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    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
>Have you thought about banning the discussion of a broad topic?

It's crazy that this is being seriously asked, and seriously considered.

And it all comes down to one thread that dosen't do anything but laugh at fat bitches but beacuse it's Nulls personal harem it's not okay to make fun of them.
I don't think they ever did, the women don't seem to give a fuck about Null
some of them follow him around the site making sure to upvote so he gets his sticker validation and quoting him in the manhate and MATI thread.
funny how he doesnt ever yell for that but the rest of the forum gets told off if they dare disturb his work stalking of female users
He was talking about going home. Then he didn't stream for a couple weeks or something.
He's been mentioning it quite a bit lately. Infact the whole Survivalist subforum was born out of the pretense that he is planning on moving home to build a swamp compound with anti-troon defenses in the near future.

To me this seems like bullshit cause the last thing you would do if you were Josh 'the king of paranoia' Moon is to announce when and where you are moving to.

How much would an airbnb even be to rent for months? It can't be cheap.
some of them follow him around the site making sure to upvote so he gets his sticker validation and quoting him in the manhate and MATI thread.
funny how he doesnt ever yell for that but the rest of the forum gets told off if they dare disturb his work stalking of female users
Now c'mon, it's not only the feminists who do this. But do the girls do the same on twitter? Are they posting about what a swell guy josh is on facebook? Quoting him in their instagram stories?
Bans incoming as Josh takes more criticism and mockery.
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Lol Null is now seriously accusing the one user of being a fed. wow
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Let's be honest though the frogposter is right. I'm usually starving but decided to eat as much as I want, just healthy versions. I've barely been hungry yet still managed to lose. Maybe if he didn't approach weight loss like a proana tumblr girl it would work out for him.
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First of all, he needs to get moving, because that is what he does not do.

There are tons of hiking trails around Belgrade (if that is really his location) and he could even bring podcasts and a headset so he does not even have to leave the content-drip of mommy internet.

Josh continuously sits on a high horse, shitting on people who are unemployed, addicted to drugs, mentally ill, et cetera, yet cannot even muster implementing the habit of going outside *just a little bit* to invest in his health.

Instead he talks himself into believing exercise and health is overhyped and the best idea is actually to just stay unhealthy.

The guy is a fucking manchild.

Even Ralph would not be childish enough to suggest something as dumb as that, even Ralph goes outside sometimes, trying to make the most out of his shitty situation of being stuck in a foreign country. At least the gunt has seen some cool parts of Mexico, been to Rome, been to Portugal, without sitting in a shitty ass hotel all day long.

How the fuck is this gamer supposed to build a damn swamp fortress to battle the government?

If I wanted to become an off-grid self-sufficient person, the very first item on my ToDo-list would be to make sure that my health was good enough to actually handle the physical labor intrinsic to any such undertaking. Nerding out over which gun-streamer to follow would not be anywhere near the top of my list.