Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.
doubt it, he'll whine and cry about LFJ and people will throw money at himI wonder if MATI will be cancelled because people can't do the showprep for Josh.
"da troooooons want 2 destroy freeze peach on da internetz plz gib mi shekels"doubt it, he'll whine and cry about LFJ and people will throw money at him
This was not a good faith public relations campaign, but was (and is) a malicious dark offensive operation full of social engineering, disingenuous behaviour, and even criminal acts. A lot of people within #DropKiwiFarms lost the moral high ground ages ago.
vividly remember this guy from dkf couple months agoSo Netkas is running the Telegram chat again... but Naia is also back? Is this the same Naia who was helping Null with the chat injection?
View attachment 33857
For those of you who don't know who I am referring to, Naia joined #DropKiwiFarms only to break ranks and call out Keffals & Co for going as far as to spread malware (the code for which we know Liz Fong-Jones' close associate Kevin Karhan was distributing through his Github account) and to target Null's lawyers personally in order to deny him legal representation: "stop attacking people's right to counsel and supporting the distribution of malware. Not a good look!"
View attachment 33862View attachment 33861View attachment 33860View attachment 33859View attachment 33858
Naia called out the "malicious dark offensive" tactics of #DropKiwiFarms:
This one is top kekPink Blush's latest update has a lot of replies all of a sudden.
I guess some of the Kiwis who were lurking here found her channel after I mentioned it here in the thread?
more like top neckThis one is top kek
View attachment 33963
HARICA is the Hellenic Academic & Research Institutions Certification Authority. It participates in all major Global 'ROOT CA' Trust Programs, and operates as a 'Trust Anchor' in widely used Application Software and Operating Systems.
It has received a successful Conformance Assessment Report fulfilling the requirements of Regulation (EU) 910/2014 (also known as eIDAS) in the areas of "Qualified" Certificates for electronic Signatures/Seals, website authentication, and "Qualified" Timestamps.
HARICA - Harica SSL Certificate - Improve your Web Server's security
Use HARICA SSL certificate to ensure that visitors can browse your website safely, since all exchanged information is
Null now claims that an SSL Certificate Authority in Greece is going to revoke the https:// certificate for KF's Onion domain:
View attachment 34056
This is the Authority he's referring to: "Hellenic Academic and Research Institutions Certification Authority"
The name makes it sound like they only cater to academic institutions within Greece, but I guess they will provide certs to anyone who applies?
This is the ToU they're linking to in the above message:
I tried to read it but it's 17 pages and is extremely dense. Section 3.1 is verbose but, where it doesn't refer to copyright/IP/trademark violations specifically, seems to be a very vague "don't break the law" kind of deal:
View attachment 34057
They also say "HARICA Certificates cannot be used for services or systems that, in the case of disruption or failure, lead to considerable tangible or intangible damage or danger of life", but that seems to be in reference to something industrial though, like an "Internet of Things" type of clause, where you are trying to connect your nuclear reactor to the internet, and someone faking the cert to break in and shut it down might cause a catastrophe. To me this sounds like they don't want to provide certs to critical infrastructure. It doesn't seem to apply to some gossip website. (I mean in the way that #DropKiwFarms hysterics always accuse KF of being "a danger to human life", a "terrorist site", etc.)
In this ToU they refer to yet another document, their CPS, which is truly the definition of "Byzantine" at 167 pages (WTF?!):
I think this is the part that applies on the topic of cert revocation, but I have no idea, the CPS document is plainly tautological and unreadable to anyone but an experienced internet lawyer:
View attachment 34055
Here the ToU says that HARICA is supposed to give 20 days notice before revoking a cert... so why was Null given a mere 4 days notice?
View attachment 34061
I read a little further into this section and I discovered that HARICA has a "cert-problem-report" e-mail address. Could it be that #DropKiwiFarms contacted this particular e-mail address to snitch on Null? Null might want to contact them to see if they had received anything from LFJ and Sage:
View attachment 34053
Josh was blathering about how getting the SSL revoked was a possibility like a day or two before this happened. He basically gave his opposition this idea for free with his big mouth. I don't really understand why he wants an SSL certificate now, when he seemed to have been suggesting to people not long ago to use HTTP to get the onion site to load images better. It almost seems like he is trying to self-sabotage his site sometimes.This is actually horrifying if it succeeds as stated. Another nail in the coffin of the "lol build your own if you don't like it" argument certain people liked to spew a little while back. Is this a "legitimate" enough fight against censorship yet or are "mean things/less than polite attitudes" still an acceptable exception for some?
Tor Alpha wasn't letting me proceed to the site at all with no SSL. It was OK on desktop, but not on Android and a lot of people are phone posters.I don't really understand why he wants an SSL certificate now, when he seemed to have been suggesting to people not long ago to use HTTP to get the onion site to load images better.
Null now claims that an SSL Certificate Authority in Greece is going to revoke the https:// certificate for KF's Onion domain:
View attachment 34056
This is the Authority he's referring to: "Hellenic Academic and Research Institutions Certification Authority"
The name makes it sound like they only cater to academic institutions within Greece, but I guess they will provide certs to anyone who applies?
This is the ToU they're linking to in the above message:
I tried to read it but it's 17 pages and is extremely dense. Section 3.1 is verbose but, where it doesn't refer to copyright/IP/trademark violations specifically, seems to be a very vague "don't break the law" kind of deal:
View attachment 34057
They also say "HARICA Certificates cannot be used for services or systems that, in the case of disruption or failure, lead to considerable tangible or intangible damage or danger of life", but that seems to be in reference to something industrial though, like an "Internet of Things" type of clause, where you are trying to connect your nuclear reactor to the internet, and someone faking the cert to break in and shut it down might cause a catastrophe. To me this sounds like they don't want to provide certs to critical infrastructure. It doesn't seem to apply to some gossip website. (I mean in the way that #DropKiwFarms hysterics always accuse KF of being "a danger to human life", a "terrorist site", etc.)
In this ToU they refer to yet another document, their CPS, which is truly the definition of "Byzantine" at 167 pages (WTF?!):
I think this is the part that applies on the topic of cert revocation, but I have no idea, the CPS document is plainly tautological and unreadable to anyone but an experienced internet lawyer:
View attachment 34055
Here the ToU says that HARICA is supposed to give 20 days notice before revoking a cert... so why was Null given a mere 4 days notice?
View attachment 34061
I read a little further into this section and I discovered that HARICA has a "cert-problem-report" e-mail address. Could it be that #DropKiwiFarms contacted this particular e-mail address to snitch on Null? Null might want to contact them to see if they had received anything from LFJ and Sage:
View attachment 34053
Josh was blathering about how getting the SSL revoked was a possibility like a day or two before this happened. He basically gave his opposition this idea for free with his big mouth. I don't really understand why he wants an SSL certificate now, when he seemed to have been suggesting to people not long ago to use HTTP to get the onion site to load images better. It almost seems like he is trying to self-sabotage his site sometimes.
Null said on Telegram and on KF that he has never heard of a Certificate Authority that has revoked an SSL certificate before:Smart thunking aside... This is really one of those things where I don't believe it's safe (if you care at all about a free and open internet... or even just internet period) to get picky or nitpick. This isn't a hosting service, it's not a DDoS protection service, it's one of a select few security verification orgs who help verify.. The idea that they would or even could start denying services based on speech some people don't like, is dangerous. Not just for the future of the net, but in principle. This also raises the question of what's next? What's the next part of the internet to be broken and weaponized? It's death by a thousand cuts only not as a warning early on, but somewhere around 700-800 or so! One of those cases where I would be willing to back someone or group that I normally view as an enemy.
The existence of a CRL implies the need for someone (or some organization) to enforce policy and revoke certificates deemed counter to operational policy. If a certificate is mistakenly revoked, significant problems can arise. As the certificate authority is tasked with enforcing the operational policy for issuing certificates, they typically are responsible for determining if and when revocation is appropriate by interpreting the operational policy.
Certificate revocation list - Wikipedia
What drew my attention was a tweet earlier this month that reported that the Certification Authority (CA), Thawte, had revoked certificates previously issued for some Russian bank domain names, and it was speculated that this was part of some form of sanction action (Tweet below and Figure 1).
A conventional PKI response to manage revocation is for the CA to regularly publish a signed CRL. A CRL contains a list of the certificate serial numbers of all unexpired revoked certificates that have been issued by the same CA as the issuer of the CRL and the time of revocation. A CRL also contains the date of issuance of this CRL and the anticipated date of the next CRL to be published by this issuer. CRLs are signed documents, signed with the private key of the CA. A standard profile for CRLs for use in the Internet is published in RFC 5280.
What’s going on with certificate revocation? | APNIC Blog
Does X.509 certificate revocation work as intended, or even work at all?
I did a little research on LGBT rights in Greece; They are strongly enforced. Liz Fong-Jones' accusations of Kiwifarms cyberbullying transgendered people to the point of suicide is seen as a serious offense in the eyes of the Greek authorities and they are doing a lot of damage.Null now claims that an SSL Certificate Authority in Greece is going to revoke the https:// certificate for KF's Onion domain:
View attachment 34056
This is the Authority he's referring to: "Hellenic Academic and Research Institutions Certification Authority"
The name makes it sound like they only cater to academic institutions within Greece, but I guess they will provide certs to anyone who applies?
This is the ToU they're linking to in the above message:
I tried to read it but it's 17 pages and is extremely dense. Section 3.1 is verbose but, where it doesn't refer to copyright/IP/trademark violations specifically, seems to be a very vague "don't break the law" kind of deal:
View attachment 34057
They also say "HARICA Certificates cannot be used for services or systems that, in the case of disruption or failure, lead to considerable tangible or intangible damage or danger of life", but that seems to be in reference to something industrial though, like an "Internet of Things" type of clause, where you are trying to connect your nuclear reactor to the internet, and someone faking the cert to break in and shut it down might cause a catastrophe. To me this sounds like they don't want to provide certs to critical infrastructure. It doesn't seem to apply to some gossip website. (I mean in the way that #DropKiwFarms hysterics always accuse KF of being "a danger to human life", a "terrorist site", etc.)
In this ToU they refer to yet another document, their CPS, which is truly the definition of "Byzantine" at 167 pages (WTF?!):
I think this is the part that applies on the topic of cert revocation, but I have no idea, the CPS document is plainly tautological and unreadable to anyone but an experienced internet lawyer:
View attachment 34055
Here the ToU says that HARICA is supposed to give 20 days notice before revoking a cert... so why was Null given a mere 4 days notice?
View attachment 34061
I read a little further into this section and I discovered that HARICA has a "cert-problem-report" e-mail address. Could it be that #DropKiwiFarms contacted this particular e-mail address to snitch on Null? Null might want to contact them to see if they had received anything from LFJ and Sage:
View attachment 34053
Did a Kiwi in Greece threaten a Greek LGBT person or drive them suicidal through KiwiFarms? No! There are no Greek victims or perpetrators involved. It's legally a stretch to claim that simply using a Greek CA to allow users to get to the right website would somehow would give the Greek authorities jurisdiction over anything KF does that doesn't pertain to Greece specifically. This is NOT how jurisdiction works on the internet.I did a little research on LGBT rights in Greece; They are strongly enforced. Liz Fong-Jones' accusations of Kiwifarms cyberbullying transgendered people to the point of suicide is seen as a serious offense in the eyes of the Greek authorities and they are doing a lot of damage.
HARICA supports the freedom of speech and expression, and the right for privacy which is why it invested time and effort to support and offer Onion certificates. This decision was welcomed by the Tor community.
Get a TLS certificate for your onion site | Tor Project
We are happy to share the news of another important milestone for .onion services! You can now get DV certificates for your v3 onion site using HARICA, a Root CA Operator founded by Academic Network (GUnet), a civil society nonprofit from
Tor Project | HTTPS for your Onion Service
Defend yourself against tracking and surveillance. Circumvent censorship. | HTTPS for your Onion
HARICA does not check or censor website content protected by its certificates. However, every CA must follow a process to handle complaints from Third Parties and Law enforcement authorities associated with HARICA-issued certificates. If the complaint claims that a certificate is used in violation of the CP/CPS or the Greek/European Law, HARICA is obligated to investigate and check whether those claims are valid. HARICA takes complaints seriously and is especially sensitive to the “forbidden certificate use” clause in section 1.4.2 of its CP/CPS.
Furthermore, the original e-mail that dr. Kostopoulos sent to Null pertained to section 3.1 of the ToU, not section 1.4.2. This inconsistency in the public statement indicates that HARICA themselves have a hard time understand and tracking which sections of their ToU and CPS (which refer to one another) apply to what issue.
In the Kiwifarms case, we received such a complaint and proceeded with our investigation which led to reviewing existing online content. The following URLs were especially examined:
Kiwi Farms - Wikipedia
Blocking Kiwifarms
We have blocked Kiwifarms. Visitors to any of the Kiwifarms sites that use any of Cloudflare's services will see a Cloudflare block page and a link to this
Without dismissing the seriousness of other concerning activities reported, HARICA was especially concerned with activities that might have led to suicides. A decision was made to revoke the certificate and an email was sent to the subscriber notifying that the certificate would be revoked in 3 days (on 2023-05-18), and that a new certificate should be obtained by another CA, which should be a trivial task to be completed within 3 days.
Minutes after sending that email, HARICA’s support team started receiving threat messages from unknown individuals, witnessing the behaviour described in the “Escalating threats” of Support team members participating in the communications with the subscriber were personally targeted.
HARICA considers this behaviour unacceptable. As a non-profit CA, we try to support the Internet community with the best of our abilities and in a very challenging and demanding industry. If HARICA personnel continues to receive harassment for what is a CA decision (not a personal decision), we will have to revisit the risks associated with providing Onion certificates and possibly discontinue this service. Our personnel’s good health and safety is of upmost importance.
Among the numerous threat messages HARICA received, there was one case that followed the reporting procedure, was kind and polite, and highlighted the fact that there are currently only two publicly-trusted CAs that issue certificates for Onion domain names, and HARICA is one of them. This significantly minimizes the options of Subscribers with Onion domain names.
After considering that factor, HARICA decided to postpone the revocation action and wait for further investigations, if any, by the Greek Law enforcement authorities. The community should not mistakenly think that HARICA’s decision to postpone the revocation was due to the threats we received. We continue to reserve the right to revoke or not issue a replacement certificate, but we respect the fact that this particular subscriber has only one other option to obtain a certificate to protect their website. We hope more CAs will be able to support Onion certificates to alleviate that problem.
"if any" is the most important phrase in HARICA's response and an acknowledgement that there may be nothing for Greek law enforcement to investigate."by the Greek Law enforcement authorities", does this particular statement mean that HARICA have reported KF to Greek LE? Or that someone else has? Cos remember, Sinseer, who is involved with #DropKiwiFarms, is actually Greek. He lives in Canada but has a Greek surname (Ioannidis). I don't know if Sinseer has any ties to Greece but if he does, it would be trivial for him to contact Greek LE on behalf of #DropKiwiFarms and sic them onto Null with hysterical claims.
Again, how would Greek LE have any jurisdiction over KF simply because they've used a Greek CA? If there is no Greek perpetrator or victim? Will HARICA answer this question please? Since they purported to take the law into their own hands and determine on their own what constitutes legal speech.