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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
A celebration of Chinese superiority.
I heard of her she’s the one who I would not let any child around

-sent lingerie to her underage fan
-involved the same underaged fan in her divorce drama
-also made said fan work for her as sort of a media spy and report back for her for free basically
-routinely made sexual remarks toward underaged fans at stage shows

That’s just off the top of my head. She is fucking weird. Her content is weird. Her actions toward minors are weird.
This is just on brand for him, he has more respect and empathy for a mother fucking rapist tranny.
ill never understand faggots like null who praise low age of consent laws because "muh medival times teens had kids at 13". Yeah they were call the Dark Ages for a reason, but its weird when trannies or fags use those laws its "grooming" when straights do it is "based" and excused, when i've always considered any law that has it under 16 to be weird as fuck. but then again saying that will get people mad at me for being a "fence sitter" or some dumb shit. Rapists and Groomers are rapists and groomers, regardless of their gender shit or sex shit, but then again asking people like Null or online politcalspergs to have any sense of consentience views is hard to ask in today's world.
Null suffers from Trannyphrenia
Might as well be a new internet law.
Null/Kiwi's law: the longer a discussion goes on the internet, the more likely a retard will bring up trannies for no reason
I mean they also banned the sale of vaccines, blood products, anesthetics, psychotropic drugs, toxic drugs for medical use, radioactive drugs, medical precursor chemicals, anabolic steroids, many antibiotics, some heart and blood pressure medication and many others.
Here's an article with more info on what was banned.
So saying that china banned the sale of hormones is like saying the American prohibition banned the sale of whiskey which was done just to mess with the Irish. Completely disregarding everything else that also got banned and attributing weird motivations to everything that fits your political world view. So just classic Josh having to make everything about trannies again.
It's not new, either. The drugs were banned from online sales in December last year.
faggots like null who praise low age of consent laws because "muh medival times teens had kids at 13".
Pedophile apologists tend to be grasping at straws and historically illiterate. Most girls were betrothed at a child/preteen age but not actually married and having kids til later. At least in European countries.
They claim that it was common for preteens to give birth bc of low life expectancy and that otherwise they wouldn't have had enough time to give birth and raise them but it's untrue. Life expectancy is an average and was a lot lower bc of infectious diseases and infant and maternal death.
There was still old people in their 50s and 60s and you were likely to make it to adulthood and a normal lifespan if you survived childhood. So no, people weren't expected to have lived a good, long life at age 30 or 40.
This is just on brand for him, he has more respect and empathy for a mother fucking rapist tranny.
We can only assume Josh is cool with male celebrities acting in such a way with their underage fans given he has previously signaled that "I didn't know she wasn't 18" is a valid defense.
Josh defending his registered sex offender pedophile friend Cody Wilson (and his metrosexual jacket) while calling Matt Gaetz a pedophile when there has been no ruling on the his matter by a judge.

As of September 2022 Mr. Gaetz still denies any wrongdoing and prosecutors have recommended no charges.
Matt Gaetz has been cleared of all charges. Josh should apologize to him for erroneously painting Gaetz as a pedophile while defending his registered sex offender pedophile friend Cody Wilson.
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Of course he supports colleen, she's a pedophile just like he is.

He however will struggle to ever remain on clearnet now, he'll most likely get his asn's pulled for abusing the announcement options and misrepresenting himself as a host to bypass ASN blacklists. He's a fucking idiot and once the troons keep reporting it they'll pull those and he'll be fucked for good. It's the last thing he's got.
Of course he supports colleen, she's a pedophile just like he is.

He however will struggle to ever remain on clearnet now, he'll most likely get his asn's pulled for abusing the announcement options and misrepresenting himself as a host to bypass ASN blacklists. He's a fucking idiot and once the troons keep reporting it they'll pull those and he'll be fucked for good. It's the last thing he's got.
One suggestion could be to put the website in archive mode, allowing some users to save threads and repost them on the site with appropriate changes and disclaimers to indicate that they are archival copies of valuable content.
"Colleen is based for not apologizing for sexting underage fans and Turkey Tom is based for not apologizing for having pedophile mods in his discord that he deleted, wiping the evidence."
View attachment 36755:thinking:
Every fascist//nazi/wignat I've ever met is like an evil cartoon character. It's weird, because you expect far leftists to be the evil ones when you're more of a political normie/liberal, but you actually start reading their works and the history of their countries and you see how they came to their conclusions. With guys like these it's usually like they just want to cause as much as shitstorms as possible without caring about the hypocrisy.

far leftists to be the evil ones
"Far Right" means the Left that the Left doesn't want to talk about. Nazis were Progs (Left), Mussolini was a Communist (Lenin was sadden by Il Duce's departure.
cause as much as shitstorms as possible without caring about the hypocrisy