• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
Sharty will never be relevant no matter how hard they try, even kf is somehow still more relevant and they fell off almost as hard as ed. We're more relevant than sharty. Let that sink in.
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Elon has allowed lots of doxxing on his platform so long as the person being doxxed is lefty. Lots of keyboard activists and regular trannies have been doxxed and those addresses and names are still standing AFAIK. Elon allows CP to stand on the platform including distributing Andrew Tate's instructional videos about how to rape teen girls and distribute their rape videos as porn. Tate is currently being prosecuted for child rape and child porn along with sex trafficking and extortion; Elon still takes his money and lets him pay for advertisements on his platform knowing that he is funneling teen boys to a pedophile with a gay past. Muslims are allowed to openly groom and rape children they meet on Xitter as well as extort children for photos. Elon allows murder videos and animal gore to stand on the platform and hides behind "freeze peach" when called on it. The only thing Elon does in regards to doxxing is shit himself and cry and go on mass bahleetions when Daddy Donald and Daddy JD might catch flak from it.

Pale skin is not enough to make a man white, Elon has been colonized by the negro mindset. Anything goes so long as Tesla gets its gubmint gibsmedats, otherwise Elon does not see anything wrong with doxxing or child abuse. If he did then he would try harder to get it off his platform. Xitter is just a bigger Kiwifarms and Elon is almost identical to Josh: he also willingly hosts CP, doxxes, zoosadism, revenge porn of minors, murder vids etc on his platform and also tries mouthing off to government authorities until he gets his shit pushed in and has to quietly nut up off stage praying his supporters don't notice. (Elon is currently being sodomized by the Brazilian legal system AFAIK.) Elon is not going to do shit about Kiwifarms because he's too similar to Josh and probably sees Kiwifarms as an essential internet resource. Any resource that includes CP, animal abuse and bitcoin will be protected by Elon out of solidarity with Xitter. KF is in the clear.
I would like to disagree with you, but unfortunately, Xitter does indeed appear to allow the exploitation of children, and everything you have stated is accurate. This is an ongoing issue that their moderation team seems to be aware of, yet fails to adequately address.
Archie's Pom Chi Palace? this guy listened to King Falls AM too. I really liked that podcast, it was funny and cute.
Never heard of it any good?

This was posted in our thread but I hesitated to post it because, well, blandness, nothing really interesting happens on KF outside of them bitching and what.
Cordion, professional corpo cocksucker, doesn't even bother watching a review video before jumping to defend EA's honor. LGR doesn't even "clown" on the old Sims games, he's legitimately happy they're buyable again and feels nostalgic about them, but they're much buggier than the original releases and recommends waiting until they patch the most critical glitches!
Cordion, professional corpo cocksucker, doesn't even bother watching a review video before jumping to defend EA's honor. LGR doesn't even "clown" on the old Sims games, he's legitimately happy they're buyable again and feels nostalgic about them, but they're much buggier than the original releases and recommends waiting until they patch the most critical glitches!
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This retarded faggot loves Assassin's coon, wouldn't pay attention to a guy like him.
Sharty will never be relevant no matter how hard they try, even kf is somehow still more relevant and they fell off almost as hard as ed. We're more relevant than sharty. Let that sink in.View attachment 83249
The Sharty is a complete shell of what it once was.

The original soyteens were trolls and raiders who migrated from the 4chan board /qa/ after /qa/ was shut down by 4chan mods. These OG soyteens carried over a lot of the culture from their time on /qa/, with most board activity consisting of image board raids, Twitch Jackbox raids, and the spamming of traditional shock images such as gore, dead nigger baby, Nikocado's butthole, etc... On one hand, this was the Golden Age of the Sharty, with most Soyjak OC being created during this era and many hilarious raids and memes coming from it. However, while most of the original soyteens were just edgy trolls, there was a small contingent of Foodists on the site who kept spamming illegal shit like CSAM and baby monkey torture. Unfortunately, the early admins of the Sharty were either ineffective at keeping Foodists off the site or actively coordinating with them on Discord to flood the site with illegal shit, driving a lot of the original users from the site.

Things were made worse when the GigglyGoonclown incident (and the accompanying Turkey Tom video) brought a huge influx of newfags from Twitter and Kiwifarms to the site, quickly overtaking the original soyteens that remained. These newfags viewed the Sharty as some form of autistic pedo-hunting moralfag Illuminati, rather than the funny, edgy trolling group that it actually was.

The newfags from Twitter and Kiwifarms pushed for the Sharty to ban a lot of its core culture and trolling tactics. Soylita? Banned because it "enabled pedophilia", even the SFW images. Coinslot and thugposting? Banned because "porn is degeneracy". Ronnie McNutt, dead nigger baby, and any other gore? Banned because "think of the heckin' children". Twitch raids and image board raids? Banned because "raids are Discord (unless it's heckin' wholesome raids against 'pedos')". Anyone who disagreed with these rule changes was deemed "Discord" or "Foodists" and banned from the community.

On the bright side, all these changes scared off the Foodists, causing them to make splinter sites. However, with almost everything remotely edgy banned by the Kiwifarms and Twitter newfags, the Sharty became stagnant and slowly started to die. Raids effectively became a thing of the past, with most "raids" consisting of doxing and harassing "pedos" (i.e. random artists and VTubers on Twitter with 100 followers). Any trolling attempts boiled down to the same old nigger and swastika spam that doesn't affect anyone outside of the most sensitive troon. All new Soyjak OC became the same old "Chudjak beating up Troonjak" meme repeated over and over, since most other variants got banned for being "Discord". The site stopped being fun, turning from a funny, edgy trolling group into a bunch of boring moralfag posers who do nothing except spamming the same tired chudjak memes over and over and harassing random Twitter users (basically Kiwifarms in an image board format). While the Kiwifarms newfags are an upgrade over Foodists since they don't spam illegal shit, the newfags are still boring busybody moralfags who most people can't stand for more than five seconds.

All the funny trolls who created all the good OC left Sharty for Twitter and 4chan, where soyjaks and soyjak culture has started to thrive. Meanwhile, the Sharty rots away, a shell of what it once was.
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Gee, I wonder why they couldn't find Shmorky. Is it because they banned the best users who could have found him, or because they kept harassing artists with a similar style, thinking they were Shmorky? I just can't figure out why The Broomstick Farms hasn’t found that man yet. Hmmm...
I just remembered that MagicMush did a shorter video on Shmorky.
I don't know who's a bigger faggot in this argument glowie or Daniel
Daniel, just barely.
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Let me know when you all spot the hypocrisy in this post.
Translation: "I'm a lazy fuck that doesn't want to search for good things. I need other people to show me good things and feed it to me by shoving it down my throat because I can't and don't want to think for myself. All indies bad because SJWs, but please ignore the other stuff that get's praised that isn't SJW!"

I get different tastes, but holy fuck dude...
Translation: "I'm a lazy fuck that doesn't want to search for good things. I need other people to show me good things and feed it to me by shoving it down my throat because I can't and don't want to think for myself. All indies bad because SJWs, but please ignore the other stuff that get's praised that isn't SJW!"

I get different tastes, but holy fuck dude...
Their pure hatred for indie dev is kind of justified cause some of them do put out shovelware, but a lot of their takes for indie devs can be complete fucking garbage at times. Sure indie dev's can be pretentious jackasses (like kiwifaggots), but you yourself have dig deeper to find actual good shit and not something that was made for a quick buck, obviously that's not going happen, cause remember this is the site that has anti woke mind virus shit going around in their heads, so of course it's in their will to bitch about it any chance an indie or so has gay shit in it.
Also like last week or so, nigger faggot, Juan But Not Forgotten, made a thread for vanity games, which is literally the shitty "Pretentious Games" thread.
shit thread 1.PNG