>Anytime of year
Yeah fuck that noise. The entire West Coast is a terrible option for how I'm trying to live. Yeah, the government throws money into every conceivable bottomless pit but the homeless scene is out of control, especially with Newsom recently ordering the state to start bulldozing the homeless camps.
Yeah, the Midwest is aight. I've spent a couple winters doing the homeless thing in the region, which is absolutely awesome if you have proper gear. 95% of the other homelesses fuck off and you can just be in public without some moronic tweaker or drunk injun wanting to come sit on your lap and be obnoxioussummer and fall months the Midwest has got some cozy spots
I had a buddy that used to panhandle and sell these handmade vagina necklaces down in the Keys during the winter months. Had a great time apparently. It's a place I've considered but resources are scarce and crime is about as prevalent as the West coast.Florida's got some cozy panhandling you can do
Idk, but I'm probably going to fuck off from where I am immediately after my food stamps hit. All the tuna packs+jerky and I should be more than ready to hitch anywhere