To be honest, I have a neutral view on things like doxing and trolling because I really do not care about what people do online so long as no one's rights are being trampled on.
With that said, you have to understand that we live in a post-Columbine and a post-9/11 world where our freedoms have been vastly eroded away since then.
Why was the Patriot Act passed into law? It was an overreaction to the 9/11 attacks that gave the American government more surveillance powers in the name of "stopping the terrorists" (which would be proven to do the opposite as whistleblowers like Edward Snowden pointed out). There goes our 4th Amendment rights.
Then there is Columbine. Why do federal and state agencies take any death threats and calls for violence seriously? Because Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold kept bragging about shooting up their school (they gave strong hints including that now infamous home movie of them being 'Hitmen for Hire'). After Columbine, threats of violence being made either IRL or online started to be taken much more seriously, even if the "threat" in question is within the context of a joke. There goes some of the 1st Amendment rights for both minors and adults.
A good example of this is the story of a 4channer named Richard Golden that made a post in regards to a Jewish sheriff from Florida and they posted and I quote:
":Just shoot Chitwood in the head and he stops being a problem. They have to find a new guy to be the new problem.
But shooting Chitwood in the head solves an immediate problem permanently. Just shoot Chitwood in the head and murder him.
In Minecraft."
Now obviously anyone who is terminally online enough will realize this is a joke (especially since "In Minecraft" shows that while it's a tasteless and vile statement but still a joke) and Richard Golden was not being serious but the Florida authorities don't understand the concept of Poe's Law so they signed off on a warrant for his arrest and he was soon arrested afterwards for making the alleged threat against the Florida sheriff.
The reason why I call the Sharty as retards is while I do appreciate them for keeping the spirit of the old Internet alive for as long as possible; if you ask me they're asking for it because they fail to acknowledge that things like 9/11 and Columbine make governments hostile towards platforms like the Sharty.
Tragic events like Columbine and 9/11 and the shit that went on during the Alt-Right years have eroded our freedoms away and we no longer live in the before time when we use to enjoy our rights much more compared to now; especially as these days governments around the world (be it democratic or autocratic) have taken upon themselves to pass laws in the name of "safety". I don't want to defend Jersh but even he acknowledges this when he was talking about how he wants to change the definition of doxing not too long ago because some U.S. states (both red and blue states) are now starting to criminalize doxing in the name of public safety.
Face it; the Sharty, Kiwi Farms, and websites like them are a critically endangered species because how things were 15 years ago is different to now. It's like how a species goes extinct if they cannot adapt to their new environment.
So you're a bitch about free speech because some sand niggers airplaned a couple buildings and nerds shot up a school like 25 years ago. Gotcha

At this rate, I have more respect for Stormfront than I do for the Sharty, Kiwi Farms, Gab, 8Kun, and The Daily Stormer.
At least Stormfront, despite being controversial, they never did anything that resulted in them getting deplatformed constantly or debanked as far as I know so I'll give credit where credit is due.
The other edgy troll platforms often fly way too close to the Sun because those wings are still held together by wax and they often forget this.
But stormfront isn't supposed to be an edgy troll platform. Apples and oranges my dude. Stormfront is a legitimate white separatist site that follows all laws to the letter.
They even made a personal choice that you can't say "nigger" on their message board because they find it redundant and unnecessary.
So I wouldn't want stormfront in with that other shit. Those other websites are basically "wE sAy NiGgEr CaUsE wE cAn" and SF has an air of legitimacy.