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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Do any websites actually use Infinity Next? Josh shilled it as the next great thing that "moron" Jim Watkins trashed because he requested it be proprietary, but he started working on it again and used it to launch 9chan. If Josh ever finishes Sneedforo you can bet the same thing will happen. (No one uses it.)
Do any websites actually use Infinity Next? Josh shilled it as the next great thing that "moron" Jim Watkins trashed because he requested it be proprietary, but he started working on it again and used it to launch 9chan. If Josh ever finishes Sneedforo you can bet the same thing will happen. (No one uses it.)
jim is a dementia ritten senile retard that grifts to dumb qboomers
though I don't know any website that uses IP grabber next other 9chan
Reason: >THOUGH
He is currently looking to Torba for allies and 8chan is still up despite all the heat and deplatforming efforts it had. 8chan has had WAAY more threatening deplatforming efforts than trannies sending emails and making phonecalls. Actual government and judiciary inquiry.
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If Josh ever finishes Sneedforo you can bet the same thing will happen. (No one uses it.)
he'll be dead or quit long before he finishes that project
and when he does it will be riddled with aids since josh is an incompetent programmer
should hire people to do it, but his pride won't let him do that
should hire people to do it, but his pride won't let him do that
It has literally nothing to do with pride. Here's his post on KF where he said that he would be glad to hire "one guy I could rely on and compensate fairly", in other words a professional programmer to help him with his projects, but he doesn't have the $5000 a month to pay such a programmer. He literally said that having someone coding along with him would "help enormously with both productivity and keeping myself account[able] to my own ambitions":


In the Livestream interview with Youtuber Turkey Tom, Null said he wanted to get developers onboard but no one wants to work for him for free and he again doesn't have the money to hire anyone:

I wish I could get paid royalties. And it's not just, like, I wish I had that money. I wish I could use that money to hire people to work with. Do you know how nice it would be if I knew, like, Rust developers who could sit down and say, this is what I wanna work on today, and, like, thanks, let me check your code, I'd do like a code quality check or whatever. And I could, like, sit down and have these conversations with people developing stuff for me. That would probably help a lot. But hiring developers, or even paying people at all, is completely out of my budget. And I feel like, you know, people who do good work should be paid for it. So I'm not gonna... I've asked people to help me for free but, I can't expect people to help me for free, because, why should they? I wouldn't help people for free. I've been involved in open source software for, basically 10 years. I've never submitted a Git push for basically anything ever, because, I have other shit to do. And if I can't do it, I can't expect other people to do it either.

I think one of Null's greatest regrets is the way KF has isolated him from the larger developer community as it become more woke and began incorporating SJW clauses into its licenses as way to police the implementation of various open source components and programs.

I can't imagine Josh wanting Jim as an ally.
Null doesn't like the Watkins and wants nothing to do with that milieu. It's ridiculous to suggest that he'd want someone like Jim as an ally.

since we're here. that does bring up a great point, why did him and hotwheels think with their small amount of knowledge theyd be the ones to figure out infinity next and revolutionize things.
That's called the folly of youth, though Brennan admitted on that VICE profile that he lost all interest in his image board within a year of launching it. I think Brennan was glad that Null was more into it than he was because, had IN worked out, Brennan would've crowned Null his succesor and would've slowly and quietly distanced himself from the whole thing. I suspect that was Brennan's real intent, not to "revolutionize" anything. He just wanted out.
It's not that he doesn't care, it's that he's an arrogant RTFM brocoder who assumes that "people who use crypto already know all that". He assumes that anyone who wants to give him bitchycoins is on the same level as he is - they're not, a lot of Kiwis admitted they had never even used Tor before #DropKiwiFarms

Despite these assumptions about his donors, Null had openly admitted that one of the issues that he gets the most questions about from Kiwis is how to go about making a bitchycoin donation according to his specifications. Read: people starting out with bitchycoins don't understand what Null means when he warns them to "send it to yourself first", and he doesn't bother to tell them why they have to do that.

Anyways, I bet Old Man Londre is gonna have another field day with his CryptoCONs org. For those of you who don't know who this is, Andrew Londre is the one getting Kiwis crypto accounts suspended. He was also openly advocating for the doxxing of Kiwis during #DropKiwiFarms:

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This is such a trivial piece of advice to give that it emblemizes how lazy/arrogant Josh can be when he's in one of his moods (which is almost always.) If Kiwifarms ever comes back up I might make a thread on it & call him out for such a guide not existing already despite crypto donations being the lifeblood of everything kiwi-related.

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This is such a trivial piece of advice to give that it emblemizes how lazy/arrogant Josh can be when he's in one of his moods (which is almost always.) If Kiwifarms ever comes back up I might make a thread on it & call him out for such a guide not existing already despite crypto donations being the lifeblood of everything kiwi-related.
What are even the odds of it coming back up? This is the longest it's been down in the couple years I've used it.
What are even the odds of it coming back up? This is the longest it's been down in the couple years I've used it.
There's been speculation ITT that Jewsh is using these alleged attacks to see if he can get more crypto donations. There's easier ways to do that though. Something as simple as more customization on his forums would accomplish that; custom stickers, change the color of your name, other stupid & gay shit. Plus troons really are the kind of people to waste resources spiting the 1 website willing to host dirt sheets.

I think in this case he really is just Ooperating at max capacity & once he figures out the 101 of running a server the forum will be back up. He really needs a flow of income either way. Outside of the onion link being down (again: dead server) this isn't different from the first slapfight with Hunchback.
Null is a sped that believes one can tackle the powers that be by running away and living off crypto. He fails to realize that the most effective fighting comes from within (i.e., appear as if you blend in) and considers himself an illuminated being that leads a flock of sheep that want to rebbel. That's a nice concept, albeit being an autistic one.
There's been speculation ITT that Jewsh is using these alleged attacks to see if he can get more crypto donations. There's easier ways to do that though. Something as simple as more customization on his forums would accomplish that; custom stickers, change the color of your name, other stupid & gay shit. Plus troons really are the kind of people to waste resources spiting the 1 website willing to host dirt sheets.

I think in this case he really is just Ooperating at max capacity & once he figures out the 101 of running a server the forum will be back up. He really needs a flow of income either way. Outside of the onion link being down (again: dead server) this isn't different from the first slapfight with Hunchback.

I don’t see it not coming back. Jersh for all his sperging is stubborn and he won’t let Brickface consent accident the website into oblivion.

Your suggestion of monetizing personalization options would be a good idea so maybe he actually could pay for a programmer who won’t regularly allow their work to get trashed by some troon who has dilated themselves into a rage.
Null is a sped that believes one can tackle the powers that be by running away and living off crypto. He fails to realize that the most effective fighting comes from within (i.e., appear as if you blend in) and considers himself an illuminated being that leads a flock of sheep that want to rebbel. That's a nice concept, albeit being an autistic one.
I don't think Null believes he's fighting anything, he's stated multiple times that he thinks the western world is over in terms of the average person having freedom, so most of his talk is just him trying to spite the various people trying to take him and the site down and gain support for his efforts. He also has been open about seeing the political posters of his forum as morons who ruined his site and frequently tells them he wants them to leave the forum.
It was down for longer during #kiwifarms last year and it was back up again on Tor a few days ago until Josh decided to upgrade.
That felt like a bigger deal then this downtime. Lucas was getting tons of mainstream attention, enough to cuck Cloudflare into submission.

This time it seems to be more just Elliott malding about the consent accidents and the occasional cameo from Sinseer, Chris-chan and the troon lawyer.