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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Taiwan and Hong Kong are right next to mainland China.

Singapore is a city-state founded by Chinks who's population is majority Chink.

You can't compare any of these to the flips or whatever third-world island shithole you're thinking of.
Actually Singapore was a part of the Malaya Federation but got booted out. It was a third world country in 65 but had an astute leader and it rapidly jumped to becoming a first world country. The per capita income of Taiwan is 3 times that of Mainland China.

The next two that are on the way up are Thailand and Malaysia. Both of them now have a Human Development Index like that of Serbia.
Actually Singapore was a part of the Malaya Federation but got booted out. It was a third world country in 65 but had an astute leader and it rapidly jumped to becoming a first world country. The per capita income of Taiwan is 3 times that of Mainland China.

The next two that are on the way up are Thailand and Malaysia. Both of them now have a Human Development Index like that of Serbia.
Where is Rhode Island on that list? Why is the RI state government trying to weasel out of taking responsibility in the Washington Bridge situation? I'm sure Hong Kong would have had the bridge replaced by now.
Where is Rhode Island on that list? Why is the RI state government trying to weasel out of taking responsibility in the Washington Bridge situation? I'm sure Hong Kong would have had the bridge replaced by now.
To be honest a lot of Rhode Islanders are probably wondering about what's going on with the Washington Bridge.
Rhode Island is right in the middle just very slightly above the US as a whole: HDI by states
it will teach him not to underestimate the destructive power of a retard. #gretajustawhoria
well he did ban that Doctor Love retard who was fedposting and threatening rape all over the forum and justa was a huge instigator in encouraging Doc Love to post more.
people get banned for way less than justa does, she tries to start fights using profile posts, so you have to imagine null sent her a dick pic or he powerleveledwith his lidl alt to her. Justa Hon Whoria mentioned that she liked weak virgins in a previous post so maybe theyre ERPing a pegging scenario. he can't be her baby daddy tho, too old and his dick is broken

I cant believe how useless null is.
he has no job, no social life, no dependents (other than his dickriders at KF) and hes still a fat fuck.
caffeine is an appetite suppressant, he admits to consuming a lot of it, and its still not enough to keep his weight down. if lidl is real, that is some hilarious funny shit that "she" posts hate in the dethfat section while null is a terminal deathfat.
hes got the same mentality as chantal and the others
also all of his gunt guarders (Lurker and Hollywood Hulk Hogan) defending him when he is the unrepentant obese Trump worshipper they complain about. I cant understand how these idiots are squaring that circle lmao.
watching the decline of Kiwifarms is some of the funniest shit I've witness on the internet
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well he did ban that Doctor Love retard who was fedposting and threatening rape all over the forum and justa was a huge instigator in encouraging Doc Love to post more.
people get banned for way less than justa does, she tries to start fights using profile posts, so you have to imagine null sent her a dick pic or he powerleveledwith his lidl alt to her. Justa Hon Whoria mentioned that she liked weak virgins in a previous post so maybe theyre ERPing a pegging scenario. he can't be her baby daddy tho, too old and his dick is broken
See this is all business as usual in the safe space, I fear what will happen to Null when he eventually pushes back against her.
I cant believe how useless null is.
he has no job, no social life, no dependents (other than his dickriders at KF) and hes still a fat fuck.

He can't even do the bare minimum at the "job" he does have. No Gumroad content had been put up for 10 months and I suspect he only put something out cos people were stopping their paypiggery. If tech issues kill his super chats he won't pick them up next stream even when people gather them up for him. He can't even do basic prep to get facts right even when other people did all the hard work and all he has to do is follow the damn script handed to him.

He would say he was afraid of becoming Lowtax but Lowtax had gfs/wives/kids and was physically fit at one point. Joshy skipped right to the goldbelly arc so lets hope the next move he steals is trying to catch a bullet with his teeth
well he did ban that Doctor Love retard who was fedposting and threatening rape all over the forum and justa was a huge instigator in encouraging Doc Love to post more.
people get banned for way less than justa does, she tries to start fights using profile posts, so you have to imagine null sent her a dick pic or he powerleveledwith his lidl alt to her. Justa Hon Whoria mentioned that she liked weak virgins in a previous post so maybe theyre ERPing a pegging scenario. he can't be her baby daddy tho, too old and his dick is broken

I cant believe how useless null is.
he has no job, no social life, no dependents (other than his dickriders at KF) and hes still a fat fuck.
caffeine is an appetite suppressant, he admits to consuming a lot of it, and its still not enough to keep his weight down. if lidl is real, that is some hilarious funny shit that "she" posts hate in the dethfat section while null is a terminal deathfat.
hes got the same mentality as chantal and the others
also all of his gunt guarders (Lurker and Hollywood Hulk Hogan) defending him when he is the unrepentant obese Trump worshipper they complain about. I cant understand how these idiots are squaring that circle lmao.
watching the decline of Kiwifarms is some of the funniest shit I've witness on the internet
I will never understand how a fat nigger can....who the fuck am I kidding?, if a bitch is fat and in need of bewgers, daddy jooschlyn to the rescue!!!
Josh is absolutely desperate for the bodycam footage and is offering to bribe April, Rekieta's sidepiece, for her consent to release the footage. He is really trying hard to throw this on Rekieta for his own failure to acquire the footage.
Josh could just look up the Hybrid Calisthenics guy and start there. Dude gears all his content towards depressed fatties and wants them to get better and stronger. Same for Nerd Rebellion even. There's so many men out there who want to make peoples lives better by encouraging them to get fit and lose weight. Josh is very low IQ for not taking advantage of these resources.
I fear what will happen to Null
I dont lmao nigger had it coming
He let an army of fat ugmo terfs run loose across the site harassing everyone like bitter hairy lesbian nuns and he didnt even get his dick wet for any of it. even lowtax and ralph managed to breed.
hes fat, hideous and homosexual
null is a less successful nikocado avocado.