• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
The Kiwis don't actually believe loli/shota is as bad as real CP and one can prove it easily:
If they believed the two were equally bad they wouldn't post loli/shota or anything adjacent to it out of fear of catching a distribution charge.

Yet almost immediately in the OP they've started to post examples of sexualized minors:
View attachment 64282

The thread is absolutely full of anime avatars and it's pretty bold of Null to acknowledge and post in it given his history.

Kiwis telling on themselves lol:
View attachment 64288
Unfortunately you're very correct a lot of the individuals that were posting Lolli is are doing so in such a way as to continue propagating it.

This thread is embarrassing
Every serious KF thread related to sexual topics is an embarrassing cringefest. They're always a horrible collection of virgins, incels, "loli enthusiasts", genuine pedophiles, puriteens, trad christcuck larpers, and kiwifoids.

It seems lately all KFers want to do is moralize about sex and sexual degeneracy while beating dead horses. They do all this bleating about loli while at the same time the vtuber thread is allowed to stay up and has 8188 pages haha.
Every serious KF thread related to sexual topics is an embarrassing cringefest. They're always a horrible collection of virgins, incels, "loli enthusiasts", genuine pedophiles, puriteens, trad christcuck larpers, and kiwifoids.
Before people start clapping for this "They're such moralfags" stance, reminder you're a gay man that jerks off to animals.
Opinion discarded
Before people start clapping for this "They're such moralfags" stance, reminder you're a gay man that jerks off to animals.
Opinion discarded
It's disingenuous to claim this cope is remotely different from how lolifags defend themselves.
"It's a drawing, not a real child, so don't frame me as a pedo, okay hun?"
Fuck off, fur fapper
You're a mentally ill homeless man who made a thread swearing off this forum and said you wanted to piss on the grave of Ken, only to try and worm your way back onto here by pretending to be a more liked poster. I highly doubt you care about whether someone's a pedo, a furry, or any other type of degenerate, you're just saying all this to gas yourself up for another meltdown and faildox.
It's disingenuous to claim this cope is remotely different from how lolifags defend themselves.
"It's a drawing, not a real child, so don't frame me as a pedo, okay hun?"
Fuck off, fur fapper
I'm not going to start this retarded drama with you, so I'll leave it here: If you can't see the difference between adult anthro characters and depictions of underage humans you are not worth my time and you should go cry about it on redditfarms.
I'm not going to start this retarded drama with you, so I'll leave it here: If you can't see the difference between cartoon characters and IRL depictions of underage humans you are not worth my time and you should go cry about it on redditfarms.
Only had to change two words to turn your fur faggoty cope into a standard lolicon defense. I hope the next dog turns around and bites your dick off, fur fapper
@SSj_Ness dips his toes into writing scat porn.
On cuckfarm there's too much self righteous impotent anger directed at lolcows these days. You're supposed to laugh at them, not shit your pants in rage at them.
It's a reflection of the state of the world. People are mad, everything is serious business, and zero fun is allowed.

One of my more disliked posts on KF was a simple statement saying that you weren't required to hate lolcows, you could you know...laugh at them and there was (usually) no need to try to utterly destroy their lives.

It really isn't all that fun to follow lolcows anymore because of this.
One of my more disliked posts on KF was a simple statement saying that you weren't required to hate lolcows, you could you know...laugh at them and there was (usually) no need to try to utterly destroy their lives.
"I repeated outdated Farms dogma and was mocked for it"
Let me guess, it was some sort of thread about a fucked off degenerate you tried this on, yeah? Please, since you have no issue talking about it apparently, link the post so that context can be had before clapping for you
Every serious KF thread related to sexual topics is an embarrassing cringefest. They're always a horrible collection of virgins, incels, "loli enthusiasts", genuine pedophiles, puriteens, trad christcuck larpers, and kiwifoids.

It seems lately all KFers want to do is moralize about sex and sexual degeneracy while beating dead horses. They do all this bleating about loli while at the same time the vtuber thread is allowed to stay up and has 8188 pages haha.
I am inclined to agree with you about the purity spiral on Kiwi Farms. However, I must also acknowledge that your own behavior goes against commonly accepted sexual practices, which is problematic in its own right.

There is certainly a hypocritical element to how certain behaviors are viewed within the community. For instance, VTubers often pander to pedophiles, which is deeply troubling."

"Ultimately, though, discussions around morality and sexuality can quickly become fraught and contentious. Perhaps it's best if such debates were avoided altogether on these types of forums.
He posted a bunch of stuff to bury the Aaron Imholte story in the middle. You rarely get that many features in a single day nevermind bossman jack fighting with a smoke detector. Oh boy big news.
I absolutely despise the Bossman Jack coverage and everyone that thinks he's interesting has failed a litmus test in my opinion.
>Retard breaks things
>Retard wins money
>Retard loses money
>Retard breaks things
Dogshit Groundhog Day "lolcow"