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People who are prominent in the Lounge96 community
Was a tough grind yesterday. Made enough to do much laundry, stock up on two weeks of nicotines and got a half gram dab pen.
But yeah, these people are conservitards and my funny signs didn't do much. Going to try "$5 or I'm Voting Kamala!" today.
Oh, also, some obnoxious shitkicker felt the need to tell me to get a job so I'll be applying for emergency food stamps today, in his honor. A nigga out here just trying to make it for a week but now I'll be taking a few hundred dollars of tax payer money since these Midwest hicks would rather it go to "hard working" Somalians 💅🏻
Protip: A certain bourgeois grocery chain is a great place to recycle food stamps. You can go in and buy the largest tub of coconut oil (or two) with your gibs, walk out and right back in the other doors to customer service and do a no receipt return. Bam, $50-$100 of fancy craft beer.
Look up youtube ramen hacks so you aren't dying of protein deficiency/ mercury poisoning. Get a carton of eggs and crack one into the broth while its boiling. A green onion or two costs nothing and is easy to steal and greatly improves the flavor and texture of your shit. Just pilfer a little steak if you can get away with it and chop it up.
Lol yeah, if you didn't gather I'm currently hoboin' after running away from the carnival. But yeah, eating this poorly is a temporary thing. I'm heading to Casper at the end of next month and will get a cooking job somewhere decent, plus my plasma donation shekels.
Lol yeah, if you didn't gather I'm currently hoboin' after running away from the carnival. But yeah, eating this poorly is a temporary thing. I'm heading to Casper at the end of next month and will get a cooking job somewhere decent, plus my plasma donation shekels.
unyuns say to cooking egg in noodles water to avail! boil hot heat is for cook. egg short time cooking. egg easy. unyuns not wanting silly carnival hobo man to death die.
I'll be right m8. Just a touch of mild discomfort until next week. Plasma pays $500 a month which is more than enough to be able to get back to working a normie job until I'm ready to change cities again
unyuns worry about nutriments long term success!
Protip: A certain bourgeois grocery chain is a great place to recycle food stamps. You can go in and buy the largest tub of coconut oil (or two) with your gibs, walk out and right back in the other doors to customer service and do a no receipt return. Bam, $50-$100 of fancy craft beer.
Why would a store let you return food items, that's just fucking insane. Didn't they learn anything from the ice-cream licking and the tylenol murders and shit
Why would a store let you return food items, that's just fucking insane. Didn't they learn anything from the ice-cream licking and the tylenol murders and shit
Has to be unopened and tamper evident. They've always checked that the coconut oil is still sealed before accepting it back.
I remember the ice cream niggers, it was bizarre that whatever brand that was didn't put plastic around the lid
Has to be unopened and tamper evident. They've always checked that the coconut oil is still sealed before accepting it back.
I remember the ice cream niggers, it was bizarre that whatever brand that was didn't put plastic around the lid
I've spent a fair time carefully removing the lids on "tamper evident" water bottles with a heat gun so I could fill them with vodka and reseal them to get them into festivals and sporting events as "it's water bro look it's still sealed" so no, I would not accept a return on a food item
I've spent a fair time carefully removing the lids on "tamper evident" water bottles with a heat gun so I could fill them with vodka and reseal them to get them into festivals and sporting events as "it's water bro look it's still sealed"
We used to just duct tape plastic flasks to our backs. Something something, America spent $1mil, Russia used a pencil.
Idk, if someone wanted to hurt people with food there's a myriad of ways. Hand-out ricin laced breakfast tacos to all the bridge bums, put cyanide in a bottles of codeine and leave them laying around the hood, etc.
We used to just duct tape plastic flasks to our backs. Something something, America spent $1mil, Russia used a pencil.
Idk, if someone wanted to hurt people with food there's a myriad of ways. Hand-out ricin laced breakfast tacos to all the bridge bums, put cyanide in a bottles of codeine and leave them laying around the hood, etc.
Cool cool and all but if I buy coconut oil that turns out to be tainted with hobo jizz then the supermarket becomes part of the chain of liability and if it turns out they let any ol' whacked out AIDS riddled ex-carny drop off jars with no paperwork then they might as well bend over and spread their cheeks because it's going in dry
drop off jars with no paperwork
Absolutely Anglo statement 😂

I found the sign that will work on this conservitard audience

Cleaned up pretty nicely out there, bought myself some fancy new socks and tucked away most of the rest.
While out there, I found a decent gig registering people to vote. Pays $20/hr, 40 hr weeks, pretty much up until the election. Going to holler at them next week once plasma shekels start coming in. A month of that kind of work with my basically zero overhead will put me in a very comfortable position.
Oh, also, I got cat called by a drunk wine aunt today. She was probably just having a laugh with her friend in the driver seat but it still felt nice to be objectified. Really don't understand why the feminists bitch about that sort of thing

Ugh 🙄
Has there been anyone else ever banned from Ashley's thread but her?

It's honestly not that cozy. It's just trading one Null for another who is even older and sketchier.
@Ashley Hutsell Jankowski
No ma'am, I can but won't stop talking about you until you stop making a spectacle of yourself. I love you though 😘
If you ever get tired of your old man, you let me know. I'll be down to chatta your nooga before you can say "Oh Gaylord, please plunge my soggy depths"
I'm the first nigga to ever not be allowed in BB's thread 😭
Not sorry @Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt
I'll keep giving "bad" people good ideas 😎
You could always appropriately address (((our))) concerns instead of distracting yourself with ooga booga nonsense?
I A-log because you're incredibly sus and you refuse to be the supposed adult in the room. Just stop being a fucking asshole, maybe let the mods you have on staff run this site and you go play with the three Nigerians who will ever care about your side projects you keep trying to use us in?
Oi fucking weh,
I've offended the newly self proclaimed freeze peech advocate so much that jannies have to approve what I'm saying

@Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt
Suck a dick, nigger lover.
I'll just sock puppet up another 100 times if you absolutely insist. Sorry you have to run from your pedophile admissions, not my problem tho.

Suck a dick, nigger lover.
You like, drunk off your ass or something?
Why would a store let you return food items, that's just fucking insane. Didn't they learn anything from the ice-cream licking and the tylenol murders and shit
In b4 someone replaces the chocolate ice cream with frozen shit and tries to return it.
Reason: It's very easy to take the lid off without damaging the plastic assuming they even have it.
You like, drunk off your ass or something?
I was really angry that day

Just had some uppity faggot landscapers try to run me off the corner where I'm flying a sign today.
"Sir we need you to move along, soliciting is illegal here"
>No, this is a public sidewalk and you're just a landscaper
"Sir this is private property and it's illegal
>Ok, then you should call the cops
"Well that's fine, I'll just call the law and they can handle that"
>Great idea sir, waste police resources
I'm certainly not moving because of some hick faggots who are mad they had to work today but maybe I'm wrong and this particular piece of sidewalk is actually private. Will update if anything comes of it

Just had some uppity faggot landscapers try to run me off the corner where I'm flying a sign today.
"Sir we need you to move along, soliciting is illegal here"
>No, this is a public sidewalk and you're just a landscaper
"Sir this is private property and it's illegal
>Ok, then you should call the cops
"Well that's fine, I'll just call the law and they can handle that"
>Great idea sir, waste police resources
I'm certainly not moving because of some hick faggots who are mad they had to work today but maybe I'm wrong and this particular piece of sidewalk is actually private. Will update if anything comes of it
Where's your fucking job? Expect everything in life to be a handout?

They need to get on with it and shoot you dead, worthless spic.

They need to get on with it and shoot you dead, worthless spic.
Oh ok, you are a Gargamel sock. You're literally a jewish furry pedophile, so the fact that you wish ill on me is a sign that I've done something right 💅🏻
Just curious, but do your three paraphilias cross over? I'd hope you'd wait until the male dog was of age but I suspect you're not so choosy

-unintelligible spic speak-
Gibsmedat gibsmedat giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimbsmedaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat *bangs tin can*

Where'd you spend the night, kiddy diddler?

You're like Napoleon when they sent him to Saint Helena.

Get a grip bro.

Fried chicken buffet induced itis 🪦