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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
why else would some random nobody make a game from a dead man’s PC code?
Probably because the guy who wrote it wrote a whole operating system by himself so making a yearly game is putting in a (meant to be somewhat similar) big amount of effort for the meme value.


Someone called out a Kiwi Farms user for reposting an obvious fapbait bullshit story from the poop fetish sub in the reddit general thread.
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The manhate thread is a treasure trove of funny.
Here we have a common BP fatty L:

Meanwhile I spend my 20s trying to start my family I had ltr who broke up the minute he got his bachelors thinking he can do better and to sow his wild oats because of this mentality . Hint he wasnt that successful and he somehow managed to get woman who looks uglier and older than me how I have no idea a 7 years later of "sowing his wild oats" and trying to get an upgrade.
Translation: Fatta Hon Whoria is so odious and repugnant her former partner waited until he was no longer dependent on her financially during college before decided to look for anything other than her. a man she describes as ugly decided that she was too ugly physically and personality wise to put up with and she thinks this is a credit in her favor.
despite this she keeps talking up the greatness of baby trapping a virgin she moans nonstop about men in their 30s and 40s being single and childless. shes bitter as hell that men her own age rejected her and she had to prey on men with no life experience.

Ive seen other angry old hags cope similarly 'oh my husbands new wife looks older and uglier than me' yeah because he learned to value things more than looks thanks to how godawful you are.

I love when they tell on themselves like this.
This is who null bans male posters for.
the new face of kiwifarms is a bitter washed up shrew.
The manhate thread is a treasure trove of funny.
Here we have a common BP fatty L:
View attachment 61500

Translation: Fatta Hon Whoria is so odious and repugnant her former partner waited until he was no longer dependent on her financially during college before decided to look for anything other than her. a man she describes as ugly decided that she was too ugly physically and personality wise to put up with and she thinks this is a credit in her favor.
despite this she keeps talking up the greatness of baby trapping a virgin she moans nonstop about men in their 30s and 40s being single and childless. shes bitter as hell that men her own age rejected her and she had to prey on men with no life experience.

Ive seen other angry old hags cope similarly 'oh my husbands new wife looks older and uglier than me' yeah because he learned to value things more than looks thanks to how godawful you are.

I love when they tell on themselves like this.
This is who null bans male posters for.
the new face of kiwifarms is a bitter washed up shrew.
Not a single comma in that paragraph she wrote. Disgraceful. All of Fatta McWhoria's posts are run on sentences
The manhate thread is a treasure trove of funny.
Here we have a common BP fatty L:
View attachment 61500

Translation: Fatta Hon Whoria is so odious and repugnant her former partner waited until he was no longer dependent on her financially during college before decided to look for anything other than her. a man she describes as ugly decided that she was too ugly physically and personality wise to put up with and she thinks this is a credit in her favor.
despite this she keeps talking up the greatness of baby trapping a virgin she moans nonstop about men in their 30s and 40s being single and childless. shes bitter as hell that men her own age rejected her and she had to prey on men with no life experience.

Ive seen other angry old hags cope similarly 'oh my husbands new wife looks older and uglier than me' yeah because he learned to value things more than looks thanks to how godawful you are.

I love when they tell on themselves like this.
This is who null bans male posters for.
the new face of kiwifarms is a bitter washed up shrew.
I SWEAR this woman is going to eat her baby and blame Null, I can feel it in my bones.
An kwiffar thinks that the FBI/ATF burning children to death is OK...
Careful with that edge, Boner. For those who don't know, Vern was in a relationship with a 14 yo girl... buuuuuut, that's not why the FBI went in, iirc it was some weird obscure tax thing (The BDs had been reselling guns, and didn't pay the correct tax, render unto Ceasar,huh?) The child abuse shit was made up by some guy, he wanted to take Vern's place as Prophet*, and the FBI knew that.
Oh dear... Dyn does this, gets the edge out, then demonstrates they don't know what they are talking about. FBI/ATF first move: Shoot Vern's son. They weren't there to arrest Vern... as this poster points out...
Yep, the Feds literally killed all those people (inc THEIR OWN GUYS, who statistically unlikely were the body guards of which President?) because they wanted to. So Boner goes to default "I'm pretending to be retarded".

What do you think Boner's take on Oklahoma City Bombing is?

*The history of the BDs is pretty wild and freaky, btw.
there is something sick in the heads of the BPFats

its a confidence killer to Stan (Margaret Pless) that men dislike pocket pussies because of the clean up. What?
Ladies help me out here, is it normal to compare yourself to a masturbating device to the extent it kills your confidence?

Personally dont compare myself to dildos but then again I am not the kind of person to talk about serious medical issues (miscarriages) with internet strangers who nonstop call me fat, ugly or wish death of my child.
The manhate thread is a treasure trove of funny.
Here we have a common BP fatty L:
View attachment 61500

Translation: Fatta Hon Whoria is so odious and repugnant her former partner waited until he was no longer dependent on her financially during college before decided to look for anything other than her. a man she describes as ugly decided that she was too ugly physically and personality wise to put up with and she thinks this is a credit in her favor.
despite this she keeps talking up the greatness of baby trapping a virgin she moans nonstop about men in their 30s and 40s being single and childless. shes bitter as hell that men her own age rejected her and she had to prey on men with no life experience.

Ive seen other angry old hags cope similarly 'oh my husbands new wife looks older and uglier than me' yeah because he learned to value things more than looks thanks to how godawful you are.

I love when they tell on themselves like this.
This is who null bans male posters for.
the new face of kiwifarms is a bitter washed up shrew.
She goes out with a guy who made similar life choices to her and for some reason is incensed that the guy want more out of life.
But the only criticism she can form with that retarded brain of hers is: fully bald, dumpy, and a personality that was "boring."

Well to her first point: Not much a man can do about being bald, not everyone is gonna find being bald attractive and very few women like it but it seems like he is owning it and isn't slathering his scalp with impotence causing chemicals.

To point 2: She has said herself that she is fat, does she expect men with chiseled abs to be lining up around the block for her? And a person can be out of shape, it's not a permanent state. Maybe with some loving encouragement the dude could turn it around by hitting the gym? Maybe his day job is physically draining and he has let himself go a little? Maybe he doesn't dress himself as well as he could and ends up looking frumpier than the reality of his situation? Men really are the shallow ones...

And to point 3: It sounds like this event happened extremely early into a possible relationship with Fatta Whoria and this man. It sounds like she is justifying being a shallow cunt by bringing up his "personality."
Dont get me wrong there are truly boring people out there but they are more rare than you'd think! Hell some people will mute their true personalities until they know the other person better.

This is a woman in her mid to late 30s with a husband still seething about a less than fantastic interaction with a member of the opposite sex. I know it's a cliche but bitch it's not him, it's you.