Deleted User
An Onion Among Onions
Thats right its time to talk shit about Cow Poly a fat furry who identifies only using dog (furry) avatars and is addicted to giving money to Dead Air Casino to admit to watching furry futanari
Delusional takes on furry porn

He's addicted to cheeseburgers because lol fat
BUT THATS NOT ALL FOLKS, He's also a tranny chaser and Alice simp

Who then later decided to become a tranny and come out by super chatting into Jewsh's show
Discord Gayops.” If you’ve read about something so retarded and pathetic over the past two years related to Ethan Ralph, Chris Chan or any other e-celebrity the name “Cow Poly” has probably come up. Whether it’s introducing Elaine Miller to a new group of Discord trolls, or inserting himself into fights between schizophrenic drug addicts, Cow Poly has been aggressively seeking infamy online. What causes a man to seek meaning chasing the dopamine hits that can only come from being adjacent to melodramatic manipulation of online acquaintances? Midlife crisis? Burnout? Boredom? Desire for infamy on the order of Christorian X or the great Anthony Logatto? Whatever the motivation, it’s time for Cow Poly to reach the next level of internet fame.
Kiwi Farms Socks: kinosseur, JAYOHSSI1488, Negritude, suckerpunch, fingersniffer, BLACK GORILLA PERSON, --[-----------@, Infinite Slick Sexually harassed in kiwi chat or in DMs? Recognize any of these names? Put a name to the offender. Repeat offender, in this case.
Legal Name: Christopher Ernest Welke
DOB: November 1979 (Age 42 as of this posting)
Last known address: Can not be provided, as it is an institutional sober living facility in the greater Los Angeles area home to many people trying to improve their lives.
Phone Number: 1 (810) 200-8165
How do we know Cow Poly (notorious namefag) is Chris Welke? The sloppy online footprint and drunk power-levelling provided ample clues to his identity, but the genius himself decided to give his full dox and personal cell phone number to none other than Elaine Miller, the insane e-thot he simps for in a bizarre relationship that no one fully comprehends. Are they friends? Lovers? Is he acting as a mentor in her own quest for online infamy and relationship? You decide. Included here are audio samples of Chris Welke (Tapper or Tapper7) and Cow Poly.
Archived podcast by Chris Welke:
Audio clip starring Cow Poly and Elaine Miller:
Career Highlights
Video clips in this section taken from livestream archived here: Cow Poly’s greatest recent achievement was the archived stream, where he is attacking Blaine
Ross, who also goes by Erika Ross. You might assume that the two are long-time enemies, when in June of 2022, the opposite was true
A little light flirting in no way undermines Cow’s position in the livestream.
And given the contents of that livestream, I think Plate Gang would be very interested in the age of this animated character
Spectre (TheSpectreRep)
Cow Poly created deep animosity with former Kiwi and Exceptional Detective Spectre with the completely false story alleging Spectre dated Faith Vickers (The “Hey Babe” gayop)
Matthew Vickers
Cow insinuated himself into the swatting incident involving the Vickers family, seemingly convinced that he’d be implicated due to his legendary “a-logging” of Ethan Ralph and the Vickers family. At the time of this writing, no evidence exists to support the idea that Cow Poly was ever suspected by the Vickers family or authorities in that incident.
Claimed credit for doxing his daughter’s boyfriend
Former friend and associate, revealed to be playing games
Christorian X
Egomaniacal clout-kike Cow Tranny-chaser harbored unreasonable resentment toward this man and spread the rumor that Christorian X was not only fat (addicted to cheeseburgers and mayonnaise), but was also almost certainly abusing meth
It appears that this questionable campaign against friendly neighborhood a-log Christorian was motivated by petty jealousy. Cow Poly, noted for taking great pride in his writing skills struggled to produce the volume of content that Christorian X could toss off in an evening. Note to Cow: anyone can write in red text, it’s the visual media equivalent to Dick Masterson’s “louder is better”
Josh Moon (Null)
Cow Poly harbors an aggressive resentment toward the owner of Kiwi Farms. He engages in active harassment using countless alt accounts often banned after drunk/high spamming chat or profile walls.
Cow Poly’s antagonism toward Null and the site seems to be rooted in perceived rejection. Actively seeking father figures (along with Dommy Mommies, as detailed in subsequent
sections) Null’s dismissal created severe butthurt that can’t be soothed.
Baked Alaska
Claims to have doxed his priest
Apparently motivated by little more than jealousy over Anuscabbage12’s relationship with Elaine Miller, wrote a savage OP on KiwiFarms doxing not only AnusCabbage12 but his relatives
Gator (TheGatorGaymer)
Cow took credit for doxing Gator, though his involvement in that appears to be only in his own mind
Personal Life
Personal website archive:,,
The primary motivation for this man’s continuous manipulation of everyone he encounters seems to be the ever elusive crumb of sweet, sweet e-pussy. A self hating, wandering Jew who embeds himself in the online alt right and associated petty drama to find success where he stumbled in real life. With a conversationally awkward tendency to express his preference for “dommy mommies” explained by the loss of his ex-girlfriend to cancer (developed by proximity to his personality) who would order him to drive home in his underwear, bragging about his biggest online successes to e-thots seems to be his primary crumb seeking behavior. No success to date has been recorded.
Cow the seeker of authority figures
Cow the Kike
A little bit strange for someone with such a demonstrably Jewish heritage to have actively insinuated himself into the online alt-right so aggressively
Former social media handles:
Cow the sex pest
Cow’s online interactions with Elaine Miller are not the only records of toe-curling cringe when it comes to interaction with women (or transwomen) online. One of his early works indicates at least a passing familiarity with the concept of “unwanted sexual attention” which makes some of his online behavior difficult to take.
Here he is proudly posing with Joey Buttafuoco, height comparison added for no reason.
Bicep focus added for threat assessment.
If you’re in the greater LA area,you may want to monitor your Tinder carefully
If you have a dog, they also may not be safe from doxing by this internet famehound:
@Cow Tranny guess we're both doxed now <3 <3 <3 thank Elaine for a lot of this info
Thats right its time to talk shit about Cow Poly a fat furry who identifies only using dog (furry) avatars and is addicted to giving money to Dead Air Casino to admit to watching furry futanari
Delusional takes on furry porn

He's addicted to cheeseburgers because lol fat
BUT THATS NOT ALL FOLKS, He's also a tranny chaser and Alice simp

Who then later decided to become a tranny and come out by super chatting into Jewsh's show
Discord Gayops.” If you’ve read about something so retarded and pathetic over the past two years related to Ethan Ralph, Chris Chan or any other e-celebrity the name “Cow Poly” has probably come up. Whether it’s introducing Elaine Miller to a new group of Discord trolls, or inserting himself into fights between schizophrenic drug addicts, Cow Poly has been aggressively seeking infamy online. What causes a man to seek meaning chasing the dopamine hits that can only come from being adjacent to melodramatic manipulation of online acquaintances? Midlife crisis? Burnout? Boredom? Desire for infamy on the order of Christorian X or the great Anthony Logatto? Whatever the motivation, it’s time for Cow Poly to reach the next level of internet fame.
Kiwi Farms Socks: kinosseur, JAYOHSSI1488, Negritude, suckerpunch, fingersniffer, BLACK GORILLA PERSON, --[-----------@, Infinite Slick Sexually harassed in kiwi chat or in DMs? Recognize any of these names? Put a name to the offender. Repeat offender, in this case.
Legal Name: Christopher Ernest Welke
DOB: November 1979 (Age 42 as of this posting)
Last known address: Can not be provided, as it is an institutional sober living facility in the greater Los Angeles area home to many people trying to improve their lives.
Phone Number: 1 (810) 200-8165
How do we know Cow Poly (notorious namefag) is Chris Welke? The sloppy online footprint and drunk power-levelling provided ample clues to his identity, but the genius himself decided to give his full dox and personal cell phone number to none other than Elaine Miller, the insane e-thot he simps for in a bizarre relationship that no one fully comprehends. Are they friends? Lovers? Is he acting as a mentor in her own quest for online infamy and relationship? You decide. Included here are audio samples of Chris Welke (Tapper or Tapper7) and Cow Poly.
Archived podcast by Chris Welke:
Audio clip starring Cow Poly and Elaine Miller:
Career Highlights
Video clips in this section taken from livestream archived here: Cow Poly’s greatest recent achievement was the archived stream, where he is attacking Blaine
Ross, who also goes by Erika Ross. You might assume that the two are long-time enemies, when in June of 2022, the opposite was true
A little light flirting in no way undermines Cow’s position in the livestream.
And given the contents of that livestream, I think Plate Gang would be very interested in the age of this animated character
Spectre (TheSpectreRep)
Cow Poly created deep animosity with former Kiwi and Exceptional Detective Spectre with the completely false story alleging Spectre dated Faith Vickers (The “Hey Babe” gayop)
Matthew Vickers
Cow insinuated himself into the swatting incident involving the Vickers family, seemingly convinced that he’d be implicated due to his legendary “a-logging” of Ethan Ralph and the Vickers family. At the time of this writing, no evidence exists to support the idea that Cow Poly was ever suspected by the Vickers family or authorities in that incident.
Claimed credit for doxing his daughter’s boyfriend
Former friend and associate, revealed to be playing games
Christorian X
Egomaniacal clout-kike Cow Tranny-chaser harbored unreasonable resentment toward this man and spread the rumor that Christorian X was not only fat (addicted to cheeseburgers and mayonnaise), but was also almost certainly abusing meth
It appears that this questionable campaign against friendly neighborhood a-log Christorian was motivated by petty jealousy. Cow Poly, noted for taking great pride in his writing skills struggled to produce the volume of content that Christorian X could toss off in an evening. Note to Cow: anyone can write in red text, it’s the visual media equivalent to Dick Masterson’s “louder is better”
Josh Moon (Null)
Cow Poly harbors an aggressive resentment toward the owner of Kiwi Farms. He engages in active harassment using countless alt accounts often banned after drunk/high spamming chat or profile walls.
Cow Poly’s antagonism toward Null and the site seems to be rooted in perceived rejection. Actively seeking father figures (along with Dommy Mommies, as detailed in subsequent
sections) Null’s dismissal created severe butthurt that can’t be soothed.
Baked Alaska
Claims to have doxed his priest
Apparently motivated by little more than jealousy over Anuscabbage12’s relationship with Elaine Miller, wrote a savage OP on KiwiFarms doxing not only AnusCabbage12 but his relatives
Gator (TheGatorGaymer)
Cow took credit for doxing Gator, though his involvement in that appears to be only in his own mind
Personal Life
Personal website archive:,,
The primary motivation for this man’s continuous manipulation of everyone he encounters seems to be the ever elusive crumb of sweet, sweet e-pussy. A self hating, wandering Jew who embeds himself in the online alt right and associated petty drama to find success where he stumbled in real life. With a conversationally awkward tendency to express his preference for “dommy mommies” explained by the loss of his ex-girlfriend to cancer (developed by proximity to his personality) who would order him to drive home in his underwear, bragging about his biggest online successes to e-thots seems to be his primary crumb seeking behavior. No success to date has been recorded.
Cow the seeker of authority figures
Cow the Kike
A little bit strange for someone with such a demonstrably Jewish heritage to have actively insinuated himself into the online alt-right so aggressively

:lazer_c::lazer_o::lazer_w::lazer_p::lazer_o::lazer_l::lazer_y::verify: :windmill_of_friendship: (
Daily Reminder that journalism is dead it is ALL agenda driven AND Jewish

Former social media handles:
Cow the sex pest
Cow’s online interactions with Elaine Miller are not the only records of toe-curling cringe when it comes to interaction with women (or transwomen) online. One of his early works indicates at least a passing familiarity with the concept of “unwanted sexual attention” which makes some of his online behavior difficult to take.
Here he is proudly posing with Joey Buttafuoco, height comparison added for no reason.
Bicep focus added for threat assessment.
If you’re in the greater LA area,you may want to monitor your Tinder carefully
If you have a dog, they also may not be safe from doxing by this internet famehound:
@Cow Tranny guess we're both doxed now <3 <3 <3 thank Elaine for a lot of this info