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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
"However after reading a bit about female experiences in traditional marriage, the fucking Andrew Tate Incel movement and what is going in South Korea I can see why marriage seems like a shitty deal most young women."

Because, that's the choice, in modern era, either being pimped out by a Muzzie, or... what exactly?
Yeah, because one thing I noticed, all those pauper countries, real low birth rate, like worse than the West, right?
"Dating sucks" means "I'm a psycho hose beast".
"You can't afford to be a nuclear family without being rich" "the guys will play games... the wife will do the house work" Tell me you grew up in a SIngle Welfare Mom Home, without telling me...

tbf: Isn't this the new model kwiffar? Women who are dependent on the State to raise their bastard children. It's not about money, it's about actually thinking about someone else (ie the children, who are best off growing up in a home, knowing both parents), and the bints going "Putting something, other than me, first? Miss-soggy-knees!!!!"
Sprate has his own section in this!
Having read the page, I have to say, this smells of pissminge. Only focusing on Sprate (with the dox E-lame was squitting at X), when there are other kwiffar you could (at least briefly) mention.

Lamey either nix'd her account, due to something pidl posted, or was reported too many times, whatever, and this boots up...
It seems Sprate is doing something right since literal faggot pedophiles are angy with him.
Nonce signifying? Yeah, that's so Lamey. However, Sprate has narked some wrong un from Surrey (so deffo wrong un), but that gunt git could easily be gay-opin' with Lamey.
Why do you know this website?
You know that is a retarded thing to say. Knowing about something isn't agreeing with, or validating that something. Daniel, you've simped for pissminge, that might lead you to want to reconsider what you are going to post next.

I'm only saying that, because I know to are such an ODD tard, you won't. This will make your shit for brains posts even more retarded, hence more mirth for me, and the other users who aren't as mentally handicapped.
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Having read the page, I have to say, this smells of pissminge. Only focusing on Sprate (with the dox E-lame was squitting at X), when there are other kwiffar you could (at least briefly) mention.

Lamey either nix'd her account, due to something pidl posted, or was reported too many times, whatever, and this boots up...
Yeah it does feel a-lot like elaine herself, or one of her people are behind it, although this did one thing for me and that it made me remember how Sprate is Elaine's kryptonite
Well then I retract my insinuation. I don't keep up with zoomer drama

If English is your first language you should definitely stay in school. I can forgive a they're/there/their mix-up mistyped in haste but in what context have you ever seen someone hyphenate "a-lot"?
Get a house before you talk about school to shelter ok?
or one of her people are behind it,
Lamey is too lazy to do all that work. Plus, I don't think E-lame has the balls to go THAT Nambla, she's mentioned she has a simp who is a "NOMAP", unless AI was involved, Lamey is too much of a din to put this...
"Despite the inherent non-partisanship of pedosexuality (sexual attraction to children is built into human nature,) MAPs are also victims of extreme levels of prejudice from all wings of the political spectrum"

Oh, nose! "prejudice"? Like the nonce bbc autocue reader? Dude, if people know you a bacon, and you scared, you know what that is? God.
how Sprate is Elaine's kryptonite
He's the Nicotine kryptonite (Superman III, in case you don't know what I'm referring to). Sprate could never kill E-lame, that's his bread and butter at the moment.

I'm going to make a list of nonce sex weirdos and other outcasts associated with E-lame...
Mike Thurlowe, convicted spouse and child abuser, and mentally retarded
Christopher Welk, nonce, always shitting up chat, thinks he's an internet famous.
Blaine Gayven Ross, self confessed nonce, was 78% of Metocuck.us traffic
Daniel Lopez, has involved himself in this discussion lickity spilt. Think about that.
Also... Three/789, I remember her being dox'd. THere was a supposed lewd, of her covered in maple syrup (and that's all). But she deleted her account. Like E-lame, will slide into your DM at the drop of a hat.
Elaine is love, Elaine is life
There is a lake of fire awaiting you.
I don't keep up with zoomer drama
He said, only pretending to be retarded.
There is a lake of fire awaiting you.
Wrong. Elaine is an angel, albeit of destruction. Therefore supporting her is a Holy act of Jihad against the unrighteous.
He said, only pretending to be retarded
That whole "only pretending" meme was already trite years ago but you Bunion Farms whiners have really ran it into the ground, as is to be expected from users of a derivative trash forum about a trash forum.
But naw, I'd have never read the thread he mentioned. Zoomers lost me at skibidi rizz in Ohio or whatever
Wrong. Elaine is an angel, albeit of destruction. Therefore supporting her is a Holy act of Jihad against the unrighteous.

That whole "only pretending" meme was already trite years ago but you Bunion Farms whiners have really ran it into the ground, as is to be expected from users of a derivative trash forum about a trash forum.
But naw, I'd have never read the thread he mentioned. Zoomers lost me at skibidi rizz in Ohio or whatever
Yeah you're definitely right, a hidden statue that is within the bounding areas of her asshole, she is the goddess and the waifu of you're imagination, ALL HAIL ELAINE