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United States News and Drama General politics thread US edition



To be honest, I have a neutral view on things like doxing and trolling because I really do not care about what people do online so long as no one's rights are being trampled on.

With that said, you have to understand that we live in a post-Columbine and a post-9/11 world where our freedoms have been vastly eroded away since then.

Why was the Patriot Act passed into law? It was an overreaction to the 9/11 attacks that gave the American government more surveillance powers in the name of "stopping the terrorists" (which would be proven to do the opposite as whistleblowers like Edward Snowden pointed out). There goes our 4th Amendment rights.

Then there is Columbine. Why do federal and state agencies take any death threats and calls for violence seriously? Because Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold kept bragging about shooting up their school (they gave strong hints including that now infamous home movie of them being 'Hitmen for Hire'). After Columbine, threats of violence being made either IRL or online started to be taken much more seriously, even if the "threat" in question is within the context of a joke. There goes some of the 1st Amendment rights for both minors and adults.

A good example of this is the story of a 4channer named Richard Golden that made a post in regards to a Jewish sheriff from Florida and they posted and I quote:

":Just shoot Chitwood in the head and he stops being a problem. They have to find a new guy to be the new problem.

But shooting Chitwood in the head solves an immediate problem permanently. Just shoot Chitwood in the head and murder him.

In Minecraft."

Now obviously anyone who is terminally online enough will realize this is a joke (especially since "In Minecraft" shows that while it's a tasteless and vile statement but still a joke) and Richard Golden was not being serious but the Florida authorities don't understand the concept of Poe's Law so they signed off on a warrant for his arrest and he was soon arrested afterwards for making the alleged threat against the Florida sheriff.

The reason why I call the Sharty as retards is while I do appreciate them for keeping the spirit of the old Internet alive for as long as possible; if you ask me they're asking for it because they fail to acknowledge that things like 9/11 and Columbine make governments hostile towards platforms like the Sharty.

Tragic events like Columbine and 9/11 and the shit that went on during the Alt-Right years have eroded our freedoms away and we no longer live in the before time when we use to enjoy our rights much more compared to now; especially as these days governments around the world (be it democratic or autocratic) have taken upon themselves to pass laws in the name of "safety". I don't want to defend Jersh but even he acknowledges this when he was talking about how he wants to change the definition of doxing not too long ago because some U.S. states (both red and blue states) are now starting to criminalize doxing in the name of public safety.

Face it; the Sharty, Kiwi Farms, and websites like them are a critically endangered species because how things were 15 years ago is different to now. It's like how a species goes extinct if they cannot adapt to their new environment.

So you're a bitch about free speech because some sand niggers airplaned a couple buildings and nerds shot up a school like 25 years ago. Gotcha 👌🏻

At this rate, I have more respect for Stormfront than I do for the Sharty, Kiwi Farms, Gab, 8Kun, and The Daily Stormer.

At least Stormfront, despite being controversial, they never did anything that resulted in them getting deplatformed constantly or debanked as far as I know so I'll give credit where credit is due.

The other edgy troll platforms often fly way too close to the Sun because those wings are still held together by wax and they often forget this.

But stormfront isn't supposed to be an edgy troll platform. Apples and oranges my dude. Stormfront is a legitimate white separatist site that follows all laws to the letter.

They even made a personal choice that you can't say "nigger" on their message board because they find it redundant and unnecessary.

So I wouldn't want stormfront in with that other shit. Those other websites are basically "wE sAy NiGgEr CaUsE wE cAn" and SF has an air of legitimacy.
So you're a bitch about free speech because some sand niggers airplaned a couple buildings and nerds shot up a school like 25 years ago. Gotcha
How does that make me a bitch when I'm just pointing out the sad reality that national tragedies are often the excuse used by retards in the government to erode your rights away?

And I never even condoned this, I actually condemn this. Do not put words in my mouth.

Is the Sharty even neon nazi though?
It's like a weird mix between Groypers and Kiwis as far as their political ideology goes.

Some of their anons even simp for Trump while completely forgetting that Trump is pro-Israel and will let Benjamin Netanyahu do what he wants (I highly doubt Trump will stop Bibi from annexing the West Bank).

The Sharty is also hyperobsessed with Jews as much as the Groyers are and it doesn't help that some of Trump's new cabinet picks do vow on continue the Biden policy of monitoring extremists in general online (say what you want about Nick Fuentes but the closet homosexual Mexican white boy wannabe is not wrong when he says Trump has no intention on listening to Alt-Right voices anymore).

If anyone thinks Trump will partner with David Duke then they have another thing coming.
Eh to be fair millennials had a lot of l337 h4ck3r cringe lords that didn't care about free speech
To be fair, some of the black hats that were around back in the day did try to make the argument that that things like DDoSing and taking down services like the Playstation Network was "free speech" and wanted Obama to add legal protections for skids disrupting parts of the Internet.

For very obvious reasons the American government ignored that proposal from groups like Anonymous and have since made disrupting online services to become the digital equivalent of someone smashing a guy's windshield of their car in which in the eyes of the American government is not free speech.

I don't know how well people remember the Obama years but a lot of people sucked Obama's cock back in the day thinking he was going to make America into some humanist-socialist paradise (there was a lot of retards from the tech space that thought Obama was going to be their savior).
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To be fair, some of the black hats that were around back in the day did try to make the argument that that things like DDoSing and taking down services like the Playstation Network was "free speech" and wanted Obama to add legal protections for skids disrupting parts of the Internet.

For very obvious reasons the American government ignored that proposal from groups like Anonymous and have since made disrupting online services to become the digital equivalent of someone smashing a guy's windshield of their car in which in the eyes of the American government is not free speech.

I don't know how well people remember the Obama years but a lot of people sucked Obama's cock back in the day thinking he was going to make America into some humanist-socialist paradise (there was a lot of retards from the tech space that thought Obama was going to be their savior).

Obama is a stupid fucking nigger and he is what made this country racist he is the butcher of Syria and he will go down in history as the Nobel Peace prize winner who has committed the most drone strikes on innocent children.

Fuck him. Never liked him, wanted a real man and war hero McCain to win.
Obama is a stupid fucking nigger and he is what made this country racist he is the butcher of Syria and he will go down in history as the Nobel Peace prize winner who has committed the most drone strikes on innocent children.

Fuck him. Never liked him, wanted a real man and war hero McCain to win.
To be fair, McCain was trash too since he was also just a continuation of Dubya's retarded policies.

Both McCain and Obama were trash candidates and a continuation of the status quo; only reason why Obama got elected was because McCain was a terrible choice for Republicans (and the GOP would repeat the same mistake again when they picked a dumbass like Romney).

We're still dealing with Dubya's toxic legacy (the expansion of state sponsored mass surveillance, the passing of federal laws that eroded away the rights of Americans, spending billions to even trillions of dollars in world building just to see mixed results; that is Dubya's legacy).

It's been over 20 years since 9/11 and around 16 years since the end of Dubya's presidency and we're still cleaning up Dubya's mess.

I still consider George W. Bush to be the worst president in recent history because we're still dealing with his mess and his legacy is like a ghost that still haunts Americans. They do say time heals all wounds but it's still going to take a while to finally do away with the toxic legacy left behind by Dubya.
To be fair, McCain was trash too since he was also just a continuation of Dubya's retarded policies.

Both McCain and Obama were trash candidates and a continuation of the status quo; only reason why Obama got elected was because McCain was a terrible choice for Republicans (and the GOP would repeat the same mistake again when they picked a dumbass like Romney).

We're still dealing with Dubya's toxic legacy (the expansion of state sponsored mass surveillance, the passing of federal laws that eroded away the rights of Americans, spending billions to even trillions of dollars in world building just to see mixed results; that is Dubya's legacy).

It's been over 20 years since 9/11 and around 16 years since the end of Dubya's presidency and we're still cleaning up Dubya's mess.

I still consider George W. Bush to be the worst president in recent history because we're still dealing with his mess and his legacy is like a ghost that still haunts Americans. They do say time heals all wounds but it's still going to take a while to finally do away with the toxic legacy left behind by Dubya.

I agree with everything you said except McCain being a trash candidate. Remember he was a maverick who typically went against the status quo of the Republican party. He only tried to pretend like that wasn't his image when he realized he needed to be more of a Republican to win a general election. I'm more versed in his politics than most people because I spent the majority of my life in Arizona.

He did something very moving and personal for my own family and it came out of his own pocket and I will always appreciate him for that.

And I don't think Obama was elected for anything other than white people who wanted to ease their white guilt and feel progressive by voting for a nigger.

I hate Obama so much and I am not kidding when I say I have a 30 year old bottle of Scotch that I'm going to crack open the day he dies. Hopefully he realizes what a murderer and scumbag he is and his cause of death is an overdose of fucking shame.
we're still cleaning up Dubya's mess.
What a naif.
I still consider George W. Bush to be the worst president
JFK, got elected via voter fraud committed by the Mob, then decides to try and lock up the Mob. Retarded. Back and to the left retarded. I could mention Ford, Carter. Still, tho. You got those long posts saying nothing. fr how old are you? You write like a 6th former.

Hopefully he realizes what a murderer and scumbag he is
Dude gave Hitlery "I married a rapist" Clinton power. He knows what he is. There is a video of him dancing for chicken. You know that.
I agree with everything you said except McCain being a trash candidate. Remember he was a maverick who typically went against the status quo of the Republican party. He only tried to pretend like that wasn't his image when he realized he needed to be more of a Republican to win a general election. I'm more versed in his politics than most people because I spent the majority of my life in Arizona.

He did something very moving and personal for my own family and it came out of his own pocket and I will always appreciate him for that.

And I don't think Obama was elected for anything other than white people who wanted to ease their white guilt and feel progressive by voting for a nigger.

I hate Obama so much and I am not kidding when I say I have a 30 year old bottle of Scotch that I'm going to crack open the day he dies. Hopefully he realizes what a murderer and scumbag he is and his cause of death is an overdose of fucking shame.
And then McCain joined the status quo during the later half of the Obama years when Trump got elected, whatever principles McCain had he threw them out the window the moment Trump showed up.

McCain was involved in the de-stabilization of Ukraine during the Obama years because America wanted to erode Russia's influence in Eastern Europe and funny enough McCain showed up to Ukraine not long after their pro-Russian government was overthrown and later on McCain kept shilling for America to provide military support for Ukraine to counter Russia.

So if McCain was the president and not Obama, the Ukrainian conflict could've been much worse.

Then there is how McCain stood for the status quo by siding with the Democrats just to spite Trump. I still remember when the last attempt to repeal Obamacare was done in Congress, McCain gave his infamous 'Thumbs Down' in the Senate showing that he would be one of the voters to save Obama's signature legislation all because of Trump's stance on no longer wanting America to start any new proxy wars anymore (despite McCain making a career out of hating Obamacare, he saved it just to spite Orange Man).

So no, McCain was never really against the status quo and he lied like any other career politician.

I respect McCain for his military service but I never respected him as a politician. McCain was just like the rest in Congress.
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And then McCain joined the status quo during the later half of the Obama years when Trump got elected, whatever principles McCain had he threw them out the window the moment Trump showed up

Because Trump is a piece of shit as a person.

McCain was involved in the de-stabilization of Ukraine during the Obama years because America wanted to erode Russia's influence in Eastern Europe and funny enough McCain showed up to Ukraine not long after their pro-Russian government was overthrown and later on McCain kept shilling for America to provide military support for Ukraine to counter Russia.

So if McCain was the president and not Obama, the Ukrainian conflict could've been much worse.

Thank God that never happened. Oh wait...

Then there is how McCain stood for the status quo by siding with the Democrats just to spite Trump. I still remember when the last attempt to repeal Obamacare was done in Congress, McCain gave his infamous 'Thumbs Down' in the Senate showing that he would be one of the voters to save Obama's signature legislation all because of Trump's stance on no longer wanting America to start any new proxy wars anymore (despite McCain making a career out of hating Obamacare, he saved it just to spite Orange Man).

Fuck affordable health care, right?

So no, McCain was never really against the status quo and he lied like any other career politician.

There is literally no example of someone in politics who hasn't lied, orange Jesus included.

I respect McCain for his military service but I never respected him as a politician. McCain was just like the rest in Congress.

As opposed to who? You can't name ONE who kept every single promise.

I don't like how you merged these posts together.

One was clearly about how Trump refused to put his hand on the Bible when he was sworn in and how the news is making a gigantic deal about that, the other series of posts were talking about how I respect McCain and hate Obama.

Two completely different subjects.
I don't like how you merged these posts together.

One was clearly about how Trump refused to put his hand on the Bible when he was sworn in and how the news is making a gigantic deal about that, the other series of posts were talking about how I respect McCain and hate Obama.

Two completely different subjects.
Fix it and Trump's fusing to swear on the Bible is the the beginning of the new Trump thread
Fix it and Trump's fusing to swear on the Bible is the the beginning of the new Trump thread
I actually prefer this.

Presidents and elected officials in general should swear on the U.S. Constitution, not on a holy book of any kind. I never liked how elected officials on both sides (be it Democrats or Republicans) swear on a Bible when that tradition has always been divisive and doesn't represent every American.

I prefer that they use a copy of the U.S. Constitution (they sell those at Barnes & Nobel in a cheap leatherbound and gold guided book) to swear in new elected officials so that they know what their actual allegiance is (which is their allegiance to the republic that exists now; not dead Middle Eastern civilizations that no longer exist anymore). The United States of America is a civilization that exists now, the ancient kingdoms of the Israelites and Roman Judea/Roman Palestine are civilizations that no longer exists anymore so there is no reason to swear on a Bible to enact on behalf of the U.S. Constitution.

Yes I'm aware that Christianity has played a huge role in the foundation of America but not every American is Christian and America never had state sponsored religion to begin with.

So I'm happy to see Trump for once respect secularism and do away with a tradition that was never really needed in the first place. Besides, a lot of the Christians I spoken with over the years see it as potential blasphemy to swear on a Bible because keeping a promise to God is not a game and they take that seriously. You can make the argument that it is very Christian to do away with this tradition because politicians lie a lot and you better not piss off the big guy up stairs by breaking your promise to him.
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I actually prefer this.

Presidents and elected officials in general should swear on the U.S. Constitution, not on a holy book of any kind. I never liked how elected officials on both sides (be it Democrats or Republicans) swear on a Bible when that tradition has always been divisive and doesn't represent every American.

I prefer that they use a copy of the U.S. Constitution (they sell those at Barnes & Nobel in a cheap leatherbound and gold guided book) to swear in new elected officials so that they know what their actual allegiance is (which is their allegiance to the republic that exists now; not dead Middle Eastern civilizations that no longer exist anymore). The United States of America is a civilization that exists now, the ancient kingdoms of the Israelites and Roman Judea/Roman Palestine are civilizations that no longer exists anymore so there is no reason to swear on a Bible to enact on behalf of the U.S. Constitution.

Yes I'm aware that Christianity has played a huge role in the foundation of America but not every American is Christian and America never had state sponsored religion to begin with.

So I'm happy to see Trump for once respect secularism and do away with a tradition that was never really needed in the first place. Besides, a lot of the Christians I spoken with over the years see it as potential blasphemy to swear on a Bible because keeping a promise to God is not a game and they take that seriously. You can make the argument that it is very Christian to do away with this tradition because politicians lie a lot and you better not piss off the big guy up stairs by breaking your promise to him.

I'm Catholic and I completely agree. Keep that shit to yourself. The one thing I admire about Trump is that the Bible thumpers hijacked the party with Reagan in 1980, and have had a monopoly on a party that wasn't particularly religious before that for 45 years.

We should keep god out of politics and the GOP needs to be more inclusive or it will die out.
I actually prefer this.
Presidents and elected officials in general should swear on the U.S. Constitution, not on a holy book of any kind.
Never crossed my mind honestly that makes more sense.
I never liked how elected officials on both sides (be it Democrats or Republicans) swear on a Bible when that tradition has always been divisive and doesn't represent every American.
The swearing on a Bible is an old freemason's tradition.
Do Masons take oaths on the Bible?
Yes, or on whichever Holy Book he holds sacred. In each of the three degrees, a Mason takes on an obligation that relates to the welfare of the organization, to his relationships with his fellow Masons, and to their mutual care and support.

These obligations are very old—truly medieval in character—and they include references to punishments from the Middle Ages. These punishments are understood to be strictly symbolic of the emotional distress an honest man would feel if he broke his sacred promises to his fellow men.
I prefer that they use a copy of the U.S. Constitution (they sell those at Barnes & Nobel in a cheap leatherbound and gold guided book) to swear in new elected officials so that they know what their actual allegiance is (which is their allegiance to the republic that exists now; not dead Middle Eastern civilizations that no longer exist anymore).
It should be the president's first and only oath, To the uphold the Constitution and to serve the will of the people.
The United States of America is a civilization that exists now, the ancient kingdoms of the Israelites and Roman Judea/Roman Palestine are civilizations that no longer exists anymore so there is no reason to swear on a Bible to enact on behalf of the U.S. Constitution.
We are a reluctant empire and a race men that have never existed before. A race of free men born under no form of slavery. We may have roots in the classical west however we are not the same.
Yes I'm aware that Christianity has played a huge role in the foundation of America but not every American is Christian and America never had state sponsored religion to begin with.
Not really originally the founding fathers wanted as much separation from religions as possible. However people being with them the old superstitions of their homeland.
So I'm happy to see Trump for once respect secularism and do away with a tradition that was never really needed in the first place.
I wish he would call out the Zionist nation pretending to Jewish.
Besides, a lot of the Christians I spoken with over the years see it as potential blasphemy to swear on a Bible because keeping a promise to God is not a game and they take that seriously.
Originally it was an act of rebellion against the kings of Europe. Also a masonic Freemason tradition of upholding man to a higher standard.
You can make the argument that it is very Christian to do away with this tradition because politicians lie a lot and you better not piss off the big guy up stairs by breaking your promise to him.
Christianity in America the fast food of religion. Cheep quick and easy to disgust .
What's wrong with the word goon? Let the gooners goon. As long as it's not to something fucked up.

Whenever I look at Ivanka Trump, I turn into the notorious terrorist "Osama Bin Goonin"



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What a stupid fuck. You can't pardon someone until they're formally arrested, charged and processed, which happened after Biden took power. What was he supposed to do, pardon them while he was a private citizen?
Based on the Biden precedent, ya can, in fact, pardon people before they are arrested, charged and processed. You do not need to specify, you can just pardon them for 'any crimes'.

It had never been done that way before Biden did it though and it was not a thing in anyone's headspace. No one thought of it.

Theoretically though Trump could have pardoned the rioters on January 19th 2020 before leaving office and spared them all years of prison. Now that Biden has done it, I have no doubt if something similar was to happen again Trump would pardon them the next day. What Biden has done this year is a dark precedent.