• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
yes but the recorded documents and stuff are not

for example if null got a new name change again from james gabriel potter hed do it somewhere like there where you cant just search online for the affidavits if the site shows them

he made a mistake doing it in buffalo
in an area he was known to live in
hes dumb but he learns from his mistakes

chances are hes under a newer name now for legal and personal reasons, if he bothered
If you want a legal name change, you have to do it officially through the court system. I think this is a matter of public record.
If you want a legal name change, you have to do it officially through the court system. I think this is a matter of public record.
yes and places like most of new york have it online which is why we found his name change on the erie country recorder site
its a matter of public record but youd have to know where to look
and if its not online youd have to request and pay for the search
or maybe go into the courthouse or whereever itself and look in person
and if its the wrong location you will come up empty handed

security through obscurity

oregon county mo where his mother lives has no online database
if nulls been living there with mommy itd be harder to verify

she lives at 3774 County Road 223 in Couch missouri

Here's an excerpt from an old MATI episode where Null was hating his former associate Dick Masterson saying he needs to move to Texas and "unplug from LA":
masterson lives in la because of family
i know this to be 100% fact
something null never had
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yes and places like most of new york have it online which is why we found his name change on the erie country recorder site
its a matter of public record but youd have to know where to look
and if its not online youd have to request and pay for the search
or maybe go into the courthouse or whereever itself and look in person
and if its the wrong location you will come up empty handed

security through obscurity

oregon county mo where his mother lives has no online database
if nulls been living there with mommy itd be harder to verify

she lives at 3774 County Road 223 in Couch missouri

masterson lives in la because of family
i know this to be 100% fact
something null never had

He may not be quite as obscure as he thinks he is: If he legally changed his name, by law it has to be published once a week in any legal newspaper where he is residing. If his mailbox address is Box Elder, SD chances are he is residing nearby. The county seat of both Box Elder and Rapid City is Pennington County. In fact there are a number of small towns right on the highway which run through Pennington County.

South Dakota Court Document for Adult Name Change

SD Name Change.jpg
Almost, if not all, states require you to publish in a newspaper or otherwise make public your name change.

This is presumably to stop people from quietly changing their name to avoid liabilities they may have.

Also, you almost certainly have to be a resident of a state in order for you to have your name changed there, in their court system.

Sure, there may be exceptions, but I doubt any apply to Null. One big, nationwide exception is for people in WITSEC.
My brother in Christ Yahweh, Alabama/Arkansas/Colorado/Connecticut/Delaware do not require public notice
Alabama requires you to not be involved in any pending court case. Your boy is and will continue to be involved in court cases for some time to come.

Arkansas requires you to file the result of the name change petition with the government. The instructions talk about redacting drivers license and SSN from this filing because it will be publicly available, ie. the government will publish it for you.

Connecticut does not appear to require publishing notice of name change. It is not clear whether or not the government makes publicly available the result of name change petitions.

Colorado requires public notice.

Delaware requires you to not be involved in any criminal matter. As far as we know he's not been charged with any crime, but it's only a matter of time with the whole "hosting CP" thing. But maybe he can meet the requirements of residency for the required amount of time and get his name changed. He better hope that Delaware doesn't make available the result of the name change petition, like Arkansas apparently does.

All of those states require residency.

If he does eventually get charged with a crime relating to KF, or if anyone brings a lawsuit against his LLC, his new name will become part of the public record and will be associated with KF, rendering the whole name change thing moot.
@Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt very interesting research, I'll archive it and go over it later, thanks for sharing!

Didn't Josh talk about a bank in South Dakota that would accept him doing business>?

The bank that Null had mentioned was in North Dakota, not SD.

Kiwis are joking about it at the time with comments such as this:

North Dakota socialist bank, single wide trailer, cattle futures…the lengths one man will go to keep Kiwi Farms alive

He did announce he had found a bank willing to bank with him in this post saying "this is a private bank", but did not disclose which one it was:

[Plan in Motion] Banking and FedNow
I received a surprising note of acceptance from a bank and now that we are a registered LLC again I can move forward with opening an account. This is a private bank, so if it fails. I will move forward with the BND.
Null · Post #80 · Today at 10:39 AM · Forum: The Situation

Full post (some of the others posts in this thread are quite interesting, seems there are several KFers who are into crypto and secrecy banking):

In this other post, Null said that he uses different bank accounts for Lolcow LLC and 1776 Solutions LLC, and claimed that he conducts all of his KF related transactions through crypto:

Supporting the Forum
No. Separate LLCs, separate bank accounts, separate purposes. I appreciate people who support the podcast because that ends up going to living expenses mostly, but the Kiwi Farms stuff is almost entirely paid through cryptocurrency.
Null · Post #1,052 · Yesterday at 10:36 AM · Forum: Forum Discussion

I remember Null said on MATI he has researched which States allow someone to change their name without having to publicize it. I'll look up the specific quote later.
I posted this here before, but I'm gonna repeat this because I think it's important to keep this in mind whenever we speculate about Null's whereabouts or why he won't show his face anymore. I said at the time, and I still believe this, that Null wants people to speculate wildly about him, to spread as many baseless rumours as possible, because the more rumours circulate regarding his whereabouts, the safer he is as people can no longer distinguish what's merely a rumour and what's an actual lead to his location:

I have seen various levels of belief and disbelief expressed online regarding the claims that Joshua Moon has made about himself over the years. I have personally been subjected to Null's (failed) attempts at gaslighting (which is why he got mad at me and threatened to ban me, because he realized I wasn't gonna go along with his claims) so I understand the tendency to distrust all of his claims.

For example, on your forum there are people who believe that Null is still a virgin, that he's a life-long incel and that any claim he's ever made of having been with a woman is just a part of his online LARP as an "internet tough guy". Others will claim the very opposite, that Null has been using his forum as a dating pool, that he was regularly hitting on female Kiwis and that he has had sex with some of them.

Same with Null's alleged whereabouts. I've seen speculation that he's never actually left the US and that the "Null in Ukraine and Serbia" plotlines are just elaborate deflections so that no one goes looking for him in the US. I've also seen speculation that he's a Chinese intel asset. Null as an online troll and LARPer is actively encouraging such wild speculation. For example, when "Odysseus" aka Isaac began speculating about Null's Chinese connection right here on your forum, Null quietly logged into his Substack Overflow account and changed his public location tag to Dalian, a large city in China:

Archived: https://archive.ph/Cfuzu

Does that mean that Null has left Serbia and is now living in Dalian all of a sudden... or is this just more deliberate LARPing and trolling on his part? I assume it's the latter, but who knows.

All joking aside, I am just using this as an illustration of what happens when, in the absence of actual evidence, one rumour leads to another and how Null is exploiting this human tendency so he can continue to troll and LARP.

The fact is that there's a sorry lack of receipts for any of these claims and positions. If we put the receipts that we do have on the table (like the picture of the nest of pigeons on his balcony from MATI), we only notice the sorry lack thereof. It's up to people themselves whether they choose to go along with whatever claims Null has made about himself, or whether they insist on receipts and hence dispute all of it.

I personally do believe that Null had a Serbian(? Moldovan?) girlfriend since 2019 until January of 2023, and that she was the one enabling him to stay in Serbia(?) legally and above board. I have no receipts whatsoever to back up this belief. My belief in this plot line is entirely based on MATI episodes and my own reading-between-the lines on some of the things that Null said during these episodes*. I admit this is flimsy but it's all I have. I don't know if I believe Null when he claims to have a daughter in response to the K.Flay song, I'll assume that was just an innocent Freudian slip on his part that I shouldn't read more into. But for all I know he really did have a (Serbian?) anchor baby with this alleged girlfriend.

The onus is on Null to provide receipts for his claims. If he's been actively misleading his listeners with false plot lines, it's not their fault for believing. They gave him the benefit of the doubt and he abused their given benefit.

* Here's the flimsy evidence I gathered from listening to MATI: Null was playing a lot of love songs on MATI in early 2019 to mid 2019 (including KFlay's love song High Enough) when he was presumably falling in love with this woman. At the beginning of the Covid pandemic in 2020, Null moved from Ukraine to (Serbia?), presumably to be with this woman. Later he did a MATI episode where he generally and non-specifically spoke about moving in with someone after 6 months of dating and having to adjust to living with another person again. This was presumably around the time he left Ukraine and moved to (Serbia?) to be with this woman. Then there is this IRL "friend" that he keeps referring to, a friend who is not Vincent Zhen/"Vinnie", that Null deliberately makes sure not to use any gender-specific pronouns for, referring to this genderless IRL friend only as "they". For example, when Null mentions a "friend" who "wants me to watch Breaking Bad with them", or a "friend" with whom he was going to do a keto diet, these are presumably one and the same friend. I have chosen to interpret these dropped bits and pieces of innuendo as references to his Serbian girlfriend, who supposedly likes Breaking Bad and is likely herself chubby and in need of dieting like Null. (Null has allegedly dated a chubby woman before, if this picture is to be believed.) At the beginning of this year, Null said in the KF chatroom that he had some kind of an irreconcilable fight with an IRL friend, not specifying the gender of this friend. Later on MATI he said, quote, "Don't date Slavic women, they'll kick your ass". This negative statement about Slavic women literally came out of nowhere, but I took this to mean that the woman he began dating in 2019 and for whom he had moved to Serbia in 2020, had likely kicked his ass out in the mean time, perhaps because he was too preoccupied with #DropKiwiFarms to maintain their relationship. If I'm right and this break up did happen, it would certainly explain why Null is so hellbent on getting KF back online and even suing to achieve that, because maybe he feels like #DropKiwiFarms cost him not only his website but his girl?

(Unless of course Null is faking their break-up and is merely pretending to be an unattached bachelor in order to protect his girlfriend, or perhaps to hook up with his new lovepuppy Didl.)
I posted this here before, but I'm gonna repeat this because I think it's important to keep this in mind whenever we speculate about Null's whereabouts or why he won't show his face anymore. I said at the time, and I still believe this, that Null wants people to speculate wildly about him, to spread as many baseless rumours as possible, because the more rumours circulate regarding his whereabouts, the safer he is as people can no longer distinguish what's merely a rumour and what's an actual lead to his location:

I have seen various levels of belief and disbelief expressed online regarding the claims that Joshua Moon has made about himself over the years. I have personally been subjected to Null's (failed) attempts at gaslighting (which is why he got mad at me and threatened to ban me, because he realized I wasn't gonna go along with his claims) so I understand the tendency to distrust all of his claims.

For example, on your forum there are people who believe that Null is still a virgin, that he's a life-long incel and that any claim he's ever made of having been with a woman is just a part of his online LARP as an "internet tough guy". Others will claim the very opposite, that Null has been using his forum as a dating pool, that he was regularly hitting on female Kiwis and that he has had sex with some of them.

Same with Null's alleged whereabouts. I've seen speculation that he's never actually left the US and that the "Null in Ukraine and Serbia" plotlines are just elaborate deflections so that no one goes looking for him in the US. I've also seen speculation that he's a Chinese intel asset. Null as an online troll and LARPer is actively encouraging such wild speculation. For example, when "Odysseus" aka Isaac began speculating about Null's Chinese connection right here on your forum, Null quietly logged into his Substack Overflow account and changed his public location tag to Dalian, a large city in China:

Archived: https://archive.ph/Cfuzu

Does that mean that Null has left Serbia and is now living in Dalian all of a sudden... or is this just more deliberate LARPing and trolling on his part? I assume it's the latter, but who knows.

All joking aside, I am just using this as an illustration of what happens when, in the absence of actual evidence, one rumour leads to another and how Null is exploiting this human tendency so he can continue to troll and LARP.

The fact is that there's a sorry lack of receipts for any of these claims and positions. If we put the receipts that we do have on the table (like the picture of the nest of pigeons on his balcony from MATI), we only notice the sorry lack thereof. It's up to people themselves whether they choose to go along with whatever claims Null has made about himself, or whether they insist on receipts and hence dispute all of it.

I personally do believe that Null had a Serbian(? Moldovan?) girlfriend since 2019 until January of 2023, and that she was the one enabling him to stay in Serbia(?) legally and above board. I have no receipts whatsoever to back up this belief. My belief in this plot line is entirely based on MATI episodes and my own reading-between-the lines on some of the things that Null said during these episodes*. I admit this is flimsy but it's all I have. I don't know if I believe Null when he claims to have a daughter in response to the K.Flay song, I'll assume that was just an innocent Freudian slip on his part that I shouldn't read more into. But for all I know he really did have a (Serbian?) anchor baby with this alleged girlfriend.

The onus is on Null to provide receipts for his claims. If he's been actively misleading his listeners with false plot lines, it's not their fault for believing. They gave him the benefit of the doubt and he abused their given benefit.

* Here's the flimsy evidence I gathered from listening to MATI: Null was playing a lot of love songs on MATI in early 2019 to mid 2019 (including KFlay's love song High Enough) when he was presumably falling in love with this woman. At the beginning of the Covid pandemic in 2020, Null moved from Ukraine to (Serbia?), presumably to be with this woman. Later he did a MATI episode where he generally and non-specifically spoke about moving in with someone after 6 months of dating and having to adjust to living with another person again. This was presumably around the time he left Ukraine and moved to (Serbia?) to be with this woman. Then there is this IRL "friend" that he keeps referring to, a friend who is not Vincent Zhen/"Vinnie", that Null deliberately makes sure not to use any gender-specific pronouns for, referring to this genderless IRL friend only as "they". For example, when Null mentions a "friend" who "wants me to watch Breaking Bad with them", or a "friend" with whom he was going to do a keto diet, these are presumably one and the same friend. I have chosen to interpret these dropped bits and pieces of innuendo as references to his Serbian girlfriend, who supposedly likes Breaking Bad and is likely herself chubby and in need of dieting like Null. (Null has allegedly dated a chubby woman before, if this picture is to be believed.) At the beginning of this year, Null said in the KF chatroom that he had some kind of an irreconcilable fight with an IRL friend, not specifying the gender of this friend. Later on MATI he said, quote, "Don't date Slavic women, they'll kick your ass". This negative statement about Slavic women literally came out of nowhere, but I took this to mean that the woman he began dating in 2019 and for whom he had moved to Serbia in 2020, had likely kicked his ass out in the mean time, perhaps because he was too preoccupied with #DropKiwiFarms to maintain their relationship. If I'm right and this break up did happen, it would certainly explain why Null is so hellbent on getting KF back online and even suing to achieve that, because maybe he feels like #DropKiwiFarms cost him not only his website but his girl?
Unless of course Null is faking their break-up and is merely pretending to be an unattached bachelor in order to protect his girlfriend, or perhaps to hook up with his new lovepuppy Didl.)
Lidldrip is most likely his GF.

And you're right, he tries to hide behind the veil of ambiguity.

And he intentionally puts out as much misinformation as possible and misdirection about himself.
The biggest tell that he's still stateside is his constant defense of the site as obeying US laws. If he was living anywhere else, it wouldn't shield him from EU/local laws since he would be in that country and subject to their laws regardless of what he says that his US citizenship and hosting of the site in the US means he's untouchable. He's not and easily would be vanned the same way as the Telegram guy. It's a larp to befuddle the 80 IQ denizens of the site and its biggest detractors.
The biggest tell that he's still stateside is his constant defense of the site as obeying US laws. If he was living anywhere else, it wouldn't shield him from EU/local laws since he would be in that country and subject to their laws regardless of what he says that his US citizenship and hosting of the site in the US means he's untouchable. He's not and easily would be vanned the same way as the Telegram guy. It's a larp to befuddle the 80 IQ denizens of the site and its biggest detractors.
You know I think you got a point there. You'd think by now he would have gotten into some kind of legal issue regarding his forum after the New Zealand issue.
Lidldrip is most likely his GF.
As I explained elsewhere on this forum, I do not for a moment believe that Didl is female and I do not for a moment believe that he is anywhere near Null. If you want to read why I believe that Didl is a man, read the Didl thread here on OF, we literally have his own posts from when he first began posting on KF where he admitted that he's a man, only to later change his story.
As I explained elsewhere on this forum, I do not for a moment believe that Didl is female and I do not for a moment believe that he is anywhere near Null. If you want to read why I believe that Didl is a man, read the Didl thread here on OF, we literally have his own posts from when he first began posting on KF where he admitted that he's a man, only to later change his story.
I've read the entire thread and your synopsis. I've even admitted I'm open to the idea. Just not thoroughly convinced. As I stated before, all we have is conjecture and speculation. And until we get something that is irrefutable, like the evidence that Josh most likely has been lying about being in Europe for a while now, then I remain skeptical and will default to her being female and involved tangentially with Josh.
I've read the entire thread and your synopsis. I've even admitted I'm open to the idea. Just not thoroughly convinced. As I stated before, all we have is conjecture and speculation. And until we get something that is irrefutable, like the evidence that Josh most likely has been lying about being in Europe for a while now, then I remain skeptical and will default to her being female and involved tangentially with Josh.
As I explained elsewhere on this forum, I do not for a moment believe that Didl is female and I do not for a moment believe that he is anywhere near Null. If you want to read why I believe that Didl is a man, read the Didl thread here on OF, we literally have his own posts from when he first began posting on KF where he admitted that he's a man, only to later change his story.

BEST case scenario he's sticking his pecker in a mentally ill faggot in a dress. There's no way that thing's not a tranny.