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Israel News and Drama Palestine versus Israel

Tarl Warwick explains why the US cannot afford a second front in the ME:

I don't think Russia is going to get actively involved though. I think Russia is glad that the US is distracted by the ME right now. Russia might smuggle more weapons to the ME to keep the US distracted there, while they invade and occupy more of Ukraine. I think the war in Israel is truly a gift to the Russians, regardless of what Putin says about a ceasefire, no one is listening to him anyway.

Comic book villain threatening the US and the West:

Commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard: If the Zionists launch a ground attack in Gaza, they will be buried there
قائد الحرس الثوري الإيراني: إذا أقدم الصهاينة على هجوم بري في غزة فسيدفنون فيها

Oct 26, 2023 #Al Jazeera #Palestine #Gaza
The commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard said that the United States is igniting war in the region and its policy aims to preserve the Zionist entity
The Revolutionary Guard commander added that if the Zionists launched a ground attack in Gaza, they would be buried there
He stressed that the West is in a state of hostility with the region and its officials can only visit it in secret and at night
The commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard added that the United States, Britain and France also suffered a terrible defeat in the Battle of Al-Aqsa Flood.
#Al Jazeera

"He stressed that the West is in a state of hostility with the region and its officials can only visit it in secret and at night", LMAO, try visiting the West during the day then, terrorists, see how fast you get arrested and tried.

Recep Tayyip "Hamas isn't a terrorist organization" Erdoğan goes full mask off:

The Turkish President: He who is silent about the truth is a mute devil, and we will not hesitate to speak the truth even if we remain alone
الرئيس التركي: الساكت عن الحق شيطان أخرس ولن نتردد في قول الحقيقة ولو بقينا وحدنا

Speak the truth about this, you crypto-Islamist, you've gone full mask off now. Hamas are terrorists, and you support them because you are a terrorism enabler.

Islamists have so many children, they don't even bother claiming them when a few of them die, and leave them behind to be burried in mass graves:

Without farewell or family...dozens of martyrs whose names are unknown were buried in Gaza
بلا وداع ولا أهل.. دفن عشرات الشهداء من مجهولي الأسماء في غزة

With the steady increase in the number of victims of the Israeli bombing of the Gaza Strip, it has become difficult to provide graves to accommodate that large number of martyrs. Without farewell, without family, and amid difficult circumstances, the people of Nuseirat buried dozens of martyrs whose names were unknown.
Report: Hisham Zaqout
#Al Jazeera
مع الارتفاع المطرد لضحايا القصف الإسرائيلي على قطاع غزة، بات من الصعب توفير القبور لاستيعاب ذلك العدد الكبير من الشهداء. بلا وداع ولا أهل ووسط ظروف صعبة، دفن أهالي النصيرات عشرات الشهداء من مجهولي الأسماء.
تقرير: هشام زقوت

These people practice no birth control, even though it's allowed by their religion - Islam allows abortion in the first month of pregnancy before the fetus is viable, they're also allowed to use birth control as long as it doesn't contain any animal products. Yesterday I saw an interview with a Palestinian man who said that he had "an extended family of 50" to feed. How the fuck do you have 50 extended family members?! He must have like 5 siblings with 10 kids each. They complain about Ghaza being overcrowded but they made it that way, because they view their kids as disposable canon fodder for the terrorists. You'd think that someone with a lot of kids would value life but it's actually the opposite, they have a lot of disposable kids because they only believe in the afterlife and don't actually care about "life after birth". That's why they don't care about having children in the middle of a war zone, children that are brought into this world with trauma and will go on to have the worst life imaginable. The other day on Al Jazeera they were talking about the life-long effects that malnutrition has on growing children. These children will grow up with malnourished, under-developed brains, unable to think critically or logically, failing at school and everything else they do, which will only make them more susceptible to terrorism and the use of violence as the only answer to every problem. They also brainwash their women into thinking that "it's Jihad" to have a lot of children with no future outlook, that can only grow up to become Hamas terrorists. This kind of a fundamentalism what we in the West are being asked to "respect". Then they complain that they're "dehumanized and called animals" by the Israelis. It's an insult to animals really, because animals probably value their young more than these Islamists do.

Surgeons in Ghaza are disinfecting their tools with vinegar because they've run out of disinfectant:

Imagine being a doctor and thinking that you can replace a disinfectant with vinegar, which should definitely NOT be used as disinfectant:

Well, that's what happens when you're an Islamist country and you have no access to alcohol, an actual disinfectant:

At least in an alcoholic country like Russia or Ukraine you can always find a bottle of Vodka somewhere to disinfect things if you have to.

"One toilet for 800 people", those people need to follow my tip from yesterday about shitting in a bottle, but they are dumb Islamists who only understand violence and destruction and going where everyone else goes, which in their case means right off the cliff like a pack of suicidal lemmings, so they won't get creative and try a different solution. You'd think a survival situation would be just the opportunity for people to throw all the stupid rules they have to follow under normal circumstances right out the window and get creative, but not this bunch:

The EU wouldn't be dumb enough to still be considering them.. right?

Never underestimate the sheer stupidity and incompetence of the EU.

It's funny that Al Jazeera of all places is reporting on this censorship, while Youtube is turning a blind eye to their re-posting of Hamas communiques where they threaten Israel, America and the West, videos with threats which are in direct violation of Youtube's ToS:

What's worse, some Israelis with poor taste making fun of Palestinian refugees in Tik Tok videos, or a de facto terrorist organization making open threats against Israel and their allies, which threats Al Jazeera is all too happy to platform as an exclusive scoop for their millions of Arabic speaking subscribers?

BTW, here's an actual song by a Palestinian hip hop group from some years ago, if you think this kind of mockery is only one-way:

We are now involved in the Israel - Hamas War:

The U.S. has launched strikes on two facilities in eastern Syria on President Joe Biden’s orders. The facilities were used by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps in retaliation for attacks on U.S. forces, the U.S. Department of Defense said.

Russia gives a veiled warning to Israel that this conflict will spread. Russia-Iranian military relations are expanding

The new axis: Russia - Iran - China - North Korea:
Here are some of the child hostages in custody of Hamas. Their father, whose wife was also abducted by Hamas, still hasn't heard anything and has no idea where they are or what's being done to release them:

Internet is gone in Ghaza right now, Al Jazeera are using old school satellites to continue broadcasting:

MSNBC confirms the above claims of an internet blackout:

The Palestinian Red Crescent (local version of the Red Cross) confirms that there is no communication within Ghaza, which means people there can longer call ambulances to pick up the victims of bombings:

The Palestinian Red Crescent warns of the repercussions of the interruption of communication between the operations room in the Gaza Strip
الهلال الأحمر الفلسطيني يحذر من تداعيات انقطاع اتصال غرفة العمليات في قطاع غزة

Oct 27, 2023 #Al Jazeera #Palestine #Gaza_What_Next
The Palestinian Red Crescent reported that the operations room in the Gaza Strip was completely cut off from all crews working in the field, in light of the occupation authorities completely cutting off landline, cellular, and Internet communications networks. The association expressed its concern about the possibility of its crews continuing to provide their ambulance services, especially since this interruption affects the central communication service and impedes the arrival of ambulances to the injured and wounded.
#Al Jazeera
أفاد الهلال الأحمر الفلسطيني عن انقطاع اتصال غرفة العمليات في قطاع غزة بشكل كامل عن كافة الطواقم العاملة في الميدان،في ظل قطع سلطات الاحتلال لشبكات الاتصالات الأرضية والخلوية والإنترنت بشكل كامل. وعبّرت الجمعية عن قلقها بشأن إمكانية استمرار طواقمها في تقديم خدماتهم الإسعافية، لا سيما وأن هذا القطع يؤثر على خدمة الاتصال المركزي ويعوق وصول سيارات الإسعاف الى المصابين والجرحى.

I suspect Israel did this deliberately because they don't want people around the world to see what they're going to do next. I also fear that Israel is cutting off comms because Hamas threatened to execute the hostage on Livestream if Israel invaded Ghaza, so cutting off comms is how Israel hopes to prevent Hamas from Livestreaming these executions and the families of these hostages having to witnesses them being murdered before the eyes of the world. Hamas might still start executing their hostages, but "at least" it won't happen IRT online.

The world outside of Ghaza will only find out after-the-fact what Israel and Hamas actually did in Ghaza during the ground incursion, and only if people there manage to get out their smartphone footage on thumb-drives and USB sticks given to journalists and aid-workers still there who have their own ground-satellites to beam out some of that captured footage.

This is really bad you guys, I have a very bad feeling about this, but we need to keep studying this as an actual survival situation where literally everything associated with civilization - shelter, food, water, electricity, comms, access to first aid - breaks down.

"We take communication so much for granted now we don’t even think about it. We literally have the ability to reach anyone we want, anytime, anywhere — and a collapse could instantly change all that."

They wanted to probably keep this under wraps but it looks like their ground invasion of Gaza is underway:

The big picture: The announcement came as Israel conducted massive and unprecedented air raids and artillery strikes on the northern Gaza Strip.

  • Cellular, internet and other communications in the enclave have also been cut, according to Palestinian human rights groups and several reports.
  • Hamas fired a barrage of rockets on Tel Aviv and other cities in central Israel.
  • Two Israeli officials said the decision "to expand" ground operations in Gaza was made by the Israeli war cabinet on Thursday night local time after talks on a possible hostage release reached a stalemate.

Al Jazeera Arabic once again posted a video of a Hamas communique in full on their Youtube channel, in direct violation of Youtube's ToS banning the posting of such content:

Al-Qassam Brigades spokesman: The enemy will taste a greater defeat than he expected or feared
الناطق باسم كتائب القسام: سنذيق العدو هزيمة أكبر مما كان يتوقع أو يتخوف

Oct 28, 2023 #Al Jazeera #Palestine #Israeli_Army
The spokesman for the Al-Qassam Brigades, Abu Ubaida, said: The holocausts and massacres committed by the occupation are nothing but a sign of great pain that they are experiencing. He added: We tell the enemy, which repeats its threats daily, that we are still waiting for it.
#Al Jazeera
Oct 28, 2023 #الجزيرة #فلسطين #الجيش_الإسرائيلي
قال الناطق باسم كتائب القسام أبو عبيدة:إن ما يرتكبه الاحتلال من محارق ومجازر ما هو إلا لألم عظيم يتجرعه. وأضاف نقول للعدو الذي يكرر تهديداته يوميا إننا لا نزال في انتظاره.

this summary by Al Jazeera is anything to go by, then Hamas is basically still telling Israel: "Bring it on, nothing can hurt us, if you hurt us we'll make you hurt more.". This statement, "The enemy will taste a greater defeat than he expected or feared", basically sounds like a continued threat against Israel.

Archive.is still will not let me mirror the Al Jazeera Arabic channel on Youtube, so I had to make these local screenshots of Al Jazeera Arabic posting yet another Hamas communique:


People in Ghaza have no comms anymore, no ability to use landlines, but Hamas can apparently still get online to send out their communiques to Al Jazeera. (Or are Hamas directly in touch with Al Jazeera journalists, and are AJ journalists being used as a conduit for these communiques? One wonders...)

Where are all those people complaining about "KiwiFarms hosting terrorist content" whenever Al Jazeera posts the communiques of a de facto terrorist organization? The silence is truly defeaning. All those TRAs denouncing KF for "hosting terrorist content" clearly have no problem with it when Al Jazeera does it on Youtube.

Look at these people in the comments asking Al Jazeera Arabic to please translate/subtitle these Hamas communiques so Anglo speakers can learn just how much Hamas hates the West and is still making terroristic threats against Israel, America and the West.


Clearly Youtube has no problem with what they claims is terrorist content being posted to their platform, they just don't want white Western to see it. As long as terrorist content is posted on Arabic channels, Youtube will turn a blind eye and refuse to enforce their ToS equally across the board.

WTF, listen to that loud-ass Windows sound here:

I take that Windows sound to mean that someone was recording this Hamas video from their computer screen, while watching the actual video in another program. The video that's uploaded to Youtube is not the communique itself but rather a screengrab of the communique.

This suggested that these communique videos are not embedded directly from a video file that is imported into another video file and then uploaded to Al Jazeera Arabic... but are rather being recorded as they are being played on a screen, with that screencapture then being the actual video file that's embedded into Al Jazeera's video that's uploaded to Youtube...

Which makes me wonder, is Al Jazeera doing this - recording a screencapture instead of embedding a video file - perhaps to hide meta-data? Using a screencapture as opposed to the video file itself will allow Al Jazeera to claim that they "just saw the video itself on the internet like everyone else, we're not directly in touch with Hamas!".
This man is very honest, very well informed and his assessment very sobering:

This was an item that Al Jazeera just broadcast on their Livestream. What you're seeing here is hungry Palestinians raiding a UN food supply facility to steal bags of food stored there:


So there is food in Ghaza, it's the United Nations that's hoarding it instead of handing it out.

Pay close attention because this is what happens in a survival situation: those without food will try to steal the food of those who still have it. Those who were irresponsible enough not to prepare will attack and victimize those who were.

Israel is planning to shut down Al Jazeera within Israel, and Novara Media are very upset about this for some reason:

So the US is allowed to ban TikTok in the US, but if Israel wants to ban a TV channel that is broadcasting Hamas communiques in full, that's somehow so much worse?

Al Jazeera is crying "censorship" but Israel says that Al Jazeera is engaged in anti-Israeli incitement. The person who made this video is acting obtuse about it, when everyone knows that Al Jazeera has been broadcasting Hamas communiques in full. In these communiques, Hamas has repeatedly threatened Israel, America and the West. Al Jazeera doesn't post these communiques to their English Youtube Channel, they deliberately only post them to their Arabic Youtube Channel hoping to fly under the radar that way. Youtube is aware that Al Jazeera has been posting, what according to their ToS is terroristic content, but they allow Al Jazeera to get away with it - presumably because the NSA/CIA wants to perform network mapping and social media analytics on whomever watches these Hamas videos on Youtube. If this suspicion is true, then Youtube is allowing these videos to be a vector point for be or wouldbe terrorists all over the world, under the guise of surveilling them.

Look at this mess, look at them pulling people from the rubble and trying to get them to the hospital in overcrowded cars:

Exclusive footage of the Beit Nassar massacre in the Al-Nasr neighborhood in central Gaza
لقطات حصرية لمجزرة بيت نصار في حي النصر وسط غزة

Oct 28, 2023 #Al Jazeera #Palestine #Israeli_Army
Al Jazeera obtained exclusive footage of the massacre that claimed the lives of members of Nassar's house in the Al-Nasr neighborhood in central Gaza after a violent Israeli bombardment that hit their house this afternoon, Saturday. It is noted that the ambulance and civil defense did not arrive due to the communication breakdown, while the neighbors rushed to save what could be saved.
#Al Jazeera
Oct 28, 2023 #الجزيرة #فلسطين #الجيش_الإسرائيلي
حصلت الجزيرة على لقطات حصرية للمجزرة التي راح ضحيتها أفراد من بيت نصار في حي النصر وسط غزة بعد قصف اسرائيلي عنيف لحق منزلهم عصر اليوم السبت ، ويلاحظ عدم وصول الإسعاف والدفاع المدني بسبب انقطاع الاتصالات في حين هرع الجيران لإنقاذ ما يمكن إنقاذه.
Al Jazeera Arabic once again posted a video of a Hamas communique in full on their Youtube channel, in direct violation of Youtube's ToS banning the posting of such content:

Al-Qassam Brigades spokesman: The enemy will taste a greater defeat than he expected or feared
الناطق باسم كتائب القسام: سنذيق العدو هزيمة أكبر مما كان يتوقع أو يتخوف

this summary by Al Jazeera is anything to go by, then Hamas is basically still telling Israel: "Bring it on, nothing can hurt us, if you hurt us we'll make you hurt more.". This statement, "The enemy will taste a greater defeat than he expected or feared", basically sounds like a continued threat against Israel.

Archive.is still will not let me mirror the Al Jazeera Arabic channel on Youtube, so I had to make these local screenshots of Al Jazeera Arabic posting yet another Hamas communique:

View attachment 41143View attachment 41142

People in Ghaza have no comms anymore, no ability to use landlines, but Hamas can apparently still get online to send out their communiques to Al Jazeera. (Or are Hamas directly in touch with Al Jazeera journalists, and are AJ journalists being used as a conduit for these communiques? One wonders...)

Where are all those people complaining about "KiwiFarms hosting terrorist content" whenever Al Jazeera posts the communiques of a de facto terrorist organization? The silence is truly defeaning. All those TRAs denouncing KF for "hosting terrorist content" clearly have no problem with it when Al Jazeera does it on Youtube.

Look at these people in the comments asking Al Jazeera Arabic to please translate/subtitle these Hamas communiques so Anglo speakers can learn just how much Hamas hates the West and is still making terroristic threats against Israel, America and the West.

View attachment 41141

Clearly Youtube has no problem with what they claims is terrorist content being posted to their platform, they just don't want white Western to see it. As long as terrorist content is posted on Arabic channels, Youtube will turn a blind eye and refuse to enforce their ToS equally across the board.

WTF, listen to that loud-ass Windows sound here:

I take that Windows sound to mean that someone was recording this Hamas video from their computer screen, while watching the actual video in another program. The video that's uploaded to Youtube is not the communique itself but rather a screengrab of the communique.

This suggested that these communique videos are not embedded directly from a video file that is imported into another video file and then uploaded to Al Jazeera Arabic... but are rather being recorded as they are being played on a screen, with that screencapture then being the actual video file that's embedded into Al Jazeera's video that's uploaded to Youtube...

Which makes me wonder, is Al Jazeera doing this - recording a screencapture instead of embedding a video file - perhaps to hide meta-data? Using a screencapture as opposed to the video file itself will allow Al Jazeera to claim that they "just saw the video itself on the internet like everyone else, we're not directly in touch with Hamas!".
When you say Meta-Data. What do you mean by that? Like how the cops used the Meta-Data to find the fuck, rape, and kill murderer?
The relatives of hostages are growing desperate:

I don't get this. Russians are pro-Palestine now? Bitchez, you're bombing Ukrainian city like Israel is doing in Ghaza, LMAO, what fuck are you doing?

Demonstrators storm an airport in Dagestan, Russia, after a plane coming from Israel landed
متظاهرون يقتحمون مطارا في داغستان الروسية بعد هبوط طائرة قادمة من إسرائيل

Oct 29, 2023 #Al Jazeera #Occupation #Palestine
An Al Jazeera correspondent said that demonstrators stormed an airport in Russian Dagestan after a plane coming from Israel landed. This caused the closure of Makhachkala Airport in Dagestan and flights were directed to other Russian airports.
#Al Jazeera
Oct 29, 2023 #الجزيرة #الاحتلال #فلسطين
قال مراسل الجزيرة إن متظاهرين اقتحموا مطارا في داغستان الروسية بعد هبوط طائرة قادمة من إسرائيل. وقد تسبب ذلك بإغلاق مطار محج قلعة في داغستان وتوجيه الرحلات الجوية إلى مطارات روسية أخرى.

The people of Dagestan raise the Palestinian flag over a transport plane carrying passengers from Israel.. What is the story?
أهالي داغستان يرفعون علم فلسطين فوق طائرة نقل تحمل ركابا من إسرائيل.. ما القصة؟

In Makhachkala, an angry crowd broke into the airport in search of Jews. Airport assault
В Махачкале разъяренная толпа ворвалась на территорию аэропорта в поисках евреев. Штурм аэропорта

So I checked the Wikipedia entry for Dagestan and apparently it's a Russian republic with an Islamic majority (83%)

That explains why they literally stormed an airport to pull Dzooz right out of a plain and lynch them on sight. Russian society is generally very antisemitic and that antisemitism is even worse in Islamist Dagestan.

The footage you see here of a hospital in Ghaza with bodies all over the floor are reminiscent of footage of dozens of people lining the floors of hospitals at the very beginning of Covid:

This surgeon says that he's run out of anesthetic so he's using ketamine (horse tranquilizer) now.

This dashboard camera footage of an aid worker driving through Ghaza are devastating, almost every building is either completely or partially demolished for as far as the eye can see:

This 12 year old boy Erez Kalderon and his 16 year old sister were abducted by Hamas:

There's now a Wikipedia article about the hostages:

There's another sub entry here:

No one is asking why the United Nations were hoarding all this food, unguarded and unattended to, instead of just handing it out themselves in an orderly fashion.

Gazans storm UN warehouse for food supplies

Israel responds as expected:

Defund the UN, says Israel

Al Jazeera English posted this item of the UN warehouse getting looted by hungry Palestinians:

You can see guys there with cars who have loaded up the entire car with big bags of flour.

This woman on the right, Juliette, is the one in control of these distribution centers in Ghaza:


She has to be the biggest moron I have ever seen. Whenever she talks to the media, she looks and sounds like she's on a whole lotta pills, and can only barely manage to hang on. I guess she only got the job in Ghaza because she's the daughter of some high-ranking official or something, cos I don't see how they've put someone this stupid and incompetent in charge of such a powder keg.

And no one at Al Jazeera has just straight up ask her the questions that needs to be asked: "Why was the UN hoarding all this food in an unguarded, unattended facility instead of just handing it out to people in an orderly fashion? Isn't that literally what you're being paid to do, hand out food to starving people in the midst a crisis? What's the point of bringing more food to Ghaza if the UN is just going to hoard it?"

God, I hate the United Nations so much, the way these fucking people grand-stand about their advanced holier-than-thou humanitarianism while being so obviously negligent and incompetent makes me so angry. Yet we're supposed to treat these UN people like they're political/activist royalty. Fuck the UN. They were hoarding food that they were fucking paid to hand out, while crying about how there's no food. The UN helping and perpetrate create the problems they are literally paid to solve or alleviate. I can't believe they're being let off the hook yet again.
Al Jazeera Arabic once again posted a video of a Hamas communique in full on their Youtube channel, in direct violation of Youtube's ToS banning the posting of such content:

Al-Qassam Brigades spokesman: The enemy will taste a greater defeat than he expected or feared
الناطق باسم كتائب القسام: سنذيق العدو هزيمة أكبر مما كان يتوقع أو يتخوف

this summary by Al Jazeera is anything to go by, then Hamas is basically still telling Israel: "Bring it on, nothing can hurt us, if you hurt us we'll make you hurt more.". This statement, "The enemy will taste a greater defeat than he expected or feared", basically sounds like a continued threat against Israel.

Archive.is still will not let me mirror the Al Jazeera Arabic channel on Youtube, so I had to make these local screenshots of Al Jazeera Arabic posting yet another Hamas communique:

View attachment 41143View attachment 41142

People in Ghaza have no comms anymore, no ability to use landlines, but Hamas can apparently still get online to send out their communiques to Al Jazeera. (Or are Hamas directly in touch with Al Jazeera journalists, and are AJ journalists being used as a conduit for these communiques? One wonders...)

Where are all those people complaining about "KiwiFarms hosting terrorist content" whenever Al Jazeera posts the communiques of a de facto terrorist organization? The silence is truly defeaning. All those TRAs denouncing KF for "hosting terrorist content" clearly have no problem with it when Al Jazeera does it on Youtube.

Look at these people in the comments asking Al Jazeera Arabic to please translate/subtitle these Hamas communiques so Anglo speakers can learn just how much Hamas hates the West and is still making terroristic threats against Israel, America and the West.

View attachment 41141

Clearly Youtube has no problem with what they claims is terrorist content being posted to their platform, they just don't want white Western to see it. As long as terrorist content is posted on Arabic channels, Youtube will turn a blind eye and refuse to enforce their ToS equally across the board.

WTF, listen to that loud-ass Windows sound here:

I take that Windows sound to mean that someone was recording this Hamas video from their computer screen, while watching the actual video in another program. The video that's uploaded to Youtube is not the communique itself but rather a screengrab of the communique.

This suggested that these communique videos are not embedded directly from a video file that is imported into another video file and then uploaded to Al Jazeera Arabic... but are rather being recorded as they are being played on a screen, with that screencapture then being the actual video file that's embedded into Al Jazeera's video that's uploaded to Youtube...

Which makes me wonder, is Al Jazeera doing this - recording a screencapture instead of embedding a video file - perhaps to hide meta-data? Using a screencapture as opposed to the video file itself will allow Al Jazeera to claim that they "just saw the video itself on the internet like everyone else, we're not directly in touch with Hamas!".

The big difference between KF and Hamas is that Hamas has successfully made sympathizers by convincing westerners that they are oppressed. Kiwifarms has not convinced anyone they are oppressed. Hamas also has the added virtue of being able to kill or credibly threaten anyone they don't like which means they get taken much more seriously.

One of the things about Western culture is that elites and educated people are happy to buy into these delusional beliefs about opreshun and dindu nuffins. They believe this because it appeals directly to their narcissism and since their opponents are too dumb to articulate a proper ideology in response then you get the current situation where Hamas posts their wine rants to Youtube and Kiwifarms is being run off the internet because of a rapist furry tranny who chopped his cock off.
This Palestinian-American father can't pick up his family stuck in Ghaza:

Why Palestinians shouldn't go to Egypt: They will continue attacking Israel from Egypt (and with the help of ISIS and Wagner) which will implicate Egypt.

How Gaza could trigger a regional war

Timcast pointed out the curious phenomenon of prominent pro-Ukraine accounts on Twitter/X folding one after another, and speculates that these accounts were part of a psyops to help promote pro-Ukrainian viewpoints on Twitter/X but now that there's another war the US is involved with, these pro-Ukrainian accounts are no longer needed so they are being shut down, or they might resurface as pro-Israel accounts:

I was looking for survivalist channels that aren't just LARPers and are studying the situation in Israel as an IRL case study for a war and a societal breakdown scenario, and I think I have found a few that are studying and drawing the lessons. Youtuber City Prepping has good fact-based videos, like this one:

The Green Prince was interviewed again, exposing who Hamas really are and how they really operate, how they will torture their own people:

Son of HAMAS on Being Accused of Betrayal | JHS Clip

Son Of HAMAS On Realizing His Father Is Evil | JHS Clip

Son Of HAMAS On The Ignorance Of #FreePalestine | The Green Prince Mosab Hassan Yousef
