• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
To be fair to Null, he does have a large number of people who want him in jail or dead. However this is also the same man who thinks the US government has a task force dedicated to keeping him from winning legal cases and that he needs to have a private compound in the Florida swamplands with an armory of armor piercing weapons and a fleet of trucks to mow down a hitsquad of Antifa transsexuals that will hunt him the second he goes to America. All these delusions are fed by his supporters who are all mini-me versions of him. He's recently admitted to being obese and that he doesn't care about losing weight anymore, so I don't think insecurity of his appearance is why he doesn't show his face.
He is such an insane pussy right now he won't even show his face from wherever he is and hasn't for years. Meanwhile, his petcows like the Gunt get beat up by alogs in Portugal and he is just like whatever, I'm going to keep on keeping on, eat shit gaylogs!! Nullo had to hide from troons who came to his house in his mom's bathroom while his mom had to deal with them as a grown ass adult.
Go Gunt!
unyuns easyiest answer!
scared to!
unyuns not judgering. unyuns observering.
This, he's afraid of what the world will react to him being larger than Wings of Redemption.
If he's been living in Eastern Europe, then it's actually pretty hard to get that fat there, but if he's actually been in Palatka Florida this whole time, well, may God have mercy on us all.
But if he's eating junk food and drinking soda all day long, and was fat to begin with? I don't think that particular aspect of living among the Slavs would benefit him as much as it would a normal person.
Null has a severe paranoid complex which is why he is in hiding.
Is that actual medical terminology or did you make it up? Serious question.
To be fair to Null, he does have a large number of people who want him in jail or dead. However this is also the same man who thinks the US government has a task force dedicated to keeping him from winning legal cases and that he needs to have a private compound in the Florida swamplands with an armory of armor piercing weapons and a fleet of trucks to mow down a hitsquad of Antifa transsexuals that will hunt him the second he goes to America. All these delusions are fed by his supporters who are all mini-me versions of him. He's recently admitted to being obese and that he doesn't care about losing weight anymore, so I don't think insecurity of his appearance is why he doesn't show his face.
Well, technically do a lot of cows and other public figures. Lots of people alog them and maybe will even try to kill them in rare circumstance, but everyone basically accepts that is the price of being a public figure.

Some people get it that never deserved it like Selena. She was killed long before the Farms by some alogging/obessed fan. She still had more balls than Null does.
Null has a severe paranoid complex which is why he is in hiding.
He thinks some fag is gonna bust into his home and shoot him.
Does he wear a bullet proof vest all day long? If not, does he really think he has time to put one on in the face of an active threat?

What's stopping a hypothetical adversary from simply taking a head shot?
It is always deep thunk for me that troons spent all this money and time and energy to get him deplatformed, yet not one of them tried to figure out where he lived now or anything. I don't think it is because he can't be doxed. Maybe they just don't think he is worth making a martyr out of.
Josh unironically thinks trannies are going to storm the castle the second he gets doxed again but I don't think they have the balls 😏
What are you talking about?
Trannies run around assassinating internet transphobes every day.

Rowling? Dead.
Singal? Dead.
Linehan? Dead.
Walsh? Dead.
It's a very real danger and Null isn't just a whiny little pussy who's afraid to get made fun for his sissy dough boy looks.
It is always deep thunk for me that troons spent all this money and time and energy to get him deplatformed, yet not one of them tried to figure out where he lived now or anything. I don't think it is because he can't be doxed. Maybe they just don't think he is worth making a martyr out of.
One did find out where he lived. He hid in the bathroom while his mom answered the front door.

Edit: You meant recently, I know. I just love telling that story, though.
Does he wear a bullet proof vest all day long? If not, does he really think he has time to put one on in the face of an active threat?

What's stopping a hypothetical adversary from simply taking a head shot?
Bullet proof vests can't stop everything and they can't cover everything. Potential attackers don't even have to go into Moon's home; they could just bomb it. If someone wants Moon dead the moment they find him he's a goner. It doesn't matter how big Moon's gun is, how much he shoots it, or how many booby traps he plants. . . . . . . . . . of course I highly doubt anyone gives enough of a shit to knock off Moon. He's just an annoying internet retard asshole.
Persecution syndrome (known by a bunch of different names depending on which is considered the most politically correct at the time) is a mental disorder that makes the affected believe that someone else is planning harm to the affected. If the dude who showed up to Moon's home truly did so with murderous intent Moon would've died in the bathroom shitting himself in fear. Moon, retarded as he is, simply cannot comprehend the idea that anyone would want to show up to his home merely to talk to him; if only to call him a fat fuck asshole to his face.
All the disgusting creeps on Kiwi Farms like the pedo who wanted footage of junkie lawyer's kids. When Moon himself faces the monster he so callously directs at others he hides in the shitter like a little bitch and begs his mommie to deal with the consequences of his actions.
I find it very poetic that Moon got a taste of his own medicine. Too afraid to show his face, to say what country he lives in. Moon's spends his days living in fear of a mythological, nigh unstoppable, tranny freakazoid hit squad
Given the stuff he's done on Blockland and allowed to be hosted on 8chan before Hotwheels sold on top of being completely unrepentant, he got every reason in the world to hide. Because this is what would happen if Josh ever was exposed and doxed:
