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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Press Secretary Lidl tells the Kwiffar to stop mentioning Null's weight.
Is the money they send in parasocial? Or is it just when they mention what a bunter the broom is? It's so hard to tell these days...
Holy shit he's even insecure about Nickocado losing weight.
joshy should have used some of the slush fund to get a gastric band bypass. Which, nfn, I believe is what Nicko got. However, you do actually have to lose SOME weight, before you get that.
It's simple. Josh can't ridicule others for being fat while being s fat tub of shit himself whose chair squeaks in pain every week as he breathes heavily into the microphone. His weight is obviously s sore spot for him.
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I watched yesterday's MATI, my first time since April, and holy fuck does he sound like shit.
He has done nothing but argue with users all day. He's double posting he's so mad.
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"Triple posting would be to obvious better switch to lidl"
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One opinion per thread please kiwis don't start giving out any hot takes or break the circle jerk.
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We should invite Toji here ASAP before he gets banned lol
Hello, onion farmers Im checking in. After awhile, I tried to join the farms again under another account only to get banned for "spam", whatever that means initially. There was no reason. Then it was changed to spam. I had an argument with Null over his downright abomination of an idea of having a real-ID female-only website. I asked the women to show me one site without censorship, and they just told me to go back to reddit and I ironically got banned. This embodies the new kiwifarms and. It's self-righteous hypocrisy. They see themselves as saving women from the transgender menace and censoring the bad guys or "moids", but in reality, they are hypocrites who have very little difference from the transgender crowd, even in the sexpest department.

My recent banning there under my new account "Egg McMuffin" was totally unjustified and there's no way any free speech activist could justify the ban, but the truth is kiwifarms is a dictatorship. kiwifarms hates freedom of speech. Freedom of speech is a crutch for them to justify their forums' existence, but they hate it for anyone but themselves. They have no principles and no fun. They hate anybody who dissents or adds content to the site. They want a hugbox where they can cry about transgenders and pretend they are the poor victims of the online war against freedom of speech even though they banned me and thousands of others for little more than petty slights. Null is a tyrant and his fanclub Is pathetic.

Null if you are reading this, just a reminder, you will die childless and, alone your family name you abandoned will die, you will not have a Harry Potter John, you will be the death of your gene pool. These landwales you want to bang will never follow through, and your website will die a slow painful death like something awful. No wonder your mother abandoned you. John "Null" Potter Moon's legacy will be a site that, doxed, trannys and talked about, Chris Chan, which can now easily be done on any other site Including YouTube. Kiwifarms will rarely if ever have new lolcows because of their autistically high formatting standards and the banning of every useful user you ever had.

You lost all of your talent. You have no friends. No kids and nobody left besides a cabal of morbidly obese. Lolcows yourself. included everybody mocks you behind closed doors in a way. You are the YWNBAW copypasta applied to a single man who will never have children, josh you don't care one bit about freedom. You took my freedom away for BS reasons. You took bargain bin ladens freedom away for BS reasons. You are more petty than Reddit. Even. Reddit tells people they banned them. You banned me for a false allegation of "sock" accounting, but why is that even against the rules? What happened to free speech josh? You clearly only believe in free speech for me, not for thee you are an immature child who wants to scream that people are "faggots" and "fucking retards" who should "kill themselves". You are a broken record. I challenge anyone reading to find a post where Josh does not use these words. He never grew past his angry teenage years and never had a dad to set him straight. Where's your daddy josh?

TLDR null will die alone and never believed in free speech
he's an expert!
Just goes to show how, regardless of his decrying parasocial behavior, Josh still looks to e-celebs for unearned professional guidance.

And how the hell is YMS "in the know" ? Because he's a faggot? Love how Josh just grants himself these assertions and never backs them with anything of substance. Ever.

"Hmm, avocado man say thing on Internet! He big on youtoob! Smart man! Movie sucks man agree! He heap big gay furry man! Smart! Null approve!"
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Toji's not a bad guy. My first posts on Kiwi Farms were in a thread related to my job. I got a bunch of stupid questions that I spent most of my early posts answering. Some fucking retard even lit up my profile basically demanding help with his IRL job. Toji was the first Kiwi I had a non work related conversation with.
So if you remember way back when this whole TERF invasion really started coming to a head last year and early this year Null's cope was that there was no place in "the conservative movement" for women and this is why he was making the super safe hugbox.

fast forward nine months and now the cope is TRANNIES TRANNIES TRANNIES they're everywhere and they are pushing women OFF THE INTERNET but not if Generalissimo Save-a-ho Josh Moon has anything to say about it. :dislike:

The implication at first was that we need women, now it's women need us. You could be forgiven for thinking this was bullshit all along.
Dude, I'm really ripped and have a tradwife and 2.5 children.
But I can't prove it and post of a photo of me because a tranny might dox my current address by analyzing the type of bronzer I use on my muscular skin.
Quite the coincidence. I am also really ripped and have a tradwife and 2.5 children.
But I can't prove it and post of a photo of me because a tranny might dox my current address by analyzing the type of bronzer I use on my muscular skin.
I can't wait for Mademoiselle Jocelyns school for wayward girls. The shit will really hit the fan when there are no moids to attack. Pouring one out for Hodorias baby.

"mama, I'm hungry"
"Not now Chudly McMongrel, can't you see mommy is owning chuds on Kiwi Farms?!"
What do you think Shannel is Justa giving Null access to her 21 year old asian twink husband in order to gain Null's favor? We know how he feels about Asian men.