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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Just from what I can tell from using latest posts on their profiles these are the users that seem to have gotten a temp ban from disagreeing with Josh in the Metokur thread. You can see that they all stopped posting on the 29th the day Josh locked the thread and some of them still aren't posting meaning they my still be under temp ban.

Countries in light blue are officially supported by Starlink while dark blue you can get around the block by paying double the normal fees. Black is where they block. Joshy seems like a very cheap bastard so I cannot see him paying double Starlink prices AND paying for AirBNB. My guess is he is in a light blue country. Serbia is not part of Schengen travel in EU meaning any travel outside that means reapplying for permits. US citizens can stay 90 days within 180 day period on temp visas in Serbia - if he has been there the whole time he needs to apply for a residence permit which can't be done outside Serbia plus requires you give your birth cerificate and a police report from your state of residence in US. How the fuck did he get a police report that said "this dude is normal let him in"?

Probably been done but did anyone ever compare the ambulance noises that interrupted his old streams to how Serbian ambulances sound? I remember there was a whole arc where he travelled to Switzerland when his visa expired in Serbia but got kicked out to Serbia again who - for some reason - let him back in. None of it makes sense. I think honestly he never got back into Serbia and is living in one of the light blue areas in Schengen zone where he has a short term rental. Nobody going on to a roof to install something for a AirBNB tenant.

He might even be back in the US as his schedule is entirely US oriented (e.g. Ralph told Joshy to come on his show but people said 4am Serbian time Joshy would be asleep, turns out Joshy was wide awake)
Countries in light blue are officially supported by Starlink while dark blue you can get around the block by paying double the normal fees.
Additonally, the Starlink account is supposed to be based in a light blue country on the same continent as the dark blue country you want to use it in.
He might even be back in the US as his schedule is entirely US oriented (e.g. Ralph told Joshy to come on his show but people said 4am Serbian time Joshy would be asleep, turns out Joshy was wide awake)
Maybe he sleeps all day.

What's the real reason why he's in an AirBNB? He said he needs to unfuck his situation, so what exactly did he do?
Just from what I can tell from using latest posts on their profiles these are the users that seem to have gotten a temp ban from disagreeing with Josh in the Metokur thread. You can see that they all stopped posting on the 29th the day Josh locked the thread and some of them still aren't posting meaning they my still be under temp ban.
This is the behavior of a complete bitch

He knows damn well Metokur would completely fucking body him and add the final death nail to his "legacy" to where he becomes another joke to the entire internet. So rather than keep his head down and take the "L", he takes out his rage on his userbase. Classic bully behavior.

The fact that he unbans the thread as if nothing ever happens just makes him look worse.... like he was just a 5 year old having a temper tantrum and now he's all better. This is not just a bad look as a forum admin (who's supposed to be more professional than that), but it's a bad look as a human being in general. He REALLY hasn't been doing any favors for him and whatever "reputation" he has, as more and more people are waking up to the fact that he's really a fucking sperg that needs to be knocked down a few pegs, if not competely taken out.

2024 seems to be the year where Null takes L after L after L, and the worse part is that he seems to be regressing even worse to where he'll continue to take more L's, and yet he will continue to learn absolutely nothing from them because his head really is that far up his own ass.
Yes, Fat Nigger @Null had irrefutable proof of byuu's death and sat on it for a year while continuing to push the lie that byuu didn't kill himself.

As far as I know, nobody has held him accountable for this.
Null would be complicit in his death in that case. All he had to do was just take the money and remove a thread no one cared about anyway and take the money and show the rest of the forum how he was using it to make it better. If he thinks KF is literally something worth dying over, he is fucked in the head. Even he knows it or he wouldn't have hidden this for so long.
How the fuck did he get a police report that said "this dude is normal let him in"?
Eh, no one cares what he does on the interwebz. They are looking for actual crimes in his record. If he has done none and he has a way to prove he can support himself, no one really cares. Americans are privliged immigrants in Europe. Yeah, Euros can throw a shitfit about it, but it is true and it is the same for the US - we generally just stamp in Western Euros and Eastern, just depends - Baltics and Poland, likely yes. Rest, depends, but they are not given the same look as someone from Afghanistan or whatever.
Probably been done but did anyone ever compare the ambulance noises that interrupted his old streams to how Serbian ambulances sound?
Ok so at just over an hour in to this episode from 2022 a siren can be heard. It literally sounds like french style siren. Serbian sirens sound pretty western style to me.
Ok so at just over an hour in to this episode from 2022 a siren can be heard. It literally sounds like french style siren. Serbian sirens sound pretty western style to me.

Good work - yeah sounds French. If Lidl is real maybe he has been border hopping to give her some of that Nullussy.