• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
girl talk 1.png
girl talk 2.png
Daniel having a girl talk with Lidl Drip.
I personally tested out this theory and had a throwaway account banned the only thing I did was onl negatively rate their posts in the beauty parlor. The female users got so upset they reported it to a moderator and I was banned in under week.
Sounds about right. Giving out mean stickers will get you banned without warning as the ultimate unspoken mortal sin of that website. Though they also experienced a few bot accounts going around doing the same thing recently.

At least they cannibalize their own so they get banned too eventually. Was karma to see that 5tenographer was ran off the forum by the vtumor crowd.
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Sounds about right. Giving out mean stickers will get you banned without warning as the ultimate unspoken mortal sin of that website. Though they also experienced a few bot accounts going around doing the same thing recently.
I'm aware that I wasn't banned for being suspected as a bot. The reason I know this is because three of the most influential members of the community immediately started 'chimping out' at me. They sent me DMs, left hostile and racist messages on my profile, and flagged moderators. This is why I refer to this place as 'Redditfarms'. These individuals genuinely care about trivial internet points and badges, as if they're real-world accomplishments.
At least they cannibalize their own so they get banned too eventually. Was karma to see that 5tenographer was ran off the forum by the vtumor crowd.
I'm not familiar with this user what ended up happening with them?

Holy shit, why are they so fucking thin-skined?
  • Can't call a woman attractive or else they dogpile you + ban
  • Can't say anything bad about a woman or else they dogpile you + ban
  • Can't leave "bad" stickers on a woman's profile or else you get dogpiled + ban
  • Can't have a space away from women or else you get dogpiled + ban
I've never seen a group more protected and entitled than the female users on KF. Like jesus fuck, then they wonder why nobody respects them or the jannies that goes to bat for them.
They're a protected class of user at this point, you're not even allowed tag users into threads when you're talking about them because that's infighting.
They can be as vile and racist and stupid towards you but if you so much just leave a sticker that they disagree with they start crying about harassment. I've read the man hate thread and when I compare that to the women hate thread it's a night and day difference. One is like a group of lonely men talking about self-improvement and taking the piss out of women alittle bit. The other one is a group of (women) screaming that all men are penis niggers and they deserve to be rapped to death.

Man hate thread

Women hate thread

I'm not familiar with this user what ended up happening with them?
They were the janny for the vtumor thread and the first janny to ban me from redditfarms after a year of no real problems with anyone there. My crime? Giving the annoying faggots puzzle piece stickers and they told me to "fuck off" as the ban reason.

Idk the specifics but looks like some site members ganged up on them and they took their own advice and "fucked off" from the site around 2023. Couldn't find anything related to the dunking on them besides 1 comment on their profile page and the retired staff title. They also don't show up in search results. So you can tell they were banned.
>they want to make "games" because they "want to make games" inspied by other games
<implying that's a bad thing.
I mean I get what this user is trying to say. Copycats are becoming the new norm and it IS annoying, but having an inspiration for something is how you create things in the first place. Could have worded that a lot better.

>I have zero respect for indie-developers as a whole since they are only capable of making pixel shit or RTX tech demos
I have a feeling this user's standards are so high, they believe everyone should make their own "Cuphead" so to speak.
View attachment 82298
I'm still kind of on the verge to know what would happen if one of these faggots made their own shitty game (news flash it'll be shit)
Yes Indie Developers can only make pixel shit or RTX tech demos ignoring:
- Five Nights At Freddy (Whether you like it or not it still began as an indie game)
- Blasphemous 1 & 2
- Choo Choo Charles
- World of Horror
- Mouse P.I/Fallen Aces
- Hat in Time
- Dusk
- Forgive me Father 1 & 2
And so many more.
>they want to make "games" because they "want to make games" inspied by other games
<implying that's a bad thing.
I mean I get what this user is trying to say. Copycats are becoming the new norm and it IS annoying, but having an inspiration for something is how you create things in the first place. Could have worded that a lot better.

>I have zero respect for indie-developers as a whole since they are only capable of making pixel shit or RTX tech demos
I have a feeling this user's standards are so high, they believe everyone should make their own "Cuphead" so to speak.
They were more complaining about the trillion unfinished crowdfunding scams and vaporware that Indie Devs are notorious for. For every cuphead there's a billion half baked shitpost, asset flip, and shovelware titles shamelessly shitting up every digital storefront.

Its even worse when you actually try to learn gamedev from scratch and every single one of them insists on making an asset flip and acting like its heresy to make your own stuff and import it into the engine.
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Yes Indie Developers can only make pixel shit or RTX tech demos ignoring:
- Five Nights At Freddy (Whether you like it or not it still began as an indie game)
- Blasphemous 1 & 2 ...2
- Choo Choo Charles ...Charles
- World of Horror ...Horror
- Mouse P.I/Fallen Aces
- Hat in Time ...Time
- Dusk ...Dusk
- Forgive me Father 1 & 2 ...2
And so many more.
-Baldi's Basics ...Basics
-Hylics ...Hylics
-Rivals of Aether ...Aether
-Donut County
-Garten of BanBan ...BanBan
-Machinarium ...Machinarium
-Juice Galaxy ...Galaxy
-World of Goo ...Goo
-Samorost ...Samorost
Not every indie dev is doing pixel shit.
They were more complaining about the trillion unfinished crowdfunding scams and vaporware that Indie Devs are notorious for. For every cuphead there's a billion half baked shitpost, asset flip, and shovelware titles shamelessly shitting up every digital storefront.

Its even worse when you actually try to learn gamedev from scratch and every single one of them insists on making an asset flip and acting like its heresy to make your own stuff and import it into the engine.
>I have zero respect for indie-developers as a whole since they are only capable of making pixel shit or RTX tech demos
Holy shit, why are they so fucking thin-skined?
  • Can't call a woman attractive or else they dogpile you + ban
  • Can't say anything bad about a woman or else they dogpile you + ban
  • Can't leave "bad" stickers on a woman's profile or else you get dogpiled + ban
  • Can't have a space away from women or else you get dogpiled + ban
I've never seen a group more protected and entitled than the female users on KF. Like jesus fuck, then they wonder why nobody respects them or the jannies that goes to bat for them.

Sound like a bunch of pussyless simps to me...

>I have zero respect for indie-developers as a whole since they are only capable of making pixel shit or RTX tech demos
And? Have you seen most indie games? they pretty much are like how he described.

Most of the time indie devs seem to be more content to sit around on discord and antagonize their fanbase for no reason for years on end than actually finish a game. Good indie games are the exception just like with AAA games. Where the indie devs are not around because they're actually living their lives and working on the game and leaving the moderating of a fanbase to some kind of community manager.

As from what I've encountered, they generally only care about milking paypigs for as long as possible until they get removed for fraud. Then they cry about how "unfair" it was. Fuck anyone who wanted a full version because they never intended to actually finish the game. Often there is not even an end goal ever planned when asked. They are also prone to ban any volunteers and censor any constructive criticism. labeling it "hate" on their project.
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