• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
See? I realized his lawyers were involved and that this was the reason Null couldn't give out any more details. He's apparently considering suing Liz Fong-Jones in the US or at least getting an injunction issued against him to stop him from contacting his ISPs:



"He's involving his company through his choice of e-mail address"... Null is suggesting here that Liz Fong-Jones has been using his professional Honeycomb.io e-mail address to contact KF-associated ISPs with take-down requests.

Which suggests that Null has likely already received copies of Liz Fong-Jones' takedown requests to those ISPs. Perhaps this is why Null got his lawyers involved, to get the ISPs to release those e-mails from Liz.

Here is Liz Fong-Jones' profile page on the Honeycomb.io website:

Uploads are super-slow today BTW, so I will try to post more later.
LFJ has some financial resources available and is likely to try to bury null in legal costs if sued. He lives in both Canada and Australia, so any restraining orders against him would need to be domesticated in those countries - not difficult but it's an extra step which will cost money.

Not only that, Liz and other wealthy troons involved with #DropKiwiFarms could get together and launch various bad faith counter-suits just for the sake of lawfaring back and draining him. There goes that $300k in bitcoins that Null was supposedly stashing up to buy a house in Curitiba...
Not only that, Liz and other wealthy troons involved with #DropKiwiFarms could get together and launch various bad faith counter-suits just for the sake of lawfaring back and draining him. There goes that $300k in bitcoins that Null was supposedly stashing up to buy a house in Curitiba...
Yea crowdfunding from fellow freaks alone would sink Null. This has been repeatedly mentioned on the Farms as one reason why a legal battle is basically hopeless.

On occasion he's even mentioned that he suspects No-Dong of having some level of government support, which is not entirely looney given how they're put on a fucking pedestal by the globohomo agenda. The website's existence is not just pissing off random troons - it's a middle finger to government censorship and elected faggots with hotlines to men in black vans.
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One thing which is often not mentioned is that a lot of farmers don't like Josh personally. They like the site, though, and they try to avoid being noticed by Josh. His misanthropy is extreme and many people don't want to deal with it so they avoid interacting with him.
On occasion he's even mentioned that he suspects No-Dong of having some level of government support
LFJ does have govt connections. Chelsea Manning was involved with #DropKiwiFarms (Keffals explicitly thanked him for his involvement in public statements) and he was openly bragging on a podcast how he's personal friends with AOC, how they talk on the phone all the time, etc. Then there is Erin Reed who was also heavily involved with #DropKiwiFarms who's now going to get married to a Dem troon:


One thing which is often not mentioned is that a lot of farmers don't like Josh personally. They like the site, though, and they try to avoid being noticed by Josh. His misanthropy is extreme and many people don't want to deal with it so they avoid interacting with him.
That's literally me. I liked KF and the Kiwis, they were really funny and smart for the most part, at least in the threads that I was frequenting. I just can't stand Null being cranky and angry with everyone all the time, and all the fucking far-right cranks he kept bringing to the site ("He's bringing home his weird-ass friends"). I would just block someone on KF if their posts were too overtly far-right, but everyone else had noticed the increase in unhinged far-right cranks. There are testimonies to that happening here on OF as well.

So he courted the Natsees, and now his site is still offline. How did that work out? :rolleyes:
One thing which is often not mentioned is that a lot of farmers don't like Josh personally. They like the site, though, and they try to avoid being noticed by Josh. His misanthropy is extreme and many people don't want to deal with it so they avoid interacting with him.
Hence why I am here, and why I never did more than lurk on KF. I can't tell you how many times I read threads which had pages of relatively good discussion, only to have Null come in and post some stupid hot take which derailed the discussion and ended up with him yelling at everyone. Then there were the ones where Null would single out a user and chimp out at them ("I wish you would leave you stupid faggot!" or some such - and that would be the user's first interaction with him). The spergy mass bannings that he pulled on far more than one occasion come to mind as well. I wouldn't blame those banned users from socking on KF just to piss him off even more with their mere existence.

Null has enemies and a good chunk of his current and/or former users can't stand him? Why, I'm shocked, shocked, I tell you!
Hence why I am here, and why I never did more than lurk on KF. I can't tell you how many times I read threads which had pages of relatively good discussion, only to have Null come in and post some stupid hot take which derailed the discussion and ended up with him yelling at everyone. Then there were the ones where Null would single out a user and chimp out at them ("I wish you would leave you stupid faggot!" or some such - and that would be the user's first interaction with him). The spergy mass bannings that he pulled on far more than one occasion come to mind as well. I wouldn't blame those banned users from socking on KF just to piss him off even more with their mere existence.

Null has enemies and a good chunk of his current and/or former users can't stand him? Why, I'm shocked, shocked, I tell you!
he chimped out in the chat a lot thats how he basically told me too like why dont you just fuck off you passive agressive faggot
Hence why I am here, and why I never did more than lurk on KF. I can't tell you how many times I read threads which had pages of relatively good discussion, only to have Null come in and post some stupid hot take which derailed the discussion and ended up with him yelling at everyone. Then there were the ones where Null would single out a user and chimp out at them ("I wish you would leave you stupid faggot!" or some such - and that would be the user's first interaction with him). The spergy mass bannings that he pulled on far more than one occasion come to mind as well. I wouldn't blame those banned users from socking on KF just to piss him off even more with their mere existence.

Null has enemies and a good chunk of his current and/or former users can't stand him? Why, I'm shocked, shocked, I tell you!

Months ago when I was still on KF, I asked Null to take care of the problem with the disappearing text box, which was a persistent issue that was affecting me and 35+ other Kiwis complaining about it. This occurence is presumably caused by XenForo and happens in response to Application Level DDoS attacks. It seems like XenForo tries to shut down parts of i/o (input/output) when it's getting overwhelmed or something like that, but I didn't know that back then. Despite doing everything that was recommended in the TG (Technical Grievances) thread, flushing cookies, flushing the cache and flushing fucking everything I was still unable to post for weeks. Null's response when I e-mailed him about it (I honestly though I was shadowbanned) was that I am a stupid bitch who's too stupid to delete cookies and shouldn't even return to his website for being too stupid to post there. Null literally left a rant on my profile page saying that about me, knowing I was unable to reply. He also claimed that he offered to help me, when he literally offered no help or explanation for why this was happening, when other Kiwis in the TG thread were also asking him to explain what was going on. Instead, he tried to gaslight me that I was supposedly "breaking SSL" or "breaking the cache" (I was doing no such thing). The final straw was when he threatened to ban my account for asking my followers to report it because I was still unable to post. That's when I logged off and never looked back. The people in the threads I used to frequent are still begging me to ban-evade to get back on the forum, but I'm never going back.

In the back of my mind while this was going on, I was like, "Null, why? I am on your side!", but nope.
It's Null versus the world. Everyone is the enemy.

That said, I do hope Null gets his site back up ASAP though, because OF is kinda turning into this right now:

Maggie was right y'all!

(Maggie is the wife of Daiymo, a Youtuber we make fun of at this forum.)
LFJ does have govt connections. Chelsea Manning was involved with #DropKiwiFarms (Keffals explicitly thanked him for his involvement in public statements) and he was openly bragging on a podcast how he's personal friends with AOC, how they talk on the phone all the time, etc. Then there is Erin Reed who was also heavily involved with #DropKiwiFarms who's now going to get married to a Dem troon:

View attachment 33650

That's literally me. I liked KF and the Kiwis, they were really funny and smart for the most part, at least in the threads that I was frequenting. I just can't stand Null being cranky and angry with everyone all the time, and all the fucking far-right cranks he kept bringing to the site ("He's bringing home his weird-ass friends"). I would just block someone on KF if their posts were too overtly far-right, but everyone else had noticed the increase in unhinged far-right cranks. There are testimonies to that happening here on OF as well.

So he courted the Natsees, and now his site is still offline. How did that work out? :rolleyes:
On one hand, the cranks can be annoying, on the other, they have the right to their opinions too, plus you do have an Ignore button, honestly I'm amazed that more people don't actually use it. Honestly I think most political junkies are cranks to some degree or another, chickens voting for Colonel Sanders and all that.
I appreciate Jewsh. He taught me the important lesson that networking with others in your industry is important and to avoid burning bridges as one day you might need to ask those people for help.
another part is chosing the right people to network with, 5 years ago Null had a fairly extensive group of "friends" the problem is those bridges were burned and mostly not by him, but thats because the people he was friends with were guys like :dick masterson,ethan ralph, nick rekita,hotwheels, CRP, etc.

It reminds me of my sister who hung with the burnout freaks in high school, the ones that didn't die are living a life where they wish they did, ironically enough her being forced to babysit me and the other geeks meant she formed connections she still keeps up with and has used to this day.

obviously the picks are slim when you're in this sphere of the internet if you want to avoid pedos/anime fans but even then he really associated with the worst. he should have reached out to more mainstream people or at least attempted to reach out. just the title of owner of the kiwifarms means he's got quite a lot of notoriety. Chrissy Myer and Shane Gillis were geeking out about the farms 5 years ago, imagine how much more noise he would have on his side right now if he followed up or reached out to them. Joe Rogan's successor and a woman with the top porn podcast and fringe right wing podcast were hyping up this guy and he couldn't be fucking bothered. same way he couldn't be bothered when it came to being a vidya streamer despite literally not even pausing his games half the time he was on the dick show.

if we're being honest here his hard stances on stuff that the average person would agree with probably has done him more harm but it also is what has given him as good of a reputation in the normiesphere, but because he never took advantage of that outside of interviews with dick masterson or the killstream him having normie politics hasn't done him a lick of fucking good.

Any podcast with any traction should have gotten him on, just at minimum because it could get more eyes on what he considers his real job MATI; instead he'd rather be lazy and poorer. There's a reason every celebrity or comedian does every fucking morning show or podcast or youtube faggotry in order to promote their shit when statistically its probably a waste of time. If one more person out of the millions watching discovers you and follows you from it then its worth it.

Its especially worse now because chris chan and lolcows have gotten fairly mainstream the last 5 years. literally having comedians on SNL and actors in superbowl commmericals talking about them. The fact that he's not at minimum Sam Hyde levels of fame specifically so he could have friends in high places to combat his enemies friends is part of why he's so fucked now. Especially when TERFs have exploded in the last 4 years. The fact that we don't have leaked audio of Vanessa Vokey masturbating to null when that would have likely happened shows how lazy he's been with one of the key parts of running such a site, which is promoting/hyping up the org. There's a reason we still have those faggy walks for the cure when we all know about breast cancer and why we have commericals for toilet paper and fast food despite market saturation happening a long time ago. And despite how much he whines about it kiwifarms is just as much of an organization or charity as the ADL or St.Judes. Or at least it should be seen as such, the amount of outreach he could have been doing just to get people to help him when he's as fucked as he is ow is insane. Look at the fishtank and how quickly Sam had dozens of weirdos contacting him with ways to decreases his costs by 80% once that website dropped. Null should have already had the site up by now and have had an uptime of 93% the last 9 months instead of 39%
. I liked KF and the Kiwis, they were really funny and smart for the most part, at least in the threads that I was frequenting. I just can't stand Null being cranky and angry with everyone all the time, and all the fucking far-right cranks he kept bringing to the site ("He's bringing home his weird-ass friends"). I would just block someone on KF if their posts were too overtly far-right, but everyone else had noticed the increase in unhinged far-right cranks. There are testimonies to that happening here on OF as well.

So he courted the Natsees, and now his site is still offline. How did that work out? :rolleyes:

you're also pro-trans just like anyone else that considers TERFs far right. Plus its not null's fault that the left doesn't care about free speech. In fact just the concept of having memory in general is right wing, especially to anyone pro-trans. So just by liking the site you too are a far-right wing nutjob.

Also you'd think with the site down the posting per day here would have skyrocketed, on the flip side you'd also think Null could have reached agreements with other splinter sites to do what he did when KIwifarms and ED had to combine forces for a month. Just have meeting places to go to when the lights go out, after hours bars sotospeak.
Also you'd think with the site down the posting per day here would have skyrocketed, on the flip side you'd also think Null could have reached agreements with other splinter sites to do what he did when KIwifarms and ED had to combine forces for a month. Just have meeting places to go to when the lights go out, after hours bars sotospeak.
.cc should have provided that but unfortunately it's on the KF server. People who maintain strict opsec on KF sure as hell aren't going to join Telegram for updates.