loli bad, shota based, is that right, Lidl? If Josh was a teenage boy jacking it to (fictional) little girls, would she give him a pass? Hell, that whole thread is full of this sorta excuse making. Yet again, my theory is proven right: radical politics of any stripe are used as a bludgeon to dissuade normal people from making contact so they don't feel bad over being rejected.
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Being trad also means when little white girls get raped by black men, they can't abort the babies because @SSj_Ness would be very mad with you if you did that.
Race is irrelevant for abortion, I hate niggers as much as the next guy but you don't fucking kill babies, period. I don't care if they're black, have down syndrome like you, or are rape babies, their lives aren't disposable.

If anyone needs a medically necessary abortion they can get one, all states permit it, so stop crying cock sucker.

And it also means never adopting or footing the bill for said babies because that'd make you a cuck.
Where are you even getting this shit from you lunatic? Anyone adopting is doing a very good thing.
Predictably the interview Null did with the crazy Sam Hyde rape accuser was a complete disaster. The girl showed up completely blitzed out of her mind on drugs of some sort and made Null look like a complete idiot especially since he says she was sending him random German phrases just before the show.
The fact that he believed this woman even for a second... What an idiot.
so stop crying cock sucker.

Projection, as always.

Predictably the interview Null did with the crazy Sam Hyde rape accuser was a complete disaster. The girl showed up completely blitzed out of her mind on drugs of some sort and made Null look like a complete idiot especially since he says she was sending him random German phrases just before the show.
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The fact that he believed this woman even for a second... What an idiot.

Like Ness, he lacks real world experience and doesn't understand when he's being had. A couple of terminally online millennials who can't handle the real world so they make their own. Sad. Many such cases.
Null makes a giant cope post about falling for the gayop by the Sam Hyde rape accuser girl. He's losing it.
He doubles down saying there are other accusers but that if he talks to them now he will look like a Sam Hyde ween(you already do Null). This doesn't make sense just because one interview didn't go well you aren't going to talk to other people saying Sam is a creep?

He also pulls some bullshit where he says that because this girl was drunk that actually proves Sam raped her because rapists choose broken people. All in all a giant fat screw up by Null. I love that the whole thread is blaming her even though Null should have had the good sense not to entertain this or at least not live. They are mad at him but don't want to get banned. Massive drop for Kiwi credibility as if it could get any lower.
Null makes a giant cope post about falling for the gayop by the Sam Hyde rape accuser girl. He's losing it.
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He doubles down saying there are other accusers but that if he talks to them now he will look like a Sam Hyde ween(you already do Null). This doesn't make sense just because one interview didn't go well you aren't going to talk to other people saying Sam is a creep?

He also pulls some bullshit where he says that because this girl was drunk that actually proves Sam raped her because rapists choose broken people. All in all a giant fat screw up by Null. I love that the whole thread is blaming her even though Null should have had the good sense not to entertain this or at least not live. They are mad at him but don't want to get banned. Massive drop for Kiwi credibility as if it could get any lower.
"Anyway i hope Sam & Jet stop shit talking my site now, I just solved a 5 year old PR crisis for them." :story:

Shameless. How embarrassing, Rekieta level dishonesty. What an coincidence, Null just happens to investigate this just as Sam is about to launch fish tank season 2. The only thing Sam Hyde has made of note since world peace. What are the odds, that just as Sam and his nutthugger starts shittalking the forum then Null just happens to dig up 10 year old abuse allegations. At the height of Sam's newfound popularity!

Big question is how does Josh go from having spent years of his life in the RP community and being a huge fan of not only Dick Mastersson but Coach redpill two people who have no moral qualms about manipulating mentally ill woman to sleep with them to #believingallwomen. You know unless this was a cancellation attempt that failed.
Since when has Null ever given a shit about any of this? Why is he moralfagging now of all times? I know the answer is "the TERFs the TERFs" but this is just getting stupid now

"oh god the abuse accusations are going to fall apart now!!! its all gone!!11!!11!!" Well gosh Null, if that's really true then who played the key role in discrediting those people that you're suddenly so worried about?

"Like what the fuck are they thinking? That Sam took 2 weeks out of his schedule in the middle of setting up Fishtank 2 to waste 25 minutes of my time?" Looks like that's exactly what happened bud
Yeah looks like it's safe to say that Null has been punk'd.

Edit: oh shit as an aside I guess yesterday was Null's birthday? I don't know people were just wishing him Happy Birthday in the MATI thread. So this all happened on his birthday haha :story: :story: :story:
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