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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
No. You said that you hoped Kyle Rittenhouse would get raped in prison. If you want, ask Ken to bring your thread back. That would prove it. You want the thread to come back?
I saw it too. Ashley Hutsell Jankowski said Kyle should be raped in prison when Kyle was only 17 years old. Also, Kyle didn't do nothing wrong and killed three Pieces of Shit.
Yeah stupid, why are you on the side of a bunch of fucked up neo-nazis who think weev is awesome? Fuck you.
Still funny as shit that Ashley's scared of weev's Neo-Nazis finding out where she lives but she's doing her best to spam this website with her face and name.
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He's seething in the woman hate thread again, notice the terfoids updooting him:

(Insert wojak seething under a smug mask here)
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And what is what terfoids do to users that don't bend the knee to them then?
View attachment 64674
Lmao I can't wait for this dumb girl site to implode.
i want him to do it and then get sued. Does he think his userbase is going to front up more $$$ to save his femcel app?
he's banned so many users, even oldfags are complaining in DM chains on the site how they don't like what the site has become.
The BPHags can't get along for very long anyway. They bully or ban women just as psychotic as them if they disagree with anything lidl says. Expect there will be endless amounts of animosity and revenge actions.
these women cant stand not being around men because they driveby into the thunderdome whoring for attention. they crave the drama that comes from being antagonistic cunts

lurker and lidl definitely cram dildos into their slits when reading nulls hysterical meltdowns in the Foid-hate thread 'Oh yes null. Teach those naughty men a lesson'
Fatta hon whoria using the end of the broomstick while fantasizing that Joselyn gave her janny powers. that fat whale probably would send pictures of her hairy butthole to users as punishment. Shes desperately wanting to while drunk in a DM chain
I still don't get what Josh's endgame is with this male feminist bullshit. For it to be an honest conviction of his, something major would've had to have happened between now and his 2020 "I want a tradwife" screed.

The funniest outcome of this would be he makes his app and finally begins trooning out after locking his fanbase in with him. However, this new 'project' sounds a tad more complicated than his 'Pride before fall' website, which he's totally gonna do some day, just you wait.
He's a tactical feminist only as a means of attacking trannies. Whenever he brings up studies on his podcast that suggest me are more intelligent he always stops himself short, clearly afraid of the backlash. He's very ignorant that most feminists support trans rights.
A resounding 81 percent of self-identified feminist respondents, for example, opposed laws that prevent children from receiving medical care for a gender transition, compared with only 56 percent of Americans as a whole. While 1 in 3 Americans say it is never appropriate to teach that some people are transgender in K-12 public schools, only 1 in 10 feminists in the survey agreed.
Feminist Josh™ would very likely want to see these women killed or put in re-education camps for daring to disagree with him. See Android Raptor, who he only let get away with disagreeing with him for so long because she's a woman and he's a fuckboy. He didn't have the balls to ban her himself and needed to consult his council of tranny jannies. Another oldfag gone for being unwilling to stroke Josh's ego and fuel his culture war dopamine.
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See Android Raptor, who he only let get away with disagreeing with him for so long because she's a woman and he's a fuckboy. He didn't have the balls to ban her himself and needed to consult his council of tranny jannies. Another oldfag gone for being unwilling to stroke Josh's ego and fuel his culture war dopamine.
Rest in power, queen.
I still don't get what Josh's endgame is with this male feminist bullshit. For it to be an honest conviction of his, something major would've had to have happened between now and his 2020 "I want a tradwife" screed.
Maybe he's trying to capitalize on the growing femcel/anti-incel trend on social media. He tried to get rid of A&H after the last US election so he might try it again if Kamala wins.