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If you have a technical issue with Xenforo: Please post your request in the Town Square or the Talk to Staff (If you want more privacy) and one of us will check it out to address your concerns.Thank you for all your forum contributions (Owner - Onion Null).

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms

Josh being an autistic asshole to someone reporting that the clearnet web address still doesn't work. Then he talks about how images sometimes don't load due to something about HTTP/HTTPS.
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another part is chosing the right people to network with, 5 years ago Null had a fairly extensive group of "friends" the problem is those bridges were burned and mostly not by him, but thats because the people he was friends with were guys like :dick masterson,ethan ralph, nick rekita,hotwheels, CRP, etc.
Null spent way too much time networking with internet hype-men (because that's essentially what the whole GamerGate/Red Pill sphere was) instead of teaming up with his fellow RTFM codebros, who got more and more woke. I do suspect that if Null had remained in a more nerdy/programming milieu, as opposed to befriending comedians and podcasters, he would've still gotten frustrated with how woke they were becoming. Null is inherently a non-conformist so he was always going to be an Einzelganger going his own way, no matter which group he tried to team up with.
obviously the picks are slim when you're in this sphere of the internet if you want to avoid pedos/anime fans but even then he really associated with the worst. he should have reached out to more mainstream people or at least attempted to reach out.
Here's what Null said a couple of years ago about people in the alt-right who were trying to set up alt-tech, he thought they were all going to fail because they wouldn't decentralize (which you can't really do on the internet, it was set up by the military so it's inherently hierarchical):

Any grifter/eceleb you know shilling 'alt-tech' that is still just a single website (Parler, BitChute, Dlive) is an idiot. They are ignorant and their information is damaging to the health of the Internet.

Andrew Torba cannot collect money except by mail-in checks. Parler, with all its celebrity endorsements and millions in funds, was disappeared overnight with a snap. BitChute is not redundant, subservient to the UK government and the Gunt, and ran by a single point of failure. The President of the United States was removed from social media so he can soon be removed from office this week without a word of protest.


This post from Null almost sounds like that Rorschach diary entry in Watchmen where he laments the fact that all the superheroes he used to know have fallen off the wayside: "Why are so few of us left active, healthy and without personality disorders?"

Any podcast with any traction should have gotten him on, just at minimum because it could get more eyes on what he considers his real job MATI;
Null is notoriously very hostile to the MSM. When journalists did reach out to him for interviews during #DropKiwiFarms, he responded to them with, well, what looks like Marilyn Manson lyrics:

He said he was willing to do interviews with Youtube personalities, but Turkey Tom and Destiny were the only ones he considered big enough to be worth his time.

For some reason he said he'd agree to do an interview with Tucker Carlson about #DropKiwiFarms
I wonder if he still feels this way now that Carlson is no longer with Fox.

People who maintain strict opsec on KF sure as hell aren't going to join Telegram for updates.
That's me, as soon as I saw that Telegram required a smartphone number, I was like, nope. Fortunately Sinseer is screengrabbing and cross-posting everything to Twitter, LMAO.

Bah the site has been down for days now, perhaps this is the end of Kiwi Farms. If that is that I hope it's users come over here. Im lonely. :(
The .onion variant is apparently back up, download the Tor browser and copy-paste the .onion address and you'll be able to access KF again.

One more thing: my impression is that 90% of TERFs are liberals, leftists/socialists/communists and even far-left anti-establishment anarchists, so no, I definitely do not believe most TERFs are far right. Quite the opposite. Right-wing people who are anti-trans are anti-trans for entirely different reasons than TERFs. The two are lumped together and called "far-right" by stupid mentally ill binary thinkers who can't see shades of gray.
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View attachment 33687
Josh being an autistic asshole to someone reporting that the clearnet web address still doesn't work. Then he talks about how the Tor site was down for about the last 4 days due to something about HTTP/HTTPS.
Many people - myself included - refuse to join Telegram. He would be better off posting some links to people who reposts his updates, as chudbuds used to do and Pink Blush does now.

His comment about HTTP/HTTPS relates to why there can be issues with images loading over Tor and is unrelated to why the site was down. Xenforo gets fucky about images loading even over clearnet, tbh, and not just on KF.
Kiwis are telling one another in the TG tread to just use the raw RSS feed from Telegram:

Reminder, you can use https://tg.i-c-a.su/rss/kiwifarms to view any updates to the Kiwifarms Telegram without being logged in. It might be little confusing, but you just really need to focus on things that are listed under <description>. See image for an example.

Null spent way too much time networking with internet hype-men (because that's essentially what the whole GamerGate/Red Pill sphere was) instead of teaming up with his fellow RTFM codebros, who got more and more woke. I do suspect that if Null had remained in a more nerdy/programming milieu, as opposed to befriending comedians and podcasters, he would've still gotten frustrated with how woke they were becoming. Null is inherently a non-conformist so he was always going to be an Einzelganger going his own way, no matter which group he tried to team up with.

Here's what Null said a couple of years ago about people in the alt-right who were trying to set up alt-tech, he thought they were all going to fail because they wouldn't decentralize (which you can't really do on the internet, it was set up by the military so it's inherently hierarchical):

View attachment 33688

This post from Null almost sounds like that Rorschach diary entry in Watchmen where he laments the fact that all the superheroes he used to know have fallen off the wayside: "Why are so few of us left active, healthy and without personality disorders?"

Null is notoriously very hostile to the MSM. When journalists did reach out to him for interviews during #DropKiwiFarms, he responded to them with, well, what looks like Marilyn Manson lyrics:

View attachment 33689
He said he was willing to do interviews with Youtube personalities, but Turkey Tom and Destiny were the only ones he considered big enough to be worth his time.

For some reason he said he'd agree to do an interview with Tucker Carlson about #DropKiwiFarms
I wonder if he still feels this way now that Carlson is no longer with Fox.

That's me, as soon as I saw that Telegram required a smartphone number, I was like, nope. Fortunately Sinseer is screengrabbing and cross-posting everything to Twitter, LMAO.

The .onion variant is apparently back up, download the Tor browser and copy-paste the .onion address and you'll be able to access KF again.

One more thing: my impression is that 90% of TERFs are liberals, leftists/socialists/communists and even far-left anti-establishment anarchists, so no, I definitely do not believe most TERFs are far right. Quite the opposite. Right-wing people who are anti-trans are anti-trans for entirely different reasons than TERFs. The two are lumped together and called "far-right" by stupid mentally ill binary thinkers who can't see shades of gray.
Null had the chance to ally with other communities facing the same predicament but he thought he could easily replace cloudflare while being one of the biggest targets for DDoS attacks on the clearnet. During #dropkiwifarms Null did not view Epik as a viable option, something changed at some point in time but Null should have seen this coming. The internet wasn't created on the basis of decentralization. Every time he chimps out he calls for his personal army to make his demands heard.
Josh wants to now build a coalition of sorts with Andrew Torba, the guy he's been calling a incompetent fat retard for years.

To be fair, Torba is an incompetent fat retard. He and Null are extremely similar as a matter of fact.

Null had the chance to ally with other communities facing the same predicament but he thought he could easily replace cloudflare while being one of the biggest targets for DDoS attacks on the clearnet. During #dropkiwifarms Null did not view Epik as a viable option, something changed at some point in time but Null should have seen this coming. The internet wasn't created on the basis of decentralization. Every time he chimps out he calls for his personal army to make his demands heard.

Didn't Epik end up having terrible security? They got exposed massively a few years ago and they ended up hosting a bunch of websites with illegal material on them. Or am I thinking of something else?

Null went back to Epik eventually but it's obviously because they were the only ones who would have him.
Josh thinks he's Altus carrying free speech on his back.
View attachment 33714View attachment 33712View attachment 33713
Q. You have a server that doesn't boot after you add memory and a PCI-E adapter to it. What do you do?

a. Pull the memory and PCI-E adapter back out, boot it again to make sure it at least shows video, and then add one or the other back into it to see if the server will boot successfully, therefore determining which component is bad
b. Whine to Telegram about it and go to bed, leaving shit fucked for hours

So if I'm reading this right, he got the site back up earlier today and then fucked it up again and is going to bed instead of telling whoever to remove the upgrade shit and figure out what's causing the crash.
Yeah sounds typical. Was the site up for long before going down again?
At least 8 hours to my knowledge. It was up by at least 8am ET, down by 3-ish.
Dude, the site can't handle the <100 lurkers it's been getting over the last few days.
people don't want to hear it but the reason the splinter sites work so much better is that they have .01% the traffic of kiwi, whereas kiwi's recent activity shows at least 80 threads getting bumped with replies in the last 6 hours even during the overnight slow time. this site only has 6 threads at most bumped with new replies in the last 24hours. And mind you thats being completely unfair to kiwi because thats most active threads on the site are people replying to each other in only a relatively handful of threads, like when the ethan ralph sex tape happened and the thread got 90 posts every hour. this site while neat, isnt a place you can really spend more than half an hour on because the lack of new posts/content a day.
Null spent way too much time networking with internet hype-men (because that's essentially what the whole GamerGate/Red Pill sphere was) instead of teaming up with his fellow RTFM codebros, who got more and more woke. I do suspect that if Null had remained in a more nerdy/programming milieu, as opposed to befriending comedians and podcasters, he would've still gotten frustrated with how woke they were becoming.

You probably weren't paying attention but the whole ss13 server thing was him getting fed up with the handful of codebros he did keep up with going full tranny and him trying to splinter away people from what was already a pretty small community. so this isn't even a hypothetical we know for a fact what null would have done and it would have been just as much of a waste of time as his ss13 adventure.
One more thing: my impression is that 90% of TERFs are liberals, leftists/socialists/communists and even far-left anti-establishment anarchists, so no, I definitely do not believe most TERFs are far right. Quite the opposite. Right-wing people who are anti-trans are anti-trans for entirely different reasons than TERFs. The two are lumped together and called "far-right" by stupid mentally ill binary thinkers who can't see shades of gray.
TERFs make up about 1% of the anti-trans community, ironically roughly as much as the TIMs make up of the whole women population, and just like terfs i'm not going to pretend 99% of people should be forced to conform to the beliefs of a literal 1%. TERFs are just the Colmes of the farms and should understand and act as such, because if it was exclusively just TERFs in those trans lolcow threads they'd be as dead as Dick Masterson's thread has been the last 2 years. you'd still have no clue who contrapoints was or where he came from or any of his backstory.

TERFs are as left wing as Sargon or elon musk or russell brand, just because they claim to be, reality or most people's perception of it says otherwise and again its hilariously ironic for TERFs not to understand that just because you can claim something doesn't mean people have to believe it.
Josh wants to now build a coalition of sorts with Andrew Torba, the guy he's been calling a incompetent fat retard for years.
while this is hilarious in its own right, he already fucked over Graf less than a year ago. So its pretty clear that even current day null would abandon Torba in a second.
people don't want to hear it but the reason the splinter sites work so much better is that they have .01% the traffic of kiwi, whereas kiwi's recent activity shows at least 80 threads getting bumped with replies in the last 6 hours even during the overnight slow time. this site only has 6 threads at most bumped with new replies in the last 24hours. And mind you thats being completely unfair to kiwi because thats most active threads on the site are people replying to each other in only a relatively handful of threads, like when the ethan ralph sex tape happened and the thread got 90 posts every hour. this site while neat, isnt a place you can really spend more than half an hour on because the lack of new posts/content a day.
There were over 400 people on KF when I logged in last night and that was when word of it being back up had first started to spread. While I'm not a fan of the chats, an awful lot of activity happens there in addition to the forum threads.

The first few sites I joined on the internet were ones where there was a lot of new content to catch up with every single day. There are less forums where that happens these days when so much content has moved to reddit and social media platforms where you can largely set your own rules and don't have to worry about infrastructure costs.

I think it's important to maintain small, independent forums, but their existence is constrained by many factors and I don't think that's going to change any time soon.