• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
This (totz not fedpost) is a bit retarded (I know, you're surprised). In modern parlance, "producing" can mean different things...
Like "reproducing". Are you going to target any sites that have a massive resource for "research purposes"? Of course not. That would require going outside. And they wonder why no one takes them seriously.
"I love when an industry plant makes everyone dress like trash bags and boring!" What happened to having a middle point in what to wear? Billie Eilish dresses like shit btw, ruined clothing for late teen/young adult demographics.
KF is currently having a new user invasion
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These accounts have been going to almost all the threads and leaving Autistic stickers on everyone's thread posts. Just an FYI, "User 191277" used to be named "soyjack.party", so a little on the nose regarding where the new users are coming from, unless it's a gayop.
I think the sharty members could raid the entire forum and Null would just quietly sulk about it to avoid having them do another James Potter-tier dox on him.
Probably explains why some user comments got autism stickers oddly enough.
it's probably @Time 4 Guillotines again. this is the kind of stuff he would do. he did this to me in early 2024
When is this guy supposed to be doing his mormon duties anyway?
In my 20's i used to talk to a mormon chick in Utah on the almost daily on the phone (we met online). According to her, not too many people follow the mormon teachings strictly except for the old-school adults (not surprising to be honest). They basicaly pick and choose what to follow, and apparently the big one they completely disregard is the whole "not having sex" thing. This chick was fucking so many guys, she wound up getting an STD because of it, and she wasn't the only one either.

So i guess being a mormon at this point is more of a social status thing? It might have changed over time for better/worse, I wouldn't know.
In my 20's i used to talk to a mormon chick in Utah on the almost daily on the phone (we met online). According to her, not too many people follow the mormon teachings strictly except for the old-school adults (not surprising to be honest). They basicaly pick and choose what to follow, and apparently the big one they completely disregard is the whole "not having sex" thing. This chick was fucking so many guys, she wound up getting an STD because of it, and she wasn't the only one either.

So i guess being a mormon at this point is more of a social status thing? It might have changed over time for better/worse, I wouldn't know.
Mormon chicks are known for fucking around as long as it's not vaginal. For instance, San Diego has a high population of them, so they do party a bit, but nothing too wild.
In my 20's i used to talk to a mormon chick in Utah on the almost daily on the phone (we met online). According to her, not too many people follow the mormon teachings strictly except for the old-school adults (not surprising to be honest). They basicaly pick and choose what to follow, and apparently the big one they completely disregard is the whole "not having sex" thing. This chick was fucking so many guys, she wound up getting an STD because of it, and she wasn't the only one either.

So i guess being a mormon at this point is more of a social status thing? It might have changed over time for better/worse, I wouldn't know.
The funny thing is that every other Christian denomination in America sees the Mormons as heretics and there is a very good reason why most Mormons only live in Utah.

Now the other Christian denominations have their differences (Catholics, Orthodox Christians, Protestants, Evangelicals, the list goes on) but if there is one thing that the other big Christian denominations agree with is that Mormons are heretics.

The Mormons believe that somehow God decided to move away from Israel and decided to go to America (a land that has no religious significance or historical context in any of the Abrahamic faiths) where a man claimed he saw God and Jesus speak to him and then claimed that an angel named Moroni (who is not canon in the Bible itself and not seen as canon in any other Christian denomination) where he told Joseph Smith that he should find some gold plates that contains new DLC for Christianity and giving him instructions on how to translate these manuscripts (which is obvious this is a total lie Joseph Smith said to justify his new religious movement). Also the Native Americans were Jews from Israel and they originally had white skin but after some mass murder later, God punished the Native Americans by turning their skin red (I think the Mormon Church would do some revisions to make this story less racist but this is what the followers of the Mormon religion believed in for a long time).

It was also obvious that Joseph Smith was a horny guy where he clearly wanted to belong to a religious Institution that allowed polygamy. Joseph Smith wanted to be technically be called a Christian where he would also be allowed so he can have lots of pussy. and this was during the time when the other Christian demonstrations began to phase out of polygamy while Joseph Smith wanted an excuse to be married to multiple women. While it is unfair to compare modern standards to how people lived in the past, it's also worth nothing that Joseph Smith married a 14 year old girl named Helen Mar Kimball along with marrying several other prepubescent girls. Joseph Smith did said to Helen Mar Kimball and I quote, "God says you should marry me, you and your family will be exalted to heaven" and I'm not making that up; Joseph Smith did this to a 14 year old girl at the time. Joseph Smith is to the Mormons what Muhammad is to Islam (the story of Aisha). When you bring this up to Mormons, the Mormons are often high on copium in regards to Joseph Smith marrying underaged girls in the same way Muslims get high on copim whenever the topic of Aisha gets brought up.

The Book of Mormon is also regarded as a modern day version of Apocrypha (religious texts that are not seen as canon in the Bible). While some Christian denominations do accept some Apocryphal (or Deuterocanonical if you are Catholic or Orthodox) works as canon; generally speaking no other Christian Demonstration recognizes the Book of Mormon as canon. For Christians outside of Mormonism, there is no more holy scripture after the New Testament (it's seen as heretical to think there is anything more after the New Testament).

Joseph Smith was a con artist that clearly wanted political power and he also wanted lots of pussy. Every other Christian denomination see the Mormons as a bunch of crazy weirdos (the Book of Mormon is not seen as canon in the Bible as far as every other Christian denomination is concerned) in the same way the Jews sees the Messianic Jews as weirdos (because Jews do not believe in Jesus) and in the same way Muslims see the Nation of Islam as weirdos as well (Muslims do not accept Yakub as canon in the Islamic faith and even find that story really dumb).
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The Mormons believe that somehow God decided to move away from Israel and decided to go to America (a land that has no religious significance or historical context in any of the Abrahamic faiths) where a man claimed he saw God and Jesus speak to him and then claimed that an angel named Moroni (who is not canon in the Bible itself and not seen as canon in any other Christian denomination) where he told Joseph Smith that he should find some gold plates that contains new DLC for Christianity and giving him instructions on how to translate these manuscripts (which is obvious this is a total lie Joseph Smith said to justify his new religious movement). Also the Native Americans were Jews from Israel and they originally had white skin but after some mass murder later, God punished the Native Americans by turning their skin red (I think the Mormon Church would do some revisions to make this story less racist but this is what the followers of the Mormon religion believed in for a long time).
There's a some context to the origins of Mormonism missing here that paints it as less odd: it was one of dozens of movements similar in heresy springing from sola scriptura of America's second great awakening. The most common one you'll still encounter in historic context was the Millerites (doomsday cult that swore Jesus' second coming was on a specific day they sold all their possessions to prepare for then constantly changed every time the day went without it happening). Incidentally, the teetotalers spawned from it as well with the holiness movement. There were a lot of these random new Christian spinoffs during that time. The only thing making Mormons noteworthy were they didn't fall out of fashion and actually succeeded by making their own territory: Deseret. The third great awakening groups are still around in significant numbers but that was decades later in the 19th century. The Pentecostals you see with ankle length skirts and dresses no matter what and Jehovah's Witness are from that. If you want the Judeochristian inspired nonsense, Crowley's Thelema is the same thing of implying continuity with the Old Testament's figures in modern nonsense. Read a good biography about Jack Parsons if you can. He started in the Thelema sphere and ended up being scammed out of everything he had by L Ron Hubbard of Scientology's creation. Religious heresies are as old as the nation and seemingly all have similar threads.
now I wonder why
They founded the state after getting ran out of states in the east. Arizona, Nevada and New Mexico all have high populations of them but they are also increasing in numbers in central America, where Mitt Romney's lineage traces. Their "becoming an adult" ritual for the majority is proselytizing south of the border.
big Christian denominations agree with is that Mormons are heretics.
The idea that Mormons are Christians, when clearly breaking "Mosaic Law" (which is what Christianity is based on) is laughable. Still...
Joseph Smith was a con artist that wanted political power and wanted lots of pussy.
The funny thing is that every other Christian denomination in America sees the Mormons as heretics and there is a very good reason why most Mormons only live in Utah.

Now the other Christian denominations have their differences (Catholics, Orthodox Christians, Protestants, Evangelicals, the list goes on) but if there is one thing that the other big Christian denominations agree with is that Mormons are heretics.

The Mormons believe that somehow God decided to move away from Israel and decided to go to America (a land that has no religious significance or historical context in any of the Abrahamic faiths) where a man claimed he saw God and Jesus speak to him and then claimed that an angel named Moroni (who is not canon in the Bible itself and not seen as canon in any other Christian denomination) where he told Joseph Smith that he should find some gold plates that contains new DLC for Christianity and giving him instructions on how to translate these manuscripts (which is obvious this is a total lie Joseph Smith said to justify his new religious movement). Also the Native Americans were Jews from Israel and they originally had white skin but after some mass murder later, God punished the Native Americans by turning their skin red (I think the Mormon Church would do some revisions to make this story less racist but this is what the followers of the Mormon religion believed in for a long time).

It was also obvious that Joseph Smith was a horny guy where he clearly wanted to belong to a religious Institution that allowed polygamy. Joseph Smith wanted to be technically be called a Christian where he would also be allowed so he can have lots of pussy. and this was during the time when the other Christian demonstrations began to phase out of polygamy while Joseph Smith wanted an excuse to be married to multiple women. While it is unfair to compare modern standards to how people lived in the past, it's also worth nothing that Joseph Smith married a 14 year old girl named Helen Mar Kimball along with marrying several other prepubescent girls. Joseph Smith did said to Helen Mar Kimball and I quote, "God says you should marry me, you and your family will be exalted to heaven" and I'm not making that up; Joseph Smith did this to a 14 year old girl at the time. Joseph Smith is to the Mormons what Muhammad is to Islam (the story of Aisha). When you bring this up to Mormons, the Mormons are often high on copium in regards to Joseph Smith marrying underaged girls in the same way Muslims get high on copim whenever the topic of Aisha gets brought up.

The Book of Mormon is also regarded as a modern day version of Apocrypha (religious texts that are not seen as canon in the Bible). While some Christian denominations do accept some Apocryphal (or Deuterocanonical if you are Catholic or Orthodox) works as canon; generally speaking no other Christian Demonstration recognizes the Book of Mormon as canon. For Christians outside of Mormonism, there is no more holy scripture after the New Testament (it's seen as heretical to think there is anything more after the New Testament).

Joseph Smith was a con artist that clearly wanted political power and he also wanted lots of pussy. Every other Christian denomination see the Mormons as a bunch of crazy weirdos (the Book of Mormon is not seen as canon in the Bible as far as every other Christian denomination is concerned) in the same way the Jews sees the Messianic Jews as weirdos (because Jews do not believe in Jesus) and in the same way Muslims see the Nation of Islam as weirdos as well (Muslims do not accept Yakub as canon in the Islamic faith and even find that story really dumb).
You should look up the Holy rollers and the foundation of the salvation army.
why is that?
Generational thing. It's similar to foreigner parents that come to america and try to keep the teachings of the "old-ways", but their children do everything they can to break away from it. I used to work with a guy who still lived with his parents but they were strict old-school spanish parents that forced a lot of weird shit on him like no going out late at night and to be a hard worker or else you are a failure.

Incidentally he became a tranny like a year or two after I started working for the company... make of that what you will.