Some Idiot with Internet
Registered Member
A message to Null
You will never be a chink, you have no ties to the beliefs of Sun Yat-sen, you have no ancient Imperial Qing culture, you are a self hating amerimutt fifth columinst twisted by /pol/ and subversion propaganda into a mockery of the "White race" you so claim to love. all the validation and support you get is two faced and half hearted. People mock you behind your back and in public, Your parents are ashamed of your "achivements" and the fact you've brought suffering to them via internet slap fights. Your "friends" and "political allies" laugh at your greasy pizza stained body behind closed doors, women are replused by you and your violent urges and fantasies. Thousands of years of western civilization has made whites able to sniff out retards like you in an instant, even wignats who "pass" are laughed at the minute their chink bugwoman gf is seen instead of a white woman that you claim "only fuck dogs". People who are pro white will run away at your clear simping of non white nations and people who want to destory everything that is of the west. You will never be happy, you log into KF and say you're happy with another "pizza day" as you ban more old guard users to let more politispergs run amuck. Deep down you see the futility of your website and the fact you have less impact on the internet than Lowtax crushing your tub of lard body. soon it will be too much to bear. you'll buy a cheap slavshit gun, and plunged into the enteral abyss and into hell, because God will not look kindly at your life and deeds no matter how "trad" you are. Your parents will be sad but relived they won't suffer due to whatever internet faggotry you got yourself into that they get dragged into. they'll bury you and every passerby knows a amerimutt is buried there, they'll know of your traitorous deeds towards the west and white race, and you wignats of todaywill be remembered as nothing more than fifth columinsts for dying countries. Your body will decay and all that will remain is the large skeleton of a mutt, not a chink, not a "trad" russian. but a fat mutt. This is your fate, there is no going back.