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Who can be a part of our community? All races, ethnicities, religions, gay or straight, cis or trans: We don't care. If you can rock with us: You are one of us. Kiwifarms may disable or restrict registration. We don't. We're here for you and always will be.

If you have a technical issue with Xenforo: Please post your request in the Town Square or the Talk to Staff (If you want more privacy) and one of us will check it out to address your concerns.Thank you for all your forum contributions (Owner - Onion Null).

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
For those of you who are (still:rolleyes:) asking about Infinity Next, Null's IN Github page is still online here:

All those of you who are apparently PHP developers and insist that Null can't code, by all means debug this shit for us. Go all in and tell us how shitty the code is.

You can see on the right that there are 17 listed contributors for IN, so he apparently wasn't working on this entirely on his own.

However, if you look at the network graph it seems it was mostly Null with some input from Odilitime, so I don't know what the fuck the rest of those 15 people were doing other than submitting requests:

This is interesting though, it's from about week ago:

This program should adopt the MFEK AGPL Flood Exception
#337 opened May 8, 2023 by ctrlcctrlv
Posted in:

https://github.com/ctrlcctrlv is Fredrick Brennan's Github account... so why is he still interacting with the IN project if he has long since rejected it and wants to take down Null? Is he trying to bait Null into responding to him on Github? 🤨 🤔
For those of you who are (still:rolleyes:) asking about Infinity Next, Null's IN Github page is still online here:

All those of you who are apparently PHP developers and insist that Null can't code, by all means debug this shit for us. Go all in and tell us how shitty the code is.

You can see on the right that there are 17 listed contributors for IN, so he apparently wasn't working on this entirely on his own.

However, if you look at the network graph it seems it was mostly Null with some input from Odilitime, so I don't know what the fuck the rest of those 15 people were doing other than submitting requests:

This is interesting though, it's from about week ago:

https://github.com/ctrlcctrlv is Fredrick Brennan's Github account... so why is he still interacting with the IN project if he has long since rejected it and wants to take down Null? Is he trying to bait Null into responding to him on Github? 🤨 🤔
Frederick is all into fonts. He's talking about his font project.
It has literally nothing to do with pride. Here's his post on KF where he said that he would be glad to hire "one guy I could rely on and compensate fairly", in other words a professional programmer to help him with his projects, but he doesn't have the $5000 a month to pay such a programmer. He literally said that having someone coding along with him would "help enormously with both productivity and keeping myself account[able] to my own ambitions":

View attachment 33864

In the Livestream interview with Youtuber Turkey Tom, Null said he wanted to get developers onboard but no one wants to work for him for free and he again doesn't have the money to hire anyone:

I think one of Null's greatest regrets is the way KF has isolated him from the larger developer community as it become more woke and began incorporating SJW clauses into its licenses as way to police the implementation of various open source components and programs.

Null doesn't like the Watkins and wants nothing to do with that milieu. It's ridiculous to suggest that he'd want someone like Jim as an ally.

That's called the folly of youth, though Brennan admitted on that VICE profile that he lost all interest in his image board within a year of launching it. I think Brennan was glad that Null was more into it than he was because, had IN worked out, Brennan would've crowned Null his succesor and would've slowly and quietly distanced himself from the whole thing. I suspect that was Brennan's real intent, not to "revolutionize" anything. He just wanted out.
"I wish I could get paid royalties. Not because I'm greedy or anything. I just want to use the money to hire people to do all the work for me. I'm a brilliant ideas guy, but I'm not so great at actually implementing them. I'm like a golden retriever. I'm cute and cuddly and I have a lot of energy, but I'm not very smart. If I had a team of Rust developers working for me, I could finally achieve my dream of becoming a real-life Tony Stark. I would build a giant robot suit and fight crime. Or maybe I would just build a really cool car. Whatever I did, it would be awesome. And it would all be thanks to my royalties." ~Null
Josh lies about not having an agenda/side, bemoans not getting shoutout by Keith Woods for a twitter unban, and not having any real allies. He cries about people on /pol/ not liking him for bashing Nick Fuentes. Then maybe don't bash Nick Fuentes if that's a bridge you're interested in allying with? Why would someone want to support you while you bash them every week? All potential allies Josh could have had he's expunged and has ridiculed publicly on his podcast. A few days ago he wants to ally with Andrew and today he calls him a Christian grifter.
- Andrew Torba
- Jim Watkins
- Nick Fuentes

Why would any of them want to join up with you?

"We at the Kiwifarms are apolitical and take no sides, but please please Mr. Trump protect Section 230. Please Mr. Biden, pass the FEDNOW bill so I can collect money. Transgenderism is morally wrong, all trannies want to rape women and all homosexuals want to rape kids." Nice apolitical takes there, buddy.
df (1).png
Even the swinging interracial cuckold Nick Rekieta agrees that Josh constantly alienates potential allies by talking shit about them so much on his podcast.
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@The Gays From LA you're getting called out! any response? he's right though. TERFs remind me of how people act when they first get redpilled, but then they learn the ins and outs and mature with their bigotry except women are so used to being able to say whatever the fuck they want and never getting shit for it that they don't realize that those protections aren't there for people with anti-left wing opinions like being anti-trans and because these cunts refuse to swallow any pills after the ones they feel 'ffect them like the trans issue they're going to stay stuck in the "Gamergater in november of 2014" mode forever.

the faggiest thing on the planet, you'd be surprised how many losers go "well i want to be creative but am too scared to go into any medium where i might be called out for sucking so let's pick something so small and rarely thought about that i can easily impress people with literally entry level ideas.....i got it i'll go into fonts!"

Bronze Age Pervert, its some cheapskate who disguises his voice because he's extremely well connected on the left and part of the upper class. literally was in plays with BJ Novak and Jim from the office back in high school. Despite not being publically doxxed he has an agent and manager and has been fairly well known in academia and literally has done podcasts with red scare and other big lefty podcasts. But more importantly than that he is one of these pre-GG alt right guys who thought being an e-celeb was faggy and he was mainly just a shitposter until he got fed up with all the people in that sector being blatant fed ops or lying shills. So he's doing this half-in half-out approach where he's a published author and is releasing podcasts and helping other alt-right guys pesudoanonymously publish magazines and articles and being a public figure who does segments on fox news or other places while also keeping his real identity at least somewhat secret and preaching to people to not fedpost or do anything in real life that might make you a target.

Essentially its like if an A&H guy decided to make a career out of their bigotry. Even his own fans admit its 90% shitposts with a few legit takes. i don't know how he feels about the farms and his entire output is just doomposting but him and josh have similar enough views on everything especially hating nick that they probably would get along. (up until someone decides to make a thread on the guy who will demand josh takes it down and we burn the bridge for him)
Given what Hotwheels has been through, if that is what makes him happy that is not an issue for me
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Even the swinging interracial cuckold Nick Rekieta agrees that Josh constantly alienates potential allies by talking shit about them so much on his podcast.
Kiwifarms has ran with wild theories made up out of thin air since its inception. My thread had people seriously believing they doxed me as some criminal woman who lived hundreds of miles from me, despite having many videos where I'm clearly a man and had basically already doxed myself. Along with more insane shit just painting me as the worst person possible.

Moon is a hypocritical fat faggot who enjoys bullying people and wants sycophants to suck his dick. That's obvious the first day you go there.
Kiwifarms has ran with wild theories made up out of thin air since its inception. My thread had people seriously believing they doxed me as some criminal woman who lived hundreds of miles from me, despite having many videos where I'm clearly a man and had basically already doxed myself. Along with more insane shit just painting me as the worst person possible.

Moon is a hypocritical fat faggot who enjoys bullying people and wants sycophants to suck his dick. That's obvious the first day you go there.
Someone said that Null considered suing me for "emotional distress". No seriously.
Kiwifarms has ran with wild theories made up out of thin air since its inception.
The users coming up with wild theories is one thing. For Josh to believe them promote them to his audience is another thing. In Josh's autistic brain he is doing no wrong. "Well, Nick, if you don't want people (like me) making weird theories about you then don't share so much about your life." For most websites you can seperate the users from the admin, but Josh is so involved in his website that you cannot. Whatever he believes his users will adapt into their own arithmetic even it completely contradicts his previous stances. Think Dick Masterson.
@The Gays From LA you're getting called out! any response? he's right though. TERFs remind me of how people act when they first get redpilled, but then they learn the ins and outs and mature with their bigotry except women are so used to being able to say whatever the fuck they want and never getting shit for it that they don't realize that those protections aren't there for people with anti-left wing opinions like being anti-trans and because these cunts refuse to swallow any pills after the ones they feel 'ffect them like the trans issue they're going to stay stuck in the "Gamergater in november of 2014" mode forever.

Whoa now, I need to push back on this because you are getting it all wrong. TERFs know exactly what they are doing.

Women become TERFs because they are attention seekers who say edgy things like "gas trannies" and "kill all men" because it gets them lots of eyes and words thrown at them. (This is also why I've never been impressed with JK Rowling or her opinions; she is a twitter addicted attention seeker and has more in common with Logan Paul than people who are trying to defend women's rights from moids. She is a useful tool for sure but she will never be anything except a complete tool.) They're not redpilled or even pinkpilled. They simply realized that men are so desperate for attention from women that they know TERFs can say as many cruel and abusive things as they want and thousands of men will respond, clogging their mentions, inboxes, DMs, etc to give them attention. Even when it's negative TERFs still court it and the anonymity of the internet means that gaining the attention of needy males is an easy and low risk venture. TERFs realized something important, that men are so needy that even the negative attention (death threats, doxxing attempts, etc.) are men competing sexually to win a single modicum of individualized attention from Fuck Mommy. All that male vitriol you see directed at dumb TERF tweets on Twitter? Those are men competing with each other to prove that they are the most aggressive in order to win the attention of the OP. When you apply this understanding to other platforms, the results are out of this world.

And if you don't believe me, then look at the people who are trying to take down Kiwifarms: troons, AKA males whose defining trait is a narcissistic need for validation from females, to the point that they pay millions for shitty plastic surgery in a desperate attempt to give that attention to themselves. If they can't own women then they will try to become women.

TERFs love this shit because it confirms all of their biases and it gets them views, clicks, etc.. "All men are rapists; all men are pedophiles; men only want fuckmommy OF whores, not normal women; men hate women so much that they will deplatform any website with proof of their rapes; men are so obsessed with women that they follow us everywhere, read everything we say, post our words all over the internet." You know who checks a lot of boxes on that description? Keffels, LFG, probably a bunch of other KF obsessed troons whose names I don't know.

For a TERF, attention is currency and it is unimaginable power. You know why JKR rarely has a serious complaint about all the negativity that gets thrown her way? Because she knows that every time an angry troon that QRTs her is spreading her message and she gains more support that outweighs what trannies think. And the exact same is true of Kiwifarms, the proof is in how troons love reposting TERF KF posts just to go "omg look at how bigoted this is!" Bigoted it may indeed be but 1) once again a male has singled out a woman and is paying attention to what she is saying 2) he is retarded enough to repost her message and spread it, guaranteeing that other women will see it, and they will definitely identify more with the TERF than the troon.

Don't ever ever think TERFs don't know exactly what they are doing. They took their need for attention and they have weaponized it against their greatest enemy: men. Every single attempt to destroy Kiwifarms makes them unimaginably stronger.
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Whoa now, I need to push back on this because you are getting it all wrong. TERFs know exactly what they are doing.

Women become TERFs because they are attention seekers who say edgy things like "gas trannies" and "kill all men" because it gets them lots of eyes and words thrown at them. (This is also why I've never been impressed with JK Rowling or her opinions; she is a twitter addicted attention seeker and has more in common with Logan Paul than people who are trying to defend women's rights from moids. She is a useful tool for sure but she will never be anything except a complete tool.) They're not redpilled or even pinkpilled. They simply realized that men are so desperate for attention from women that they know TERFs can say as many cruel and abusive things as they want and thousands of men will respond, clogging their mentions, inboxes, DMs, etc to give them attention. Even when it's negative TERFs still court it and the anonymity of the internet means that gaining the attention of needy males is an easy and low risk venture. TERFs realized something important, that men are so needy that even the negative attention (death threats, doxxing attempts, etc.) are men competing sexually to win a single modicum of individualized attention from Fuck Mommy. All that male vitriol you see directed at dumb TERF tweets on Twitter? Those are men competing with each other to prove that they are the most aggressive in order to win the attention of the OP. When you apply this understanding to other platforms, the results are out of this world.

And if you don't believe me, then look at the people who are trying to take down Kiwifarms: troons, AKA males whose defining trait is a narcissistic need for validation from females, to the point that they pay millions for shitty plastic surgery in a desperate attempt to give that attention to themselves. If they can't own women then they will try to become women.

TERFs love this shit because it confirms all of their biases and it gets them views, clicks, etc.. "All men are rapists; all men are pedophiles; men only want fuckmommy OF whores, not normal women; men hate women so much that they will deplatform any website with proof of their rapes; men are so obsessed with women that they follow us everywhere, read everything we say, post our words all over the internet." You know who checks a lot of boxes on that description? Keffels, LFG, probably a bunch of other KF obsessed troons whose names I don't know.

For a TERF, attention is currency and it is unimaginable power. You know why JKR rarely has a serious complaint about all the negativity that gets thrown her way? Because she knows that every time an angry troon that QRTs her is spreading her message and she gains more support that outweighs what trannies think. And the exact same is true of Kiwifarms, the proof is in how troons love reposting TERF KF posts just to go "omg look at how bigoted this is!" Bigoted it may indeed be but 1) once again a male has singled out a woman and is paying attention to what she is saying 2) he is retarded enough to repost her message and spread it, guaranteeing that other women will see it, and they will definitely identify more with the TERF than the troon.

Don't ever ever think TERFs don't know exactly what they are doing. They took their need for attention and they have weaponized it against their greatest enemy: men. Every single attempt to destroy Kiwifarms makes them unimaginably stronger.
TERFs existed long before the internet. The original TERFs were radical feminists, but today the term is applied to any woman who does not welcome trans women into the sisterhood, regardless of her politics.

Ironically, troons are perfectly happy to use the language of radfem politics when it helps further their victim narrative.
Frederick is all into fonts. He's talking about his font project.
He's not talking about fonts though. When Brennan says "this program", he is referring to IN, not to any of his own font projects.

Furthermore, the "the MFEK AGPL Flood Exception" he is referring to, I looked it up and he's apparently referring to this which he appears to have written on his own, which does not appear to pertain exclusively to font developers but to any program released under and covered by the AGPL, which would include IN since that was also released under AGPL:

This repository contains a single source file, exception.tex, which provides the text of an exception to the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 or later (AGPL), as published by the Free Software Foundation. The exception allows for additional permissions to incorporate flood control, security, and CAPTCHA software into AGPL-licensed software without being subject to the Share-Alike Provisions of the AGPL.

The exception is necessary because the AGPL requires that any modifications to the licensed software must also be licensed under the AGPL. This can create issues when incorporating flood control, security, and CAPTCHA software, as it may require disclosing sensitive information or proprietary algorithms. By providing an exception for these specific cases, the AGPL-licensed software can be adapted to address these concerns without compromising the overall licensing intent.

Worldwide AGPL Exception for Modifications for the Purposes of Flood Control, Security, and CAPTCHA Software Integration

Again, why is Brennan - who has supposedly long abandoned IN and only wants to take down Null - why is he all of a sudden seeking an exception to the AGPL for IN, insisting that IN adopt that exception? And why is he making it openly known to Null, as if to grab his attention?

@The Gays From LA you're getting called out! any response?
I don't see how this has anything to do with me, I don't think I was being personally called out so no, I don't have a response. Furthermore, the TERF discussion is completely off-topic. Y'all can make a separate thread for that.

X to doubt there. Still hasn't acknowledged the Russian Connection (even the kwiffar managed that) nor the decades old link between the idiot box and being a cretin.
You have not posted a sliver of evidence of Null having what you vaguely refer to as "a Russian connection". I don't think someone briefly having their site hosted in Russia in the midst of a wave of DDoS attacks as they're trying to deflect them is proof of having "a Russian connection", whatever that means in your head. Every time I've asked you to get specific about this claim you've deflected.

nor the decades old link between the idiot box and being a cretin
Indeed, I do not consider interactive media to be the same as passive media like TV or radio, so no, I don't think you can extrapolate conclusions about people using the internet (which is interactive) from people watching television or listening to the radio (which is passive) in the decades before the civilian internet. The fact that you conflate two very different types of media says a lot about your own inability to process research into either. The internet is not television. :rolleyes:
TERFs existed long before the internet. The original TERFs were radical feminists, but today the term is applied to any woman who does not welcome trans women into the sisterhood, regardless of her politics.

Ironically, troons are perfectly happy to use the language of radfem politics when it helps further their victim narrative.

And in the internet TERFs finally found the best way to fight their hated enemy! Very clever I say.
Whenever Josh gets kicked off something he always cries that "i have no idea why" or "they didn't specify what rule i broke." The truth is Josh knows very well, he simply disagrees. There's always some rule or terms of use about hateful conduct, offensive content, or some catch-all rule that says the company can choose to terminate/ban services for whoever they want whenever they want. There is no right to the platform. That is free speech after all, at least it is according to Josh when he bans people he doesn't like at will.

Now i reviewed section 3.1. These are the most likely conditions that were broken. You can disagree with the reasons, but let's not pretend it's some giant mystery Josh is incapable of figuring out on his own. He is simply lying to his audience. The company probably read all the articles about Kiwifarms or was made aware of it by Liz Fong Jones. Who is the average Greek to believe? Some fat sperg who owns a gossip forum or the dozens of news articles saying he runs a terrible website? What you should be asking yourself is, does this specific Greek certificate authority giver certificates to more if not just as offensive websites? This remains to be proven.
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